- Resultative verbs
blow [out PRD] the candle
pull the light [off PRD]
syntax: PRD particle should be parsed as ADVP
- Conjunction ‘and’ – annotate only when the conjunction appears in the beginning of a phrase with respect to the clause following the conjunction
[DIS And] You haven’t seen Donna. (annotate with respect ‘see’).
You haven’t seen Donna and you keep saying that. (do not annotate ‘and’ with respect to any of the verbs).
- Whenever possible, label subject antecedent for subject trace of a main verb in subordinate infinitival clauses with no overt subject.
Example: Who told you how to [do] that?
‘Who’ is a possible antecedent of the subject of “do”, so we consider “who” A0 w.r.t “do”.
- Imperative clauses
Label the vocative subject as argument of the main verb
Example: Bogey man [get] me! ‘Bogey man’ is A0
- For-phrases as purpose
What did you have [for supper PRP]?
- Relative clauses (still not finalized)
I like [a baby A0] [that A0] works-v
- Tagging modal verbs
Tag the target as ARG-MOD, and not –v-, so as not to confuse it with other cases of the same verb:
cf. he's going-ARG-MOD to do that- MODAL going
he-A0's going-v there-A4 - MAIN VERB going
- Tagging auxiliary verbs
Remove the v-tag from auxiliary verbs!
If the target verb is an AUX, we remove all ARGs and remove the v-tag as well (e.g. 'you have done that' - no v-tag for have.
- Dislocated constituents
Tag both. In line with this analysis, also tag both in cases like:
'[powder puff A1] you [guess] [so A1]?
- Sentences with multiple modals
We’ll have to fix it’ - ‘have’ is a MODAL w.r.t “fix”, “will” is a MODAL w.r.t “have”
- Relative clauses:
Mark relative pronoun as RCL, mark the noun as ARG; link the pronoun to the noun using CTRL+SHIFT+*.
(1)semantically similar sentences (with and without r.pron.) will have similar annotations
the book he wrote/the book that he wrote
(2)It will give us a way to annotate the rel. pron. with RCL
(3)Although this is different from what we usually do (mark the word belonging to the trace instead of the trace), there is not always a trace (cf. ‘that’ and ‘which’).
Examples of relative clauses:
- [NP [NP something] [SBAR [S to cry about]]]
[something CAU] to cry-v [about CAU]
- [NP [NP all] [SBAR [S you’re doing]]] is fooling.
Fooling-v: you-A0
Do-v: you-A0, all-A1
- know [PP at [NP [NP night] [SBAR when [S you see the big airplanes coming in]]]
‘when’ – RCL, link ‘when’ to ‘night’
- all she’s been doing is crying
cry-v: she-A0
- what’s the one you have?
‘is-v: ‘what’, ‘the one you have’
Have-v: you, ‘the one’
- we add words to EXT: “a lot”, “a little bit”, slow down “to ninety”
- Discourse markers: ‘you’, ‘boy’ ‘you know’ (see also “decisions.xls”)
- correcting typos – do not correct typos, make the parse be as correct as possible with respect to the interpretation you can give the sentence
'you'd you talk to on the telephone?' - do not correct 'you'd', treat 'you' as if it's 'who' with respect to syntax and semantics
15. Tagging split arguments
For split arguments (e.g. [What PRP] are you running [for PRP]) we would like to tag both of the parts of the split constituent with the same label, in the example above, PRP.
16. Multiple arguments of the same type (also see 15).
[In the summer TMP] [in the morning TMP] he always runs.
17. Parsing extra “stuff”
Treat extra stuff as FRAG:
[S That’s all you think of [FRAG is Kellogs]]
FRAG attaches at S-level, so it is not an argument of ‘think’ or ‘is’
'where does this [INTJ[UH gone]] [go]?' no semantic label for disfluencies
19)Broken arguments
Broken arguments are different from split arguments (see 15) (split arguments result from wh-movement). Broken arguments result from “heavy-shift” constructions, where it is impossible to attach the constituent to the phrase to which it belongs because of intervening material (see also TBParseGuide p. 107 for information about syntactic treatment of such cases). We would like to label both parts of the broken argument with the same label.
[How many A1] do you have [like this A1]?
20)Tail questions
You didn’t [go] there, [SQ did you]? – tag SQ as DIS (discourse marker).
21)Labeling nouns that head a relative clause
‘[NP [NP every time] [SBAR I put-v the clothes on them]] you take them off. –‘every time’ TMP’
Special case: two arguments of the verb “to be”
[That LOC] is not for babies to play-v [in LOC].
[It A2] is not for [you A0] to play-v [with A2]
[She A1] is much too heavy for [you A0] to carry-v.
May [I A0] have [a spoonful of that A1] to give-v [to Sarah A2]?
That’s [what A2] [I A0] am using to knit-v [with A2]
Please give [me A0] [NP [something A1] to eat-v].
22)Modal verbs and discourse markers
Label discourse markers both with respect to the modal verb and the main verb
‘No, I’ll have to do it’. – label ‘No’ as DIS w.r.t ‘have’ and ‘do’
23)Traces and empty arguments
[I A0] showed you [how MNR] to do-v [that A1]
You have to teach [him A0] to go-v [on his finger A4]
a)Repeated verbs (first verb should not be tagged)
If you lose them, you’re not going to get get them anymore. – first ‘get’ does not have arguments