Template for Writing Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives

Audience / Student completing Research Methods course
Behavior / Demonstrate, find
Conditions / After taking Methods course
Degree / 10 sources

Outcome/Objective: After taking the Research Methods course, students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of how the library works by finding ten sources for a research paper in the Library.

Checklist for Writing Outcomes/Objectives,

Or, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Objective Writers.”





1.  Is it sufficiently important to warrant measurement?

/ q / q

2.  Is it compatible with University and/or program’s mission and philosophy?

/ q / q

3.  Is it student-focused – including a description of what (subject matter, skills, attitudes, etc.) the student is expected to learn or develop?

/ q / q

4.  Does it refer to observable student behavior?

/ q / q

5.  Is it reasonable? (Can desired student behavior can be taught or developed and measured within the available time limit?)

/ q / q

6.  Does it clearly state the conditions for testing or demonstration of learning or development?

/ q / q

7.  Does it specify a minimum level of acceptable performance?

/ q / q

Adapted from Sax (1989), p. 83