AGuide to EndNote by
Information ServicesStaff of
UTS Library
University ofTechnology, Sydney
University Library
(April 2014 version)
UTS CRICOS Provider Code 00099F
Table ofContents
1. WhatisEndNote?3
2. Getting started with anEndNote ReferenceLibrary3
2.1 Referencelibraries
2.2 Creating and Opening a referencelibrary
2.3 Addingreferences manuallytoyour referencelibrary
2.4 Creating abackup copyofyour referencelibrary
3. Managing the references inyourReferenceLibrary5
3.1 Editingreferences
3.2 Creating Groups of references withinyour referencelibrary
3.3 Searchingyourreferencelibrary
3.4 Removingduplicatereferences
3.5 Find reference updates
3.6 Mergingseveral EndNotelibraries together
4. EndNote and Attachments (such as theFulltextofreferences)8
4.1 Attaching saved files (pdf andother formats) to references
4.2 Using SFX to find and attach pdf files to your references
4.3 Importingpdf files directlyintoyour EndNotelibrary
5. ReferenceStyles10
5.1 Referencestyles at UTS
5.2 Addingmore referencestyles
5.3 Customisinga referencestyle
6. Saving references fromUTSLibrary CatalogueandJournal Databases12
6.1 Connection files &Onlinesearching
6.2 Direct export from somejournal databases intoEndNote
7. Transferringreferencesinto yourDocument andcreating a Bibliography16
7.1 Insertingin-text citations
7.2 Creating abibliographyandchangingreferencestyle
7.3 Addingpagenumbers toin-text citations
7.4 Other changes to in-text citations
7.5 Unformatting adocument and Merging Word documents
7.6 RemovingField Codes
7.7 Makingastand-alone bibliography in Word from part or all of your library
7.8 Creating a Subject Bibliography
8. InsertingFigures withCaptionsinto yourDocument21
8.1Attaching a Figure toa reference inyour EndNote library
8.2 Inserting (andreferringto)a Figureinyourdocument
8.3 ChangingtheFigureattached to anEndNotereference
9. EndNote Online22
10. EditingEndNote Preferences24
1.What is EndNote?
EndNoteis a softwareprogramthat stores and organisesyour references. Referencescan betransferred from EndNote into aWord document, automatically generating in-text citationsand anend-of-paperbibliography, all correctly formatted in your choice of referencing style.
Theversion ofEndNotecovered bythisGuideisEndNote X7.
Theversions of Word covered are2013/2010/2007(Windows) and 2011/2008/2004 (Mac). In theory, EndNote does also work with Pages on the Mac but there are a number of issues, check EndNote’s website for more information. This guide does not cover Pages.
UTSLibrary’s EndNoteweb pagescan be reachedfrom theLibraryHome Pageviathe Referencing link in the Quick Links section on the right.
EndNoteis available at no costto UTSstaff and students, but itmust be downloadedandinstalledonto your computerfromthe Librarywebpages (UTS login required).
2.Getting started with an EndNote Reference Library
References(ie citations)arestoredin an EndNote Library. You can createmorethan one library, but it’s usuallybestto store allyour references in a singlelibrary, evenif theyarebeingused forseveral unrelated projects(you can use Groupsto organisethem: seeSection 3.2). You will need to be able to access this library from each computer you may be working on (see next section).
2.2Creating and Opening a referencelibrary
Once you install EndNote, you will be asked ifyou want to create anewreferencelibraryor usean existingone. To createanew library, select that option, give the library a name, select a location (which should be aUSB or portable hard drive if you want to use it on more than one computer), and click on Save. You can alsocreateanew library in EndNote byclickingonFile, New. Whenever you use EndNote it will automatically try to open the library you used most recently on your current computer. To open a differentlibrary, click onFile, Open.
It is also possible to store EndNote libraries in cloud-based services such as Dropbox. EndNote has its own cloud-based service, EndNote Online: see Section 9 for more information.
In EndNote X7, libraries have “panels”. You can change the way the panels are displayed by using the Layout drop-downs: in the bottom right corner of the libraryfor Windows (see Figure 1a on next page), or the top right corner for a Mac (see Figure 1b on next page).
2.3Adding referencesmanuallyto your referencelibrary
Click on the New Reference icon (see Figures 1a & 1b above). This brings up anew, blank reference template(seeFigures2a & 2bbelow).
Usethe dropdown menuat thetopto choosethe appropriate ReferenceType.
Typein, or paste, the details of yourreference. Leaveas manysections blankasyou wish.
