MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund
Request for Mini-Grant Proposals
Applications must be received (NOT postmarked) by end of day on July 17, 2013.
In order to increase voter participation in the 2013 elections, MassVOTE is offering mini-grants to organizations working to carry out non-partisan civic engagement work. MassVOTE is making available several grants between $800 and $2,500. Mini-grant projects should combine non-partisan voter education and mobilization with education and discussion about important public policy problems, for example, the need for quality jobs, good schools, safe streets, etc. The mini-grants are intended to help recipient organizations build power in their communities by organizing their memberships to participate in the democratic process. We ask that grantees acknowledge the sponsorship of the MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund on materials paid for by the mini-grant.
The mini-grants will support groups to carry out short-term civic engagement projects. The mini-grants are intended to help organizations conduct door-to-door voter education and mobilization, run voter registration drives, create and distribute candidate guides, hold non-partisan meet-the-candidates forums, etc. Emphasis should be on direct, one-on-one voter contact and follow-up. Technical assistance and a voter tracking system are available from MassVOTE. Groups that have not done major voter engagement work but have considered it are encouraged to use this mini-grant to explore that possibility.
Grant Period: July - December, 2013
A required orientation for all grantees will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2013, 10AM-12PM at the MassVOTE office.
Grant applications should be returned to Cheryl Clyburn Crawford, MassVOTE, 41 West St., 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02111 or via email at .
Each application must include:
· a cover page using the attached template
· a copy of evidence from the Internal Revenue Service of the 501c3 tax status of the applicant, or, if the applicant does not yet have 501c3 tax status, the appropriate documents from the applicant’s fiscal sponsor
· a narrative section of no more than two pages, answering the following questions:
1. Brief introduction, including organizational mission statement and why your organization is qualified for the proposed grant.
2. What are the goals of the project, how will these goals be achieved, and how will your project build power in low-income communities and communities of color?
3. What will be your strategy for registering, educating and mobilizing voters? Please include your voter outreach methods and current estimates of your numerical goals – how many voters you will attempt to reach, etc.
4. Where will your work take place? What neighborhoods, and if you know them, what precincts? What racial, cultural, or linguistic groups are you targeting?
5. What will be purchased or paid for with mini-grant funds?
About the MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund:
The MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund provides technical assistance and funding to community-based organizations in order to increase voter participation and civic engagement in low-income communities and communities of color on a nonpartisan basis. The Fund is supported by the generous assistance of the Access Strategies Fund, the Hyams Foundation, and the Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation.
41 West Street, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-8683
Mini-Grant Application Cover Page
Applications must be received (NOT postmarked) by end of day on July 17, 2013.
Name of Organization:
President/Exec. Dir.:
Contact/Lead Organizer (if different):
Phone #:
501(c)(3)? Yes/No
If yes, Federal Tax ID # (FEIN): (Please also attach your IRS 501(c)(3) letter.)
If not a 501(c)(3), name of fiscal sponsor (organization name and address):
Total Organizational Budget:
Number of Organizational Volunteers/Members:
Total # of staff working on project:
Total # of stipended volunteers working on project:
Population and Geographic Area Served:
Requested Amount:
Board Authorization: I, the undersigned, confirm that our Board of Directors is fully apprised of the nonpartisan nature of the MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund for which we are applying for funds. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I pledge to ensure that all activities conducted under the auspices of the MassVOTE Civic Engagement Fund will adhere to all laws and regulation pertaining to organizations qualified as tax exempt under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code parameters for the duration of the project. Moreover, I further pledge that under no circumstances will parties engaged in implementing the proposed activities show a preference for or against any candidate or political party.
Signature of Authorized Board Official Date
Name of Authorizing Individual Title
41 West Street, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-8683