Charleston Harbor Home Association

August 2011 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by the President who also made a short welcoming address introducing Scott Wagner, Councilman at large for the 1st District. Mr. Wagner provided a little background of his experience and gave business cards to all attendees inviting them to contact him with questions and concerns. He also invited nominations for the Rich Noll Pace Setter award for city employees showing exemplary service.

Election of Board Members

New board members: Since Debi Jones no longer lives in the neighborhood consensus was that she should not be listed as a board member. No other residents present volunteered to be on the board which continues with Brad Humston, Diane Davidson, Steve Gugler, Loretta Lock, Nancy Newman, Frank Russo, Harold Smith, Craig Maynard, and Mark Dixon. The current officers all volunteers to continue as officers in their current positions.

Minutes were read from the June 2011 meeting and from the 8/2010 Annual meeting, they were accepted and approved without additions or correction by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report showed a current balance of $15,359.56 in operating funds with an additional $10,000 plus interest in the money market account. Current funds were estimated as sufficient to meet operating expenses for the rest of the calendar year. Six homeowners are delinquent with more than the current years dues for a total of $8.759.40. Liens have been filed against their properties. One was identified as having moved out of the neighborhood and placed his house for sale. Another has been making monthly payments. Three residents are delinquent with 2011 dues and the board agreed that the filing of liens should be deferred until these residents are contacted again.

Questions from the floor regarding snow removal expense led to discussion with Scott of city’s responsibility. He noted the city was installing satellite location trackers in all city trucks so their locations will be instantly available. The city also acquired a previous state owned property used for truck parking and salt storage so less time should be spent in the future refilling trucks. Questions were also raised about the current due date for dues and the rationale was explained by the treasurer.

The treasure’s report was accepted by acclamation.

Committee reports

Architectural committee: Approved one new construction and two house paintings in the past year.

Old Business

Don Lock noted having sent a letter to all officers withdrawing his services as attorney representative in pursuit of any suit filed on behalf of the CHHA seeking redress for the silting up of the lake. He noted that the statute of limitations for filing suit runs for two more years and in the past three years contacts with city and state officials had not been very fruitful. The question of true liability and responsibility for maintenance of the lake was raised and if CHHA can be held liable for cleanup costs by the State or City. Scott asked if anyone was familiar with city provided PIAC grants through the capital improvements office. He volunteered to contact the capital improvements office to obtain further information for the board. Frank noted from his previous experience with lake property that there was a state law preventing a resident from purposeful diversion of water drainage onto someone else’s property. Brad noted from observation that there was significant silt drainage coming off Brighton itself and this would not be remedied until to roadway is improved with proper storm drainage.

New Business

  1. Fall cleanup: Set for 10/08. Spring cleanup produced 53 bags of trash which were disposed of by Joe Presko at an estimated cost to him of over $400. It was suggested that a public trash can be provided at the lake, but Brad noted he picks up trash every time he mows and there would be an additional problem of who would take responsibility for emptying the trash and maintenance.
  2. Newsletter/welcoming committee: Invitation to submit articles for the fall newsletter.
  3. Following further discussion, it was moved and seconded that observed violations of the covenants and bylaws should result in letter from the board with the threat of a law suit seeking a court ruling to quit the violation or to present a legitimate reason for non-compliance subject to acceptance by the board and granting of a special exemption. Don Lock promised to draft a letter on behalf of the board and subject to board approval.
  4. Steve had a few questions about the pool renovation. Brad noted he was seeking hardware to mount the stall dividers in the restrooms. Craig promised to look into the loose railing but said if it was the same railing he was aware of, to properly repair it would require the water level to be lowered and hence deferred until after the pool is closed. The same goes for the tile work, which needs to be done every spring.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Present at the meeting were the following residents:

Brad Humston, Mark Dixon, Karen Oyler, Don and Loretta Lock, David and Kay Troxe, Nancy Newman, Frank Russo, Steve Gugler, Curtis Rudy, Craig Maynard, Harold Smith, Marlin Roberts, land Carol Aiken.