The Universityof Arizona

2018 Shrimp Pathology Short Course

Disease Diagnosis and Control in Marine Shrimp Culture

June 18 – June 23, 2018

Sponsored bytheAquaculturePathologyLaboratory,Schoolof Animaland ComparativeBiomedicalSciences,UniversityofArizona,Tucson,AZ85721,USA.


Deposit and Early Registration Deadline: $100.00 (USD) by May23, 2018.

ToApply: Completetheapplicationformindicatinghow youwillbepayingyour$100.00deposit(Bankdraft,MasterCardVisaaccepted)andsendtheformby mail,FAXoremailto:


TheUniversityof Arizona

AquaculturePathologyLaboratory; BioScience West

1041 E. LowellStreet,Room226Tucson,Arizona85721,USAPhone:520-621-4438; FAX:520-626-5602



$2,000.00(USD)ifthe depositisreceivedon orbefore May 23, 2018.

$2,500.00 (USD) if the deposit is received on or after May 24, 2018.

Note: TheUniversityof Arizonareservestherightto canceltheshort-courseifparticipant pre-enrollmentislessthan 10by May 23,2018. Paymentswillberefundedif theshort-courseis cancelled.Individualdeposits and payments willbe refundedifa participant’scancellationisreceived on orbefore June 1, 2018. After June2, 2018, participant’spaymentswillnot be refunded. Noexceptions.


Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodations. Bothsingleanddouble rooms are availableatthenearbyHomewood Suites. A block of rooms will be on hold until mid-May and ratepricesfor a single suite are approximately $114.00/night and includes free breakfast, free evening social hour, and shuttles to and from U of A. Book by 5/23/18 to receive rate. Call 520-577-0007. Use group code AQA.

On campus dormitoryrooms at the Coronado dorm areavailableforapproximately

$45.00 pernightfor asingle room. Submit request here.


Due to morestringentU.S.entryrequirements,allow extra timefor visaprocessing.


Lectures:Thefollowingtopicswill be covered


2.Major shrimp diseases listed by World Animal Health Organization (OIE).

3.Whitespot syndrome virus(WSSV).

4.The baculovirus diseases: monodon-type baculovirus (MBV) andbaculoviruspenaei (BP).

4. The parvovirus diseases: infectioushypodermaland hematopoieticnecrosisvirus (IHHNV),and hepatopancreaticvirus (HPV).

5. RNA viruses infecting penaeid shrimp: Taurasyndrome virus (TSV),yellow head virus (YHV), infectiousmyonecrosis(IMNV), Penaeusnodavirus (PvNV), and white tail disease (WTD).

6. Bacterialdiseases: acutehepatopancreaticnecrosisdisease (AHPND;caused bysome strainsofVibriospp.),necrotizinghepatopancreatitis(NHP-B),and Vibriosis.

6. Microsporidian diseases: Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) and cotton shrimp disease

7. Methods ofdiseasepreventionand/ortreatment.

8. Development of biosecurity and quarantine protocols.

Labs and Demonstrations:Topics tobe coveredinthelabsinclude

  1. Sample preparations for histology and PCR.
  2. PCR/RT-PCRfor diagnosisof WSSV, AHPND, EHP, TSV
  3. qPCR/qRT-PCR for diagnosis ofWSSV,AHPND, TSV
  4. Laboratory bioassay: AHPND
  5. Review of histopathology of viral and bacterial diseases.

Lectures,Labsand Demonstrations will be presented by StafffromtheAquaculture Pathology Laboratory

Arun K. Dhar, PhD: Associate Professor & Director, Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory, Molecular Virologist

Luis FernandoAranguren, PhD:Crustacean Pathologist

Siddhartha Kanrar, PhD: Molecular Biologist and Bioinformatician

Carlos Pantoja, PhD: Histopathologist

Jasmine Millabas: Research Specialist Histotechnician

Michelle Garfias: Research Specialist PCR Technician

Kevin M. Gee: Research Specialist PCR Technician

West Campus Wet Lab Staff:

Brenda Noble:Senior Research Specialist
Paul Schofield: Research Specialist

Tanner Padilla: Research Laboratory Aide

Additional invited speakers and other researches will be included at a later date as we await their acceptance confirmation.


ContactDr.Arun K. Dhar or Ms. Deborah Huie

TheUniversityof Arizona

Schoolof Animaland ComparativeBiomedicalSciences

AquaculturePathologyLaboratory1041 E. LowellStreet,Room226



Email: ;

To apply, please fill out the following application form and send the form by e-mail, mail or FAX.

The University of Arizona

2018 Shrimp Pathology Short Course

Application Form
Print Full Name:
Title: □ Dr □ Mr □Mrs □Ms
Academic Degrees: □B.S. □M.S. □Ph.D. □DVM □Other
Field of Study:
Institution/ Company Name:
/ State / Country / Postal Code
Telephone number: / FAX number:
E-mail address:
Important: Please provide your e-mail address and/or FAX number.
Lodging preference: □ Homewood Suites □ Dormitory
□ Other
Arrival date: / Departure date:
Application deposit of $100.00 (USD) must be received by May 1, 2018 to receive the early registration price on the Shrimp Pathology Short Course fees.
Check enclosed payable to The University of Arizona (US Bank only) □ Yes □ No
Credit Cards accepted at our Finance Office:□MasterCard □ Visa □ American Express
*** Credit card information must be phoned in to 520-621-2355 or faxed to 520-626-5602***
Fill out application form and send by email, mail or FAX to:
The University of Arizona
School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
1041 E. Lowell Street, Rm. 226
Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA
Phone: 520-621-4438; FAX: 520-626-5602
Ms. Deborah Huie (), Dr. Arun Dhar ()