AL teaching LESSON 14 “Play a suit contract” (6)
Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Feb 20 07:43:58 2007
bilmanager (Lobby): => Club:
AL (xx1943) just opened a teaching table in the BIl.
He continues his series of lessons:
"How to play a suit contract
xx1943: hi all
xx1943: Hello everybody. Today a prepared you another 8 boards on HOW TO PLAY A SUIT-CONTRACT.
xx1943: If you like to get my weekly newsletter mail to:
xx1943: All questions in public please.
xx1943: I recommend you to make your kib-setting so, that you ONLY KIB SOUTH: Does everyone know, how to manage this?
M61bert: noruder_7: noJunket1: no
onoway->Kibitzers: click on your name and edit profile then check kib south only
xx1943: click on the yellow gear in the bottom line
M61bert->Kibitzers: use the gear
xx1943: click on the tab "At the table"
xx1943: In the case in the lower right side "When kibitzing" click "kibitz South"
xx1943: ok?
M61bert: got it
xx1943: We discuss the bidding only shortly. This is a lesson on play the cards.
xx1943: ok
onoway->Kibitzers: click on your name and edit profile then check kib south only
xx1943: click on the yellow gear in the bottom line
M61bert->Kibitzers: use the gear
xx1943: click on the tab "At the table"
ruder_7: ok I see
xx1943: In the case in the lower right side "When kibitzing" click "kibitz South"
xx1943: ok?
xx1943: #1
xx1943: 9 HCP what is your bid?
isabable: 4s
marthar: 4!c
xx1943: sure you have a great hand with supported !ss LTC 9
marthar: noo scrap that
xx1943: count your loser:
ruder_7: 7 loosers
xx1943: 3 in !H and 4 in !Ds
xx1943: without this damned trump lead you had a complete crossruff
xx1943: important, that you have the high intermediates in trump
xx1943: poor defenders are under-ruffing :(
SillyBily->Kibitzers: morning kibbs :)
xx1943: Hi Billy
Miksa->Kibitzers: Hello :)
xx1943: BUT WEST found the "killing" trump lead
marthar: Hi all :)
xx1943: now you are a trick short
marthar->Kibitzers: oops:(
xx1943: I'm honored to welcome HUERAY the founder and adminstrator of "RaysLadder"
Miksa: Hello, Ray, good job with your Bridge Ladders, thanks!
xx1943: Welcome MIKSA, Mihailo does a great great job in preparing my lin-files to post on my site
mary 1: only chance to finesse !C?
SillyBily: hurray for Hue Ray :)
xx1943: clap clap mary you are rite
HueRay: hi all
xx1943: you need an additional triick and the only chance is the unnecessary !C finesse
xx1943: if the hook fails, you are -2, so what? Playing IMPs only count, if you make your contract or not.
xx1943: better first the side A
xx1943: 4 tricks in the bag, 6 more come from the cross ruff
xx1943: ok #2
isabable: hi you didnt save al
xx1943: sry I forgot to save #1
isabable: ty al
xx1943: 44 in minors opens 1!D
xx1943: what is 3!C?
M61bert: cue?
0 bAZYL 0: splinter
xx1943: 2!C is 4th suit forcing, so 3!C is splinter, confirming !S
xx1943: RKCB
xx1943: 1403
Miksa: S has 3 keycards
xx1943: ty
xx1943: make your plan:
xx1943: Crossruff? Cash 4 side winners and make your trumps separately?
xx1943: Why does this fail?
xx1943: and now 4 tricks in crossruff
xx1943: ouch
xx1943: your trumps are too small
mary 1: too samll !S on hand, must raise !H
xx1943: if you had 987 instead of 654 all were well
xx1943: we need another plan
xx1943: look the hand from the other side:
xx1943: Make dummy the MAIN HAND
xx1943: now you have 1D and 4H loser
xx1943: if !Hs are 33 hearts are high with 1 ruff. But you can ruff twice as well
xx1943: Who wants to try?
xx1943: hearts are distributed 4/2
xx1943: calp clap clap
xx1943: great job Mary
mary 1: :)
xx1943: ty Mary
xx1943: free ur seat pls
xx1943: #3
->mary 1: free your saet pls
mary 1: sorry
xx1943: what is your bid with S now?
xx1943: 18-19 HCP balanced
xx1943: nice contract
xx1943: sry phone
xx1943: count your loser
xx1943: 1S (hoping they are 3/2 distributed) and 2H
xx1943: ok plain sailing
xx1943: ouch 2 !S loser
xx1943: sry another phone
xx1943: sry
xx1943: rehi
xx1943: now we have 2!H and 2!S loser
xx1943: can we recover?
mary 1: hope E has 1 !H, 2 !S, 4 !C and 3 !D
xx1943: we have 3 tricks yet
xx1943: 5 in the minors are available
xx1943: ok Mary try it
xx1943: and 2 small trumps are 3+5+2=10
mary 1: dont work
xx1943: here East discarded his 3. !D
xx1943: cash 2 more rounds of !ds
xx1943: just like in a crossruff, you must cash your side winners first
xx1943: now East is helpless
xx1943: if he ruffs, he beats hot air
xx1943: and Mary scores 1 of her small trumps
xx1943: technically spoken he ruffed 1 of her !H loser with a high trump
xx1943: or he discards
xx1943: and Mary scores one of her little trumps in a "Coup en passant"
xx1943: clap clap clap Mary
xx1943: well done
mary 1: :( not satisfied, should have done right at once
xx1943: lol
xx1943: ok #4
xx1943: reverse 16+HCP unbalnced prob 5C and 4!H
xx1943: 1 key
xx1943: If you draw trumps you get only 5!S+ 4!H(at most; they must be 3-3)+1!D+1C= 11
xx1943: so this is another cross-ruff hand:
mary 1: we havent seen the lead yet?
xx1943: 1) You can make 7 trump tricks (after that lead)
xx1943: 7+2minor Aces=9
xx1943: +3!Hs
xx1943: your only hope is that !Hs are 3-3 distributed
xx1943: who wants to execute?
abyy: may i?
