Checklist to revise Early Elizabethan England…
Key topic 1 = Queen, government and religion 1558-1569Focus / Completed in book… / Revised content… / Tried an exam question about this…
1. What was England like in 1558?
2. What was English society like in 1558?
3. Who was involved in the English government in 1558?
4. Elizabeth’s legitimacy – was she legally allowed to be Queen?
5. The Virgin Queen? The problem of being a woman, marriage and her character…
6. Financial (money) problems in England in 1558…
7. How was France a threat to Elizabeth’s reign?
8. Religious divisions in England – the Reformation (Prot vs Cath)
9. What was Elizabeth’s religious settlement of 1559? Was it effective?
10. What was the role of the Church of England in society?
11. How dangerous was the Puritan challenge to Elizabeth?
12. How dangerous was the Catholic threat to Elizabeth? (incl. Pope, Spain)
13. How and why was Mary Queen of Scots a threat to Elizabeth?
14. Relations between Elizabeth & Mary (Queen of Scots) 1568-9…
Key topic 2 = Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad…
Focus / Completed in book… / Revised content… / Tried an exam question about this…
1. What were the plots against Elizabeth from 1558-88? (Ridolfi, Throckmorton, Babington)
2. Why did plots against Elizabeth happen?
3. What was the significance and impact of plots against Elizabeth?
4. Who was Walsingham and why was he important to Elizabeth?
5. Why did Elizabeth execute Mary Queen of Scots?
6. Why was Mary’s execution significant?
7. Why was Spain such a significant rival to England? (pol, rel, econ)
8. How was Drake significant in relations with Spain? (incl singeing of King’s beard!!!)
9. What were Elizabeth’s foreign policy aims?
10. What happened in the Netherlands – why was it significant?
11. Why was 1584 an important year in Anglo-Spanish relations?
12. What was Robert Dudley’s role in the Netherlands?
13. Why did Philip of Spain send an Armada against England?
14. Why did the Spanish lose and what was the significance of a win for Elizabeth/England?
Key topic 3 = Elizabethan society in the age of exploration, 1558-88
Focus / Completed in book… / Revised content… / Tried an exam question about this…
1. What was Education like in England 1558-88?
2. What do Elizabethan leisure & pastimes show us about England 1558-88?
3. Why did poverty increase in Tudor / Elizabethan times?
4. How did attitudes to the poor change in Elizabeth’s reign?
5. Why did Elizabethans go exploring?!?
6. Why did Drake circumnavigate the world & why was it significant for England / Elizabeth?
7. Why was the colonisation of Virginia significant?
8. Why did colonisation fail in Virginia?