Note: The specifications of learning time in UWC's module descriptors are subject to change according to circumstances such as timetabling and other practical considerations: the analysis of learning time therefore is purely indicative. However, the overall number of notional learning hours for each module is linked to credit value and is therefore fixed.
Year 1: Core Modules
Introduction to Science (15 credits)
Introduction to Mathematics (15 credits)
Electives: One of
Chemistry CHE116 AND CHE 126(30 credits) OR
Environmental and Water Science EWS 131AND EWS 132(30 credits), OR
Medical Bioscience MBS111 AND MBS121(30 credits)
Year 2: Core Modules
Core modules:
Life Science 141 AND 142(30 credits)
Electives: One subject from:
Chemistry CHE116 AND CHE 126(30 credits) OR
Environmental and Water Science EWS 131AND EWS 132 (30 credits), OR
Medical Bioscience MBS111 AND MBS121 (30 credits)
Year 3 and Year 4 as per year 2 and 3 of the three year stream curriculum.
A first year student will have 3 contact periods per week per subject. In addition there will be 1 tutorial period and one practical session of 3 hours per week.
Core Modules (15 credit points per module):
LSC141Cell Biology
LSC142Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Computer Literacy: COS114 or COS124
English for Educational Development: EED117 or EED127
Electives: (to be chosen in consultation with the department)
Environmental Awareness Techniques & Training: EAT111, EAT121
Environmental and Water Science: EWS131, EWS132
Medical Biosciences: MBS111, MBS121
Chemistry: CHE116, CHE126
A second year student will have 3 contact periods per module per week. In addition there will be 2 practical sessions of 3 hours each.
Core Modules (10 credit points per module):
BCB211Animal Diversity (Invertebrates)
BCB212Plant Diversity and Systems (Lower Plants)
BCB221Animal Diversity (Vertebrates)
BCB222Plant Diversity and Systems (Angiosperms)
BCB231Evolution of Biodiversity
BCB232Plant Physiology
BCB241Introduction to Population Biology
BCB242Biodiversity Assessment Techniques
Environmental Awareness Techniques & Training: EAT211, EAT221
Environmental & Water Science: EWS211, EWS221, EWS231, EWS241
Biotechnology: BTY221, BTY223, BTY224, BTY225
A third year student will have 3 contact periods per module per week. In addition there will be 2 practical sessions of 3 hours each.
Core Modules (10 credit points per module):
BCB311Conservation Genetics
BCB312Plant Eco-physiology
BCB321Animal Eco-physiology
BCB322Biogeography and Macro-ecology
BCB331Community Ecology
BCB332Landscape Ecology
BCB341Principles of Conservation Biology
BCB242Ecosystem Diversity and Functioning
Any other 3rd year modules following on electives done at 2nd year.
Note:To graduate with a Degree in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, a student must have completed ALL of the above core modules.
Semester modules141, 142
Lectures per week 3
Tutorials per week 1
Practicals per week 1
Evaluation: Continuous evaluation will be used in all modules
Practical: Each module has a compulsory practical component
LSC141 Cell Biology (1st Semester)(15 credit points)
Main Content:
Cell structure and organelles and an introduction to processes taking place in them.
DNA replication; DNA control of protein synthesis and thereby biochemical processes, mitosis, meiosis, chromosomes and genes, Mendelian and biochemical genetics, principles of evolution.
Main Outcomes: Learners should develop:
An understanding of cell structure, cell function and molecular processes of the cell. Practical skills in microscopy. An ability to assimilate information from various sources and be able to present such information in written form.
Lecturer: Mr P Mclaren
LSC142 Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (2nd Semester)
(15 credit points)
Main Content:
Brief description of origin of the universe and the solarsystem.
Basic rules of classification, the diversity of 'life' including all life forms: viruses and monera, protista and fungi, plant diversity, invertebrate diversity, vertebrate diversity.
Biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere, levels of organization (biosphere, biomes, ecosystems, and populations) and the unifying role of ecology in biology, population dynamics, interactions within communities, energy flow, food webs, nutrient cycling, human impact and environmental concerns.
Basic philosophy of science and basic principles of statistics (replication, means and standard deviation).