When addingAuthorsorEditors:
- Always add the familyname first, then acomma,aspace,and then first name(s)orinitials.
oIfthereis morethan oneauthoror editor, each author must be on a separateline.
oAdd allauthors: your chosenreferencestyle willknow howto abbreviate lists of authors.
- Ifan author isan organization,eg Department of Financeplacea single commaafter thelast wordoftheorganisation’s name, egDepartment ofFinance,
Closeand savethenewreference. You’ll now see it in your referencelibrary.
- To delete a reference, select it and use the delete key. Deleted references are placed in Trash. You can recover these if needed by dragging them from Trash back to All References.
2.4Creating a backup copy of your EndNote library
Do this regularly! The best way is to click onFile(in EndNote’s menu bar), then Compressed Library. Create your compressed library (ie your backup) With File Attachments (see Section 4) and (normally) from All References in Library. Choosewhereto savethebackup(not on the same computer!).It’s agood ideatoadd the date into the name ofthebackup, and possibly a word such as backup. A compressed library isa single file containing bothyour EndNote Libraryandits .Data folder that contains anyattachments (see Section 4.1).
3.Managingthereferencesin yourReference Library
3.1Editing references
To editareference, double clickon itin the libraryto bringup itstemplate. You canadd ordeletedata, or changereferencetype. Then closethe template windowand save changes.
Usethe ResearchNotesfield foryour own notes, such as summaries, usefulfeaturesthey contain, and so on. You can add as much information hereasyouwish.
- Usethe Show/ Hide Empty Fieldsicon(see Figures 2a & 2b below) to show or hideanyemptyfields (note thatthis willaffect allthe references inyour library).
3.2CreatingGroups ofreferences withinyourReferenceLibrary
Right click in the Groups areaon theleft ofyour library(see Figures 1a & 1b; onaMacclick while pressing the Control key)and selectCreateGroupto create namea newGroup. You can create as many different Groups as you wish.
Copyreferences into aGroup byselectinginAll References, thendrag and droponto theGroup name.Each reference can becopiedinto many Groups.
- Alternatively, right click (on a Mac, Control + click) on selected references and choose Add References To your chosen Group.
Click on the name ofaGroupto displayjustthe references that havebeen added to that Group.
Groups only contain copies ofthe references.Ifyou deletea referencefrom a Group, or even delete the entire Group,the references willstillbein All References.(But ifyou delete areferencefromAll References itis also deleted fromallthe Groups it was in).
UseCreateGroup Setto createa Group Set to helpyou organiseyour Groups. Dragging aGroup onto a GroupSet moves itinto theGroup Set. A Group Set is really just a heading.
You can alsocreate Smart Groups: this allowsyouto specifyin advancecertain properties for allthe references in theSmart Group (eg certain words appearingin certain fields). References with theseproperties(including later additions) are automatically added to theSmart Group.
TheUnfiled group always shows thosereferencesthat havenotyet been added to anyGroup.
- When you import references from a database (see Section 6.2) a Group is created that contains the most recently imported references.
- When you insert references into a Word document (see Section 7), a Group is created that contains all the inserted references in the document.
3.3Searching your referencelibrary
Withyourreferencelibraryopen,click on All Referencesand then use the Quick Search window in the library menu bar (Search Library on a Mac). UseShow Search Panel(on a Mac, click on the Show Search option in the layout dropdown menu, see Figure 1b) if you want to search specific fields ofyour references.You canforceMatch Caseor Match Word if you wish.
3.4Removing duplicate references
Click on References(inEndNote’s menu bar), then FindDuplicates. Pairs of duplicates are displayed,allowingyou to keepthe onesyou want. Deleted duplicatesaremoved toTrash. If unsure, always keep the left reference of a pair, because this has been in your library the longest.
3.5Find reference updates
This is a new feature that allows you to update the data in the fields of your journal article references. It works best if you have an article’sDOI (digital object identifier) but can sometimes work with author, year and journal name instead. This is especially useful if you have a pdf file that cannot be imported into your library (see Section 4.3) but which has a DOI (not all pdfs have a DOI, unfortunately). Make sure the DOI is in a reference’s DOI field (all other fields can be empty), select it in your EndNote library, and then select References, Find Reference Updates …If updated data can be located, you will be shown a template with the updated data, which you can transfer into your original reference in EndNote.
3.6Merging severalEndNotelibraries together
Open the EndNotelibrary you wish to be yourmainlibrary, oralternativelycreateanew, emptylibrarythat willbecome themainlibrary. Close all other libraries.
Click on the Filein EndNote’s menu bar, thenImport,File, and chooseanotherreference libraryasyour Import Data File.Usingthe Import Optiondropdown menu, choose EndNoteLibrary, then click on Import. This also imports anyattached files.
