Checking Truancy through Attendance report writer
Instructions below can be used for monthly or end of year Truancy check. The only differences are in step 4 (select the date range) and step 9 (see below for differences).
1. Go to Attendance > Daily RW
2. Select this report: Search List - Att Code Search - Offending Details Only
3. (See picture below for settings described)
4. Select date ranges in #5 and #6. Should be one calendar month or one school year depending on which report you are running.
5. #7 does not matter for this report.
6. Select a grade range in #8 and #9
7. A does not matter for this report since we’re running an Attendance Code search
8. Set B to AU / ABSENCE UN (this will only include students marked AU)
9. Monthly vs. End of Year:
- Monthly report: set C to 3 (our limit is 3, we want to show only kids with more than 3 absences in one month)
- End of Year report: set C to 9 (our limit is 9, we want to show only kids with more than 9 absences in one school year)
10. Set E to Active Students Only
11. Set F to Yes
12. G does not matter for this report
13. H can be Print Numerically in table
14. Click Done.
15. Select All Grades Combined
16. Select from Options:
- To run for all students, click 1) All Students Alphabetically. Go to step 16.
- To run only for students with a particular entry in Address, such as “Mr. Sullivan” in the ADM field:
- Select 5) search by Field(s) (you enter criteria)
- In the example above, select page 7 and enter “Mr. Sullivan” (with no quotes) into the ADM field and click F10/Accept. (This will run the report for all students with that entered in the ADM field.)
- Click Next.
For all students that appear in this report, go to page 3 in Rediker and make sure the Truant field is marked Y for that student. Once a student is marked truant within one school year, that student remains Truant = Y for the whole year.
Notes: if want to do all unexcused, could use register code search
Checking Truancy through Attendance report writer