Main Outcomes: Learners should:
Be able to classify all life forms. Develop practical laboratory and observational skills and report writing, and understand the importance of ecosystem functioning in their lives. Be able to apply the methods and concepts of scientific research including the collection and analysis of simple ecological data from the laboratory and field.
Lecturer: Mr MGJ Hendricks
MODULEBCB211, BCB221, BCB231, BCB241
BCB311, BCB321, BCB331, BCB341
BCB212, BCB222, BCB232, BCB242
BCB312, BCB322, BCB332, BCB242
Lectures per week 33
Practicals per week 2 x 3 hour 2 x 3 hour
Evaluation: Continuous evaluation will be used in all modules
Practical component: Each module has a compulsory practical component. The following modules may include a field trip: BCB242, BOT331, BOT332, BOT334.
Continuous Assessment Breakdown: Second Year (% of final mark)BCB211 / BCB212 / BCB221 / BCB222 / BCB231 / BCB232 / BCB241 / BCB242
Assignments / 10 / 8 / 20 / 10 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 20
Prac reports / 30 / 25 / 20 / 35 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
Tests / 20 / 15 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 20
Groupwork / 12 / 10
Final Exam / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40
Breakdown of learning hours: Second Year
BCB211 / BCB212 / BCB221 / BCB222 / BCB231 / BCB232 / BCB241 / BCB242
Lectures / 15 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 16 / 20
Assignments / 15 / 10 / 15 / 13 / 15 / 10 / 20 / 15
Tests & Exam / 10 / 3 / 10 / 5 / 10 / 5 / 6 / 3
Practicals / 40 / 40 / 40 / 35 / 40 / 37 / 20 / 40
Self-Study / 20 / 27 / 20 / 27 / 20 / 28 / 38 / 22
Continuous Assessment Breakdown: Third Year (% of final mark)
BCB311 / BCB312 / BCB321 / BCB322 / BCB331 / BCB332 / BCB341 / BCB342
Assignments / 10 / 15 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 70 / 80 / 8
Prac reports / 30 / 20 / 30 / 35 / 20 / 25
Tests / 20 / 15 / 20 / 15 / 20 / 5 / 5 / 15
Groupwork / 10 / 10 / 10 / 12
Final Exam / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 40 / 15 / 15 / 40
Breakdown of learning hours: Third Year
BCB311 / BCB312 / BCB321 / BCB322 / BCB331 / BCB332 / BCB341 / BCB342
Lectures / 15 / 20 / 16 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
Assignments / 15 / 10 / 10 / 20 / 10
Tests & Exam / 10 / 5 / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3 / 3 / 3
Practicals / 40 / 37 / 40 / 40 / 50 / 57 / 30 / 40
Self-Study / 20 / 28 / 41 / 27 / 24 / 20 / 27 / 27
BCB211 Animal Diversity (Invertebrates) (1st term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of the diversity of organisms]
Main Content:
Overview, classification and identification of invertebrate animals; A comparative study of the function and structure of three of the following systems: Muscle and skeletal structure and locomotion; Circulatory and immune systems; Reproductive and endocrine systems; Feeding and nutrition; Respiration and excretion; Life history strategies of invertebrate animals
Main Outcomes:
Learners will understand: Invertebrate animal classification, systematics and organization, and will be able to identify invertebrate animals; The basic invertebrate animal structure and function to understand how they work; Basic experimental work and develop practical skills as well as presentation skills.
