Job Title: / Regeneration & Economic Development Officer / Grade: / PO2Post: / M202 / Accountable to: / Group Leader Plans, Policies and Place Making
Directorate: / Housing, Planning, Regeneration and Regulatory Services / Responsible for: / None
Service: / Planning and Regeneration Services
Group: / Plans, Policies and Place Making
Purpose of Job:
To help the Council be a dynamic, high performing organisation by managing delivery of the Council’s regeneration programme. To assist in the development of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy, including the implementation individual projects with the objective of meeting its corporate aim to increase Charnwood’s prosperity..
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To support the Group Leader Plans, Policies and Place Making in shaping the direction of Regeneration in Charnwood working closely with elected members, regional and national agencies, local businesses and business organisations, local community representatives, voluntary and private sector partners and customers.
2. Co-ordinate the development and delivery of the Borough’s Economic Development Strategy in partnership with the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership
3. Assist the Group Leader Plans, Policies and Place Making in the development of ideas and projects and contribute to furthering the corporate objectives of the Council, in particular those concerned with economic development and regeneration issues.
4. Support the development and implementation of regeneration projects in line with Council priorities.
5. Attend corporate, management and project meetings as appropriate and to represent the Council at relevant external meetings including relevant Partnership organisations such as the Local Strategic Partnership Board, etc.
6. Deputise for the Group Leader Plans, Policies and Place Making when necessary in internal and external meetings on all relevant regeneration and economic development matters.
7. Assist the Council in seeking external funding for economic and community regeneration within the Borough and the delivery of such projects, as appropriate.
8. Under the direction of the Group Leader Plans, Policies and Place Making, liaise with, Leicester & Leicestershire Economic Partnership Leicestershire County Council, other sub-regional governmental and non-governmental bodies as might arise, key business support agencies, Loughborough University and Further Education & training providers, Leicestershire Rural Partnership and other relevant bodies and seek funding from them for improving the prosperity of Charnwood.
9. Help to increase the prosperity of the Borough by working with local businesses and potential inward investors, in collaboration with sub-regional governmental and non-governmental bodies as might arise, and other agencies.
10. Ensure the provision of an online information service and directory for businesses in Charnwood in order to facilitate business growth.
11. Coordinate the monitoring and review of economic indicators and provide specialist input to the Local Development Framework (including the preparation of evidence and representing the local planning authority at Examination in Public), Neighbourhood Plans, planning appeals, planning applications and enforcement action.
12. Engage and manage consultants to support the preparation and review of the Council’s statutory local development framework and related non statutory policies, strategies, standards and guidance.
13. Assist the Group Leader Plans, Policy and Place Making in the supervision of staff within the Group and provide guidance to assist those staff in undertaking complex and challenging assignments.
14. Manage and motivate staff reporting directly including measures for the effective communication of corporate and departmental initiatives.
15. Identify and review with staff that report directly their training and development needs and co-ordinate the actions and resources required to provide them with the skills and competencies needed to achieve agreed service related and corporate objectives.
16. Deal with general enquiries on plans and policies by telephone, in correspondence and in person.
17. Represent the Service at external, corporate and departmental meetings as necessary
18. Deliver an effective and appropriate service to all service users, fairly and without discrimination.
19. As a term of your employment you can be required to undertake such other duties commensurate with your grade, and/or hours of work, as may reasonably be required of you at your initial place of work or at any other of the Authority's establishments.
This job description outlines the main duties and responsibilities of the position and is designed for the benefit of both the post holder and the Council in understanding the prime functions of the post. It should not be regarded as exclusive nor exhaustive as there may be other duties and requirements associated with and covered by the grading of the post.
In particular it should be noted that the job is designed primarily to assist in the delivery of the Regeneration and Economic Development function and the LDF. However, the Service is committed to the development of a flexible staff structure equipped with the broad range of skills and abilities required to ensure the attainment and maintenance of high standards of service delivery in all aspects of the Planning and Regeneration Service. Accordingly the post may be seconded to assist other functions within the Service subject to overall demands upon it.
Management have the right to vary the duties after consultation with you.
This job description is current at 4th May 2011
Senior Employee Service Centre Officer