Charnwood Events Forum
Temporary Road Closures 2009 – Events within Loughborough possible TTRO 16A (Leicestershire Highways)
Tuesday 27 October 2009
Present:Lynne Twigg
Dave Martin (Leics Highways)
Debbi Payne (Leics Highway)
Nick Tarry (LFS)
Malcolm Burton (CBC Licensing)
Event Organisers: Will Blanche (CBC) – Sport Relief Run 2010
Jo Grant (CBC) – Sport Relief Run 2010
- Notes from last meeting/matters arising
- Current Events list for discussion
- Global order, copy attached/Comments/observations
- Confirmation of advert dates for global order
- Costs of global order, and costs to event organisers?
- Annual Date for Global Order
- Proposed Sport Relief Run - March 2010 - discuss and advise
- Forthcoming Events
1. Notes from last meeting
Notes of the last meeting agreed and only outstanding action was to agree cost of the global order and re-allocate increased costs to the event organisers. It was agreed to advise CBC and Highways legal departments to action this.
ACTION: Advise legal
2. Current list of events for discussion
Current list of events presented to meeting. Presently only received details of Xmas light Switch-ons from Barrow and Rothley. Agreed to chase up others for information. Highways confirmed that they had application for a 16A order from Thurmaston and Syston. Dave M asked that Lynne mentions to event organisers that if they intend to attach light to buildings they should advise Highways street lighting department.
ACTIONS: Lynne to chase other community Xmas light switch on. Check last year’s list
Meeting made aware that Diwali light switch on had taken place, but should have had a TRC 21 order in place. Should be noted for next year.
ATC Parade – 2010
Meeting was not aware of this event – details to be circulated
ACTION: Lynne to circulate information re ATC parade to all
3. Global order
The TRO 16a order through Highways was discussed, and agreed. It was still unclear what the position was with regards to adding in other events throughout the year, and what the cost would be to individual event organisers.
Actions – Lynne to ask Legal depts to discuss and agree an approach and a way forward for the future
4. Confirmation of advert dates for global order
Leics Highways to confirm when this would be advertised
5. Costs of global order, and costs to event organisers?
Establish what the costs would be and how this would be apportioned to individual event organisers.
6. Annual Date for Global Order
It was agreed that the annual date for the order should probably be from beginning of October and renewal preparations should begin about July 2010
7. Proposed Sport Relief Run - March 2010
Event organisers present at the meeting to discuss this proposed event, further details to be supplied.
Forthcoming Events
To be circulated
Global order costs
Advertising dates for Global order from County
Further details of ATC parade
Lynne Twigg