Lecturer: to be identified
BCB212 Plant Diversity and Systems (Lower “Plants”) (1st term)(10 credit points)
[LSC141 or a basic knowledge of hereditary processes; and LSC142 or a basic knowledge of the diversity of life]
Main Content:
The diversity of photosynthetic organisms and lower plants; Evolutionary relationships among photosynthetic organisms and lower plants; The origin of organelles by endosymbiosis; Growth and organization; Life cycles and their environmental correlates
Main Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:Distinguish between different photosynthetic organisms and lower plants to the higher taxonomic levels; Compare alternation of generation in various photosynthetic organisms and lower plants, and will understand the ecological implications of this division
Lecturer: Dr G maneveldt
BCB221 Animal Diversity (Vertebrates) (4th term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of the diversity of organisms]
Main Content:
Overview, classification and identification of vertebrate animals; A comparative study of the function and structure of three of the following systems: Muscle and skeletal structure and locomotion; Circulatory and immune systems; Reproductive and endocrine systems; Feeding and nutrition; Respiration and excretion; Life history strategies of vertebrate animals
Main Outcomes:
Learners will understand:Vertebrate animal classification, systematics and organization, and will be able to identify vertebrate animals; The basic vertebrate animal structure and function to understand how they work; Basic experimental work and develop practical skills as well as presentation skills
Lecturer: Prof MD Hofmeyr
BCB222 Plant Diversity and Systems (Angiosperms) (2nd term)(10 credit points)
[LSC141 or a basic knowledge of hereditary processes; and LSC142 or a basic knowledge of diversity of Life]
Main Content:
Identification and classification systems; Plant characters of use in cladistic methods; Sources of taxonomic information; A review of flowering plant diversity in the fynbos, with special attention to the most species rich and endemic taxa.
Main Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:Identify and classify key fynbos plant families and explain how plants are grouped together; recognise the diversity and functional significance of morphological and reproductive structures found amongst flowering plants
Lecturer: Mr F Weitz
BCB231 Evolution of Biodiversity (3rd term) (10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC141 or a basic knowledge of heredity; LSC142 or a basic knowledge of the diversity of organisms]
Main Content:
Adaptation and the theory of natural selection; Speciation processes and patterns; Reconstruction of phylogeny, evolution and classification; Concepts and principles of cladistics, modern systematics and taxonomy
Main Outcomes:
Learners will be able to:Evaluate the evidence for speciation and evolution; Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the theory of evolution and phylogenetics, and apply cladistic methodology and software to various kinds of data in order to discover the historical relationships of organisms; Apply the rules of nomenclature; Demonstrate the process of new species description
Lecturer: Prof A Channing
BCB232 Plant Physiology (3rd term) (10 credit points)
[LSC141 or a basic knowledge of cell structure and function]
Main Content:
Plant growth substances, an overview of their metabolism and function, with a focus on key molecules; Nutrient and mineral assimilation, with emphasis on Nitrogen; Photosynthesis in C3 plants, with an exploration of alternative pathways
Main Outcomes:
Learners should be able to:Use plant growth substances to manipulate plant growth; Predict the effects of environmental change on plants with different photosynthetic pathways; Compare the assimilation of various nutrients
Lecturer: Prof L Raitt
BCB241 Introduction to Population Biology (2nd term)(10 credit points)
[LSC142 or a basic knowledge of the principles of ecology and experience of personal computers]
Main Content:
Basic population dynamics and life-tables. Age-structured population models. Population census techniques. Intraspecific competition and derivation of the logistic growth equation; Modeling populations showing logistic growth; Harvesting natural populations – deterministics and stochastic models. Population fluctuations – key factor analysis.
Main Outcomes:
Learners should be able to: Collect field data and use them to estimate population sizes of a number of different organism types; Identify factors that contribute to population size, and should be to determine the importance of different processes to population growth; Build simple models of populations, and to simulate population growth, and use models to determine the most appropriate method of exploiting populations sustainability
Lecturer: Prof MJ Gibbons
BCB242 Biodiversity Assessment (4thterm) (10 credit points)
[LSC142 or a basic knowledge of organismal diversity and ecology]
Main Content:
Principles and context of survey design; Statistical constraints on survey design; Indices of species and genetic diversity; Techniques for assessing genetic, species and habitat diversity in marine and terrestrial environments; Collecting physical environmental data
Integrating, analyzing and interpreting information on biodiversity
Main Outcomes:
Learners should be able to:Understand the concepts and constraints underlying surveys of biodiversity, as well as the implications of biodiversity assessments; Conduct biodiversity assessments in a variety of habitats
Lecturer: Mr F Weitz and other staff
BCB311 Conservation Genetics (1st term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisites: BCB211/BCB221 or a knowledge of animal diversity AND BCB231 or a knowledge of the principles of taxonomy and evolutionary biology]
Main Content:
Traditional and molecular characters in genetic studies, techniques for acquiring molecular data in the laboratory and from the internet. Interpretation of data derived from studies of proteins, and various kinds of DNA sequences. The use of molecular data in conservation.
