Scholarship Application
Today’s Date: [Date] / Application Due Date: April 1ststudent INFORMATION
Student’s last name:[Last Name] / First:[First Name] / Middle:[Initial] / Status:[Choose an item]Are you planning to attend full-time at UW-Marinette? / High School & Graduation Year / Former name (if applicable): / Birth date: / Age: / Sex:
/ [HS Name & Graduation Yr] / [Former Name] / [Birthday] / [Age] /
Address:[Address/ P.O Box, City, ST ZIP Code]
E-mail Address: / Home phone no.: / Cell phone no.:
[E-mail Address] / [Phone] / [Phone]
Intended Major: / Parents’ Employer(if applicable): / Your Employer:
[Major] / [Employer] / [Phone]
On a separate document, complete an essay highlighting the chosen topic. (recommended length is at least 500 words) / Choose an essay topic to complete: [Choose an item]
Activities:[On separate document, list the high school, college, employment and/or community activities in which you have made a significant contribution. Please state the activity, briefly describe your contributions and list the years you were involved. Listing the number of volunteer hours is highly suggested. Explain why your involvement in these activities was valuable and how they contributed to the community.]
Checklist of information required for complete application
(Please type essay & activities on a separate sheet of paper)
TO APPLY YOU MUST:- Be accepted/current student at UW-Marinette
- Attach/Send a copy of your unofficial transcript –both high school and college (if applicable) (continuing UW students do NOT need to provide high school transcripts)
- Attach your selected essay
- Attach your list of activities/employment
- Select 2individuals to write a reference/letter of support of your behalf (we highly recommend the use of teachers/professors/faculty or staff for your references)- submission should be made directly to the UW-Marinette Scholarship Committee (address to the right)
- Complete entire application and return with all materials to the address listed to the right
- Submit all materials by the April 1stdeadline
UW-Marinette Scholarships
750 W. Bay Shore Street
Marinette, WI 54143
Or submit all paperwork electronically via email to:
Questions, call:
715-735-4300 x4301
If any of the required materials are missing, the scholarship application file will be considered incomplete and you will not be eligible to receive a scholarship.
For students attending UW-Marinette, full-time is defined as 12 credits or more; part-time is 6-11 credits. In addition to specific requirements of individual scholarships, essential qualifications include academic record, leadership qualities, school and community involvement. Other selection criteria include academic potential, motivation and written communication skills.
Scholarship application materials will be shared with members of the UW-Marinette Scholarship Committee and recipient information will be shared with the UW-Marinette Foundation Board.
Recipients must be enrolled in classes for college credit at the UW-Marinette campus to receive appropriate monies. If recipient is not yet registered for classes on the first day of the semester for which the award is designated, the Scholarship Committee reserves the right to reassign the scholarship. If recipient does not meet the scholarship requirements once the scholarship is awarded, the award may be assigned to another student.
The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I verify that I am the author of this document and hereby attest to its accuracy and integrity.
Student signature / Date