->abyy: sure
abyy: hi
xx1943: If I free the South chair, everyone may hop in
xx1943: go on abby
xx1943->Kibitzers: He must cash 5 side winners first
xx1943: good news
xx1943: ouch
abyy: ty
abyy: lol
xx1943: if you play a !H now, you give WEST the opportunity to hrow a !C
abyy: yes
xx1943: now you have 6 tricks in the bag and can get 6 more in a cross-ruff
xx1943: and 87 are high enough :)
xx1943: ty abby
xx1943: #5
abyy->Club: ty for helping! nice hand!
xx1943: free your saet pls
abyy: ty albrecht enjoyed :)
xx1943: ouch
xx1943: now we have 3S+2H+1D+1C =7 loser :(
xx1943: and no idea, where we can avoid them
xx1943: no trumps in dummy to ruff,
xx1943: no suits to establish
mary 1: !D ruff on hand
xx1943: only chance: make your small trumps by ruffing diamonds:
xx1943: count your tricks !!! in this situation:
xx1943: 2S + 1H + 2C + 3D-ruffs
xx1943: You need 3 entries to the table and West must have at least 1H 4D and 2C along with the 5 S we know from trick 1
xx1943: which card do I lay to trick 2?
abyy: d
xx1943: now you must hope West has the rite distribution
xx1943: Jippiehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
abyy: wow
xx1943: #6
xx1943: I don't know, how to bid this one scientific
xx1943: grrrrrrrrrrr
xx1943: now EAST has a sure trump trick
mary 1: !H A
xx1943: or not
bennyzl: now a d ruffing finesse
bennyzl: no
abyy: wow
xx1943: this is called a trump Coup
xx1943: but you must be very careful
xx1943: you have 3 trumps left and EAST only 2 now the COUP doesn't work
xx1943: and you have to ruff and are in the wrong hand
xx1943: therefore you had to ruff the good diamond in your hand to reduce your length to the same as defender had
xx1943: 2 more thing to remind
xx1943: 1) You had to cash !DA b4 you went to table with !H
xx1943: 2) You must go to table with !HJ to preserve a 2. entry
xx1943: ok
xx1943: If you are in a good contract, think waht may happen
xx1943: can I secure my contract against bad distribution???
xx1943: #7
xx1943: without the trump lead you had 12 tricks on a cross-ruff again
xx1943: what are your chances now
xx1943: what is your playn?
xx1943: plan?
KeldKn: raise the !H
xx1943: raise means establish
xx1943: ok
abyy: cross ruff d and c first
xx1943: how must the hearts distributed?
xx1943: you cannot cross-ruff and then establish a side-suit, opponents will have the remainig trumps after the cross-ruff
->KeldKn: show your play pls
xx1943: clap clap
xx1943: need to ruff with the A
abyy->Club: wow
udo (Lobby): morgen:)
xx1943: clap clap clap Keld
xx1943: great job
xx1943: this play had more chance than the 50% !C finesse
xx1943: !h had to be 4/3 distributed that is about 62%, if I remeber rite
bennyzl->Club: can you not ruf another h?
xx1943: ty Keld
xx1943: #8
xx1943: no Binyamin, you have no trump left in your hand, because you need 2 trumps as entries to the table
->KeldKn: ty
->KeldKn: free your seat pls
KeldKn->Club: when 7 outstanding card the chance for 4-3 are62,18
xx1943: yep
bennyzl: can you not return with a cl ruf?
->KeldKn: free your seat pls
xx1943: Keld free your seat pls
xx1943: try it to make 7 Binyamin
->bennyzl: try it
bennyzl: not 7
bennyzl: i asked about 6
xx1943: if you can manage to ruff 4!h you'll make 7
xx1943: ouch
xx1943: now you lose the last 2 tricks
xx1943: if you were in 7, you must play like this and hope trumps were distributed 2-2
xx1943: but in 6 the line Keld showed us, was correct and it was better than the unnecessary !C finesse
xx1943: ok
xx1943: #8
bennyzl: ty
xx1943: here is table with precentages on my site
xx1943: ouch
xx1943: now you have 2!S and 21D losers
xx1943: now we must try some sort of partial cross ruff again
xx1943: 3 tricks we made
xx1943: we have 1H 1D 2C more, so we need 3 trump tricks
xx1943: 2 heart ruffs and at the end and endplay, we'll score the J sitting with Jx behind Q10
xx1943: who wants to execute?
xx1943: you know West cannot overruff, he has no trumps
xx1943: that was your 10. trick
xx1943: you reduced your length to opponents length again
xx1943: ok that was the last hand
abyy->Club: wow
xx1943: I'll post the hands at my site just now
isabable: tyss so much Al great lesson
ruder_7->Club: thx for your lesson
Miksa: Thanks, Al, excellent lecture, as usual
abyy: ty Al great lesson :)
xxrdblxx: unblock !dK :)
akaj: thx for your lesson:)
bennyzl: ty al
isabable: see yoou Al
xx1943: cu
xx1943: try, if you can downoad the lesson 14
bennyzl: ty
xx1943: does it work?
Miksa: yes
or2p: yes :)
xx1943: fine
bennyzl: i hope we will have some chance to play togheter
xx1943: ty Miksa, who edited this while togheter with Vanyvon
->bennyzl: yes we will have
abyy: wow yes ty
xx1943: bye
bennyzl: great:-)!H
Miksa: bye
xx1943: c u all next TUe same time same procedure
xx1943: TUE