Check 2: Working with diversity
Task:Answer the following questions which are based on the scenario and image below. Note that there are two parts to the scenario and two sets of questions.
You can print this document and write your answers, or you can type your answers in the spaces provided. Remember to save your work to a folder or to your computer or storage device.
Scenario: Part 1
Steve and Fatima are employees at a medium size office. Steve has never felt really spoken to Fatima, apart from ‘Hello’ when they pass each other in the office, even though they have worked in the same area for almost a year.
One morning, Steve sees Fatima in the tea room alone and he decides it’s a good opportunity to get to know each other. He sits down next to her and introduces himself. He starts talking about how much he likes working at the office, and then how on the previous Friday night a few people from work went out for a drink and how they were out all night. He doesn’t really notice Fatima is feeling awkward. Instead, he gets more relaxed. When making a point, he touches Fatima’s leg.
Figure 1: Steve talking to Fatima
1 Look at the picture of Steve and Fatima. Steve does not recognise the cues that Fatima is giving him in her behaviour. What are these cues?
2 From Fatima’s point of view, what could be the aspects of Steve’s behaviour that are making her uncomfortable and that she feels unable to respond to?
Scenario: Part 2James, Fatima and Steve’s supervisor, enters the tea room when Steve is talking to Fatima. James notices that Fatima looks uncomfortable and he asks her if she could help him find a file he needs. They leave the tea room together.
Later, James decides to talk with Steve and Fatima about what he observed.
3 Read the list of strategies that are available to James to use in this situation with Steve and Fatima. Decide which strategies would be appropriate and which would not be appropriate and explain why you have chosen them. The first one has been done to get you started.
Strategies / Appropriate / Not appropriate1. Provide material on anti-discrimination and harassment at induction
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
It would be appropriate to give these materials to Steve even though he is not a new employee as discrimination and harassment are illegal in the workplace. James could also explain how his behaviour was intimidating and humiliating to Fatima.
2. Coach and mentor new employees
Click the shaded box and explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
3. Model how all staff should be treated
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
4. Identify what staff can offer from their culture
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
5. Ensure individual skills are used in teamwork
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
6. Give training using specific workplace situations
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
7. Provide cross-cultural training in the culture of the organisation’s customer base
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
8. Provide teamwork training—eg valuing members
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
9. Reward and recognise cooperative work activities
Explain why this is/isn’t an appropriate strategy.
How did you go?
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