Alternatively,you canselect and then copyand paste references from onelibraryto another.
4.EndNoteand Attachments (such as the Fulltextofreferences)
4.1 Attaching saved files(pdforany otherformat) to a reference
Dragthe iconof thesaved file and drop itontothereferenceinyour EndNote library. Alternatively, rightclickon the referenceyou want to attach the fileto (onaMac, Control + click),and chooseFileAttachments, AttachFile... Chooseyour file and then click onOpen.
A paperclip symbolappears next toeach referencewith an attachedfile. (You may need to open and then close the reference to see this paperclip). Toopen an attached filein Windows, select thereferenceand click on theyellowOpenFile icon (see Figure1a). On a Mac click on the Open PDF icon (see Figure 1b).
You can attachmore thanonefile to a reference, andthe files can beinany format.You can seewhich files havebeenattached to areferencebyopeningthe referenceand scrolling down to theFile Attachmentsfield. You will seeicons for anyattached files. Clicking on an icon will open its file. Deletinganicon deletes the attachedfile it represents.
Once a file is attached,you no longerneedthe saved original: attaching a filecopiesand stores it in a folderthat was automaticallycreatedwhenyou createdyour referencelibrary. This folder has the same name as the library,followed by .Data (instead of.enl). Itcontains allyour attached files(so it is veryimportant!)andis stored with its associated library.The .Data folderis automaticallybacked up whenyou useFile, Compressed Library to create abackup copyofyour reference library(seeSection 2.4). The.Data folderalso contains details about your Groups (seeSection 3.2) and attached figures (see Section 8).
4.2Using SFX to find and attach pdf files to your references
If you have references in your library but no saved pdf files, you can get EndNote to find and attach the pdfs, if UTS Library subscribes to a database that contains the required pdf.
- Click on Edit, Preferences (on a Mac, EndNote X7, Preferences).
- Select Find Full Text from the list of preferences on the left of the preferences window.
- In the Open URL Path box, type:
- In the Authenticate with box, type:
- Then click on Apply and OK. If you now right click (on a Mac, Control+click) on a reference (or several selected references) in your EndNote library and choose Find Full Text,EndNote will search the library’s databases for full text and (if successful) attach pdfs to the selected references. You can also use the Find Full Text icon in EndNote’s menu bar to do this.
4.3Importingpdffiles directly into yourEndNotelibrary
Ifyou havesaved pdffiles but do notyet have references for them inyourEndNote library, EndNote allowsyou to importthesedirectlyintoyour EndNotelibrary,automaticallycreating an EndNote reference from dataineach, andthen attachingthe pdftoit. This can bedone forindividual files, or forawhole folder ofsavedpdfs.
However, theoriginal pdf must be in a format that allows EndNote to extract citation data, and unfortunately many pdfs are not in this format. Otherwise (for example if your pdf is a scanned document), the referencethat is createdwillhavemostlyemptyfields and thesewill need to be filled out by you withdata from the attached pdf. If this happens, and your pdf has a DOI, you can use Find reference updates (see Section 3.5) to correctly populate the empty fields.
- In EndNote, click onFile, Import. IfusingWindows, choose File... orFolder... Then select an individual pdf fileorfolder of pdfs, set Import Optionto PDF, and clickImport.
- Ifusing aMac, select thefileor folderyouwish to import, setImport Optionto “PDF FileorFolder”,and clickonImport.
- You’llseethe new reference(s)inyour library, each with itspdf attached. (Note that if the pdf is not in a compatible format the references will have almost all fields empty, see above).
- A short cut for the above is to drag the icon of the pdf onto the Preview area at the bottom of the Library window.
5.Reference Styles
5.1Referencestyles at UTS
ManyareasofUTS use the reference style Harvard(UTS) which isderived fromthe Australian Government’s Style Manual (6th edition, 2002). The FacultyofLaw uses theAGLC stylewhich is based on the Australian Guideto Legal Citation(3rdedition, 2010).
EndNote’s current styleis shown in the style windowat thetop of thelibrary (seeFigure1).
EndNote comes with manyreferencestyles to choose from. Toseethem, use thestyle window’s dropdown menu toSelect Another Style.
Mostof EndNote’s stylesarebased on the preferred styleofvarious journals.Choosingastyle adds it to the dropdown menu in EndNote’s stylewindow. You canadd asmany asyou wish.
Harvard(UTS)and AGLC arenot initiallyinthe Select Another Stylelist(there maybe otherversions ofHarvard which youshould notuse). Add them to thelist from UTSLibrary’swebsite: click on Referencing in Quick Links, then EndNote, then ReferencingStyles.
5.2Adding morereferencestyles
- Harvard (UTS) style can be saved into EndNote from the library’s EndNote web pages.
- You can alsoadd morestyles from EndNote’s websitebyclickingonEdit, Output Styles, Open Style Manager and thenon the Get MoreontheWebbutton in thebottom right corner. Download individual styles byclickingon theDownloadlink next to each.
- When adding new styles, if adownloadwindow appears, selectOpen(Internet Explorer)or OpenwithEndNote(Firefox). In certain browsers (Chrome or Safari) the style is saved into your downloads folder. If this happens, right click on the downloaded style (on a Mac, Control + click) and Open with EndNote.
- Thestyle then opens in EndNote: click onFile, SaveAs. Editthe stylename ifnecessary(theremight be some unwanted text or symbols) and then click onSave. Close thestylewindow in EndNote and then useSelect Another Styleto chooseit.
5.3Customising a referencestyle
Referencestyles inEndNote are easyto customise. To edita referencestyle, first select itin the stylewindow. Then clickonEdit (in EndNote’s menu bar), Output Styles, then Edit“your selectedstyle”. TheEdit Style window appears (see Figure 3).You will seemanyoptions in the column on the left ofthe Edit Style window.
- Anonymous Works: some referencesdo not have an author,and sohavean emptyAuthor field. This optiontellsEndNotehow to cite such referencesin text and inyour bibliography.
Sections: place referencelists aftereach section of adocument, at the end only, orboth.
Citations -Templates: shows how referencesarecited within the text ofyour document.
Citations -Ambiguouscitations: if some referenceshavethesame first author surname andthe same year, this option letsyouchoosehow to distinguish between them.
Citations -AuthorLists: if areference has several authors, this option letsyou choosehow the list of authors isdisplayedwhenyoucitethe referencein text.
Citations -Sort Order:ifyou are citingseveral references in thesameplace, thisallowsyou to choosehow theyareordered(forexample, alphabeticallybyauthor, or chronologically).
Bibliography-Templates: shows howyour references aredisplayed inyourbibliography.
Each referencetypehas its own template; manystyles support just a few referencetypes.
oInsert newfields into an existing template usingthe InsertFieldbutton on top right.
oCreate atemplate foranew referencetypeusingtheReferenceTypesbutton.
oChangetext to (or from)italic, bold, orunderlined, usingthe relevant icons.
oPlacequotation marks, brackets, commas or otherpunctuation whereneeded.
oInsertyour own text.If theinserted text refers to a Field,you should linkitto the Field with a LinkAdjacent TextsymbolbyusingtheInsertFieldbutton. This is so that if the Field happens to beempty your text will notappear.For example, ifyourtemplate has Vol. Volume, using aLinkAdjacent Textsymboltolink “vol.”to thefield name “Volume”stops“vol.” appearingif the Volumefield of areferenceis empty.
Bibliography-AuthorLists andEditorLists: allowsyou to specifyhowreferences with multiple authors ormultiple editors aredisplayedinyour bibliography.Notethat “EditorLists”only governs editors inreferences withboth authors andeditors, eg Book Section.
Bibliography-Layout:allowsyou to add text, fields (egResearchNotes)or blank lines, beforeor after each referenceinyour bibliography.Also controls ifreferencesareindented.
Bibliography-Sort Order: allowsyou to specifyhowyour bibliographyis ordered, for examplebyorder of appearance(usedforanumbered style), oralphabeticallybyauthor.
- Categories: allows you to group different reference types together as categories in your bibliography.
Footnotes: determines whetherreferences cited in footnotes have the same format as the in-text citations, thesame format as the bibliography,or some other, customised format.
- Figures andTables: you can choose whetherfigures or tablesappear in-text or as a list at the end, and choose the location of figure labels and captions(seeSection 8).
6.SavingreferencesfromUTS Library Catalogue andJournalDatabases
6.1Connection files & Onlinesearching
Referencescan beelectronicallytransferred into EndNote from librarycataloguesusingOnline SearchwithConnection Files. EndNote comes with manyconnection files, but dueto access restrictions by commercial databases,itis notpossible to usemost ofEndNote’s database connection files. Connection fileswork finewith most librarycataloguesand the PubMed database, becauseaccess to these isusuallyfree.There aretwomethodsofusingOnline Search:
In thefirst method, clickonthe OnlineSearchMode icon in themenu bar(seeFigures4a & 4b below)and select a libraryfrom theOnline Search list (click onmore…to seethefull list). UTSLibraryis listed as “UTechnologySydney”. Ifyou don’t see“U TechnologySydney”,go to thelibrary’s EndNotewebpage for instructionsto add it to the list of connections.