Charles V. Izzo, Ph.D.
Cornell University / 1108 North Cayuga StreetBronfenbrenner Center on Translational Research / Ithaca, New York 14850
Beebe Hall / Phone: (607) 351-0476
Ithaca, NY 14850-4401
Phone: (607) 255-9775
Ph.D. / Clinical Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago (APA Approved)Dissertation Title: Depression, Parental Self-efficacy, and Social Support as Predictors of Parenting Practices and Child Adjustment in Mexican Immigrant Families
Chair: Robin Mermelstein, Ph.D. / May 1999
M.A. / Clinical Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
Thesis Title: A Longitudinal Assessment of Parental Involvement in Children’s Education and School Performance
Chair: Roger Weissberg, Ph.D. / May, 1996
B.A. / Psychology with High Honors, State University of New York at Buffalo
Thesis Title: Tachistoscopic Study of Aggression-Inducing Stimuli
Supervisor: Joseph Masling, Ph.D. / May, 1990
Manuscripts Under Review
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Holden, M.J., Norton-Barker, C.I. & Nunno, M.A. (under review).
Preventing Behavioral Incidents in Residential Child Care: Efficacy of a Setting-Based Program Model.
Published Empirical Papers
Izzo, C.V., Aumand, B.N.,Cash, B.M.,McCabe, L.A., & Holden, M.J.
(2014).Exploration of the Youth-Adult Relationship in Residential Care:Small
Glimpses from a Large Sample of Youth.International Journal of Child and Family
Holden, M., Izzo, C.V., Nunno, M., Smith, E., Endres, T., Holden, J. & Kuhn, F. (2010). Children and Residential Experiences: A Comprehensive Strategy for Implementing a Research-Informed Program Model for Residential Care. Child Welfare, 89, 131-149.
Izzo, C.V., Eckenrode, J. E., & Olds, D. L. (2005). Reducing the Impact of Uncontrollable Stressful Life Events through a Program of Nurse Home Visitation to New Parents. Prevention Science, 6, 269-274.
Collins, R. L., Koutsky, J. R., & Izzo, C.V. (2000). Temptation, restriction, and the regulation of alcohol intake: Validity and utility of the Temptation and Restraint Inventory. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61, 766-773.
Izzo, C.V., Weiss, L., Shanahan, T., & Rodriguez-Brown, F. (2000). Parental self-efficacy and social support as predictors of parenting practices and children's socioemotional adjustment in Mexican immigrant families. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 20, 197-214.
Izzo, C.V., Weissberg, R. P., Kasprow, W. J., & Fendrich, M. (2000). Longitudinal study of the relationship between parent-school partnerships and school adjustment among urban elementary school children. American Journal of Community Psychology, 27, 817 - 840.
Collins, R. L., Lapp, W. M., & Izzo, C.V. (1994). Affective and behavioral reactions to the violation of limits on alcohol consumption. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 55, 475-486.
Lapp, W. M., Collins, R. L., Zywiak, W. H., & Izzo, C.V. (1994). Psychopharmacological effects of alcohol on time perception: The extended balanced placebo design. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 55, 96112.
Lapp, W. M., Collins, R. L., & Izzo, C.V. (1994). On the enhancement of creativity by alcohol: Pharmacology or expectation? American Journal of Psychology, 107, 173-206.
Book Chapters
Holden, M.J., Anglin, J.P., Nunno, M.A. & Izzo, C.V. (2014). Engaging the total therapeutic
residential care program in a process of quality improvement: Learning from the CARE
model. In J. Whittaker, J. Fernandex, & L. Holmes (Eds.). Therapeutic residential care
with children and youth: Developing evidence-based international practice.
Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley.
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Biemer, P., & Christ, S.L. (2009). Latent classification of physical abuse as a predictor of adolescent functioning. In M.B. Webb & K. Dowd (Eds.), Child Welfare and Child Well-being. Oxford University Press.
Eckenrode, J., Izzo, C.V., & Smith, E.G. (2006). Physical abuse and adolescent development. R. Haskins, F. Wulczyn, and M.B. Webb (Eds.), Child Protection: Using Research to Improve Policy and Practice. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute.
Izzo, C.V., Bradshaw, C. P., Connell, J. P., & Gambone, M. A. (2003). Understanding and improving youth development initiatives through evaluation. In S. F. Hamilton and M. A. Hamilton (Eds.) Handbook of Youth Development: Principles, Environments and Systems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Eckenrode, J. E., Izzo, C.V., & Campa, M. (2003) Innovations in parent education and family support. In R. M. Lerner, F. Jacobs, and D. Wertlieb (Eds.) Promoting Positive Child, Adolescent, and Family Development: A Handbook of Program and Policy Innovations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Research Reports
Leidy, B., Thomas, M., Enroth, C., Sanfilippo, L. & Izzo, C.V. (2012). New Parent Support Program (NPSP) Home Visitor Survey Analysis. Research report presented to U.S. Army Family Advocacy Program.
Izzo, C.V., Poes, M., Shannon, J.H. & Andreine, D. (2006). Year 1 Evaluation of the Chemung County Home Again Program. Report to the Chemung County Commissioner of Social Services.
Mitchell, S., Izzo, C.V., Green, R., Lee, E., and Lowenfels, A. (2004). Evaluation of Healthy Families New York: First year program impacts. Report to the New York State Governor and Legislature.
Selected Presentations
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Holden, M.J., & Nunno, M.A. (2014, September 3). Year 4 results from
the quasi-experimental study of the CARE program. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial
Conference of the European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care and its
Alternatives, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., & Kuhn, I.F. (August, 2013). Examining the Flow of Implementation
Events to Help Interpret Evaluation Results and Inform programming. Paper presented at
the 3rd Annual Global Implementation Conference, Washington, D.C.
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Nunno, M. & Holden, M.J. (September 2012). Assessing multi-level change: Update on a quasi-experimental study of the CARE program. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial Conference of the European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care and its Alternatives, Glasgow, Scotland.
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Holden, M. (July, 2011). The multi-purpose training evaluation: Seeking both scientific rigor and practical utility. Paper presented at the 14th Annual National Human Services Training Evaluation Symposium. Ithaca, NY.
Izzo, C.V., Smith, E.G., Holden, M., Nunno, M. (September, 2010). Advancing residential care through evidence-based practice: Preliminary empirical tests of the CARE theory of change. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care and its Alternatives. Groningen, The Netherlands.
Izzo C.V., Eckenrode J. J., & Smith, E.G. (2006, April). Physical abuse and negative outcomes in adolescence: Results from the NSCAW study. Paper presented at the 11th biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, CA.
Izzo, C.V., Shannon, J. & Andreine, D. (2005, June). Understanding and reducing dropout in home visiting programs. Paper presented at the 10th biennial meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action, Urbana-Chapaign, IL.
Izzo, C.V., Mitchell-Herzfeld, S., Greene, R., & Lee, E. (2004). Understanding research on home visitation to inform policy and practice: Results of a randomized trial of Healthy Families New York. Paper presented at the National Conference of Prevent Child Abuse America, Orlando, FL.
Izzo, C.V. (2001, June). Measuring program delivery in the Aban Aya Youth Program. In B. Flay (Chair), Learning from the School-Community component of the Aban Aya Youth Program. Symposium conducted at the 8th biennial meeting of the Society for Community Research and Action, Atlanta, GA.
Izzo, C.V., Eckenrode, J. E., Vorrasi, J. A., and Olds, D. L. (2000). Home visitation for new mothers inhibits the intergenerational transmission of smoking. Poster presented at Addictions 2000 - Prevention of Substance Use Problems: Directions for the Next Millennium, Hyannis, MA.