Module Three
Family Name: Date Completed:
Checklist on Aggressive Tendencies
- If someone did something against you,
would you do something to get revenge?
- Would you let them know you were after them?
- What sort of thing would you do if you were very angry?
- Have you ever thought of hurting yourself when you have been really angry?
- What would you do if someone insulted you?
- Has there ever been a time when you really wanted to hurt someone?
- Do you enjoy watching violent films?
- How do you feel when you see blood?
- How often do you get angry enough to yell and swear at people?
- When was the last time and what happened?
- If people let you down how quickly do you forgive them?
- Did you get involved in fights when you were growing up?
- Would you hit someone if they were being verbally abusive to you?
- Do you think people who refuse to fight are cowards?
- Do you think you are angry more often than most people?
- How many times have you smashed things in the house when you have lost your temper?
- When was the last time and what happened?
- What is the most violent thing you have ever done?
- Could you imagine doing anything like that again?
- What would you do if someone was prodding you in the chest to make a point
- If someone upsets you would you get angry with them?
- Do you get angry with people who get on your nerves?
- What would you do if someone was making fun of you?
- What would you do to someone who was showing off?
- Have you any convictions for violence?
- Have you ever been arrested for violence?
- Do you consider yourself to be an aggressive person?
- Do you consider yourself to be a violent person?
- Do you think other people see you as an aggressive or violent person?
- Do other people think you are someone who can look after yourself in an argument or fight?
- Do you think any of the things we have talked about would affect your child(ren)?
- If yes how would it affect them?
- If you think it affects your child(ren) how would you change your behaviour?
Taken from A Practitioner’s Tool for Child Protection and the Assessment of Parents by Jeff Fowler