Main Outcomes:
Learners will understand the application of genetic data to conservation practice; Learners will demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the theory of laboratory procedures used to study molecular genetics, and apply advanced analytical methodology and software to various kinds of molecular data
Lecturer: Prof A Channing
BCB312 Plant Ecophysiology (2ndterm)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC141 or a basic knowledge of cell structure and function]
Main Content:
Plant mineral nutrition; Plant water relations; Environmental effects on plant growth and development; Plant stress physiology
Main Outcomes:
Learners should be able to understand and evaluate the role that key environmental conditions have on a plant’s physiology and the impact of this on its abundance and distribution
Lecturer: Prof L Raitt
BCB321 Animal Ecophysiology (4thterm)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisites: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of ecological principles AND BCB211/BCB221 or a knowledge of animal diversity]
Main Content:
Energy metabolism of whole animals and the factors affecting energy expenditure; The effect of temperature on metabolic rate; The control of body temperature and thermal adaptations to extreme conditions; The maintenance of water balance.
Main Outcomes:
Learners will understand the role that physiology plays in influencing an animal’s survival in a changing environment; Learners will be able to undertake basic physiological experiments on animals, and to analyse and interpret the data collected
Lecturer: Prof MD Hofmeyr
BCB322 Biogeography and Macroecology (1st term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: A knowledge of evolutionary biology, and angiosperm and animal diversity]
Main Content:
Continental drift and glaciation; Theories of biogeography and biogeographic reconstruction; Phylogeography; Latitudinal gradients in diversity; Interactions of body and population size on diversity and distribution; Island biogeography theory and its applications for conservation
Main Outcomes: Laerners should be able to: Discuss the important processes that have contributed to the present distribution of biodiversity; Discuss the origin and distribution of key organisms; Construct and interpret area cladograms
Lecturer: Mr F Weitz
BCB331 Community Ecology (3rd term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of ecological principles]
Main Content:
An overview of interspecific interactions; Basic community characteristics; Numerical analysis of field data; Defining statistical relationships between community structure and environmental parameters; Ecological management of biological communities.
Main Outcomes:
Students will understand the principles of community ecology, and will be able to identify the main forces responsible for structuring biological communities; Students will be able to collect field data and analyse it numerically
Lecturer: Prof MJ Gibbons
BCB332 Landscape Ecology (2nd Term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of ecological principles]
Main Content:
Patterns of landscape biodiversity globally and nationally; Spatial patterns and scale; Space and temporal patterns – regime shifts (gradual versus punctuated); Fragmentation – especially in the urban context; Tools for doing spatial analysis- Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Geostatistics; Quantifying the environment using patch metrics; Linear (rivers, coastlines) versus non linear habitats; Identifying anthropogenic signatures at the landscape level… e.g. impacts of herbivores and livestock; Conserving landscape; Reserve network design
Main Outcomes:
Learners will be expected to analyze landscape patterns and identify temporal changes and signatures of anthropogenic impacts and prepare these analyses as consultant reports
Lecturer: Dr RS Knight
BCB341Principles of Conservation Biology (4th term)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisites: An understanding of ecological principles]
Main Content:
What is conservation Biology? What are Protected Areas and global and national analysis; What is sustainability? Examples from rural communities and livestock rearing; The concept of the Ecological Footprint; Balancing conservation with development; Introduction to Environmental Legislation; Integrated Environmental Management and Strategic Environmental Analysis; Introduction to Integrated Catchment Management; Introduction to Integrated Coastal Area Management; Restoration and Environmental Monitoring; Renewable natural resources economics; Value of eco-tourism; Working with local communities for undertaking Action Research; Birth of Green Politics
Main Outcomes:
Learners will be expected to prepare a report on the management of selected Protected Area
Lecturer: Dr RS Knight
BCB342 Ecosystem Diversity and Functioning(3rdterm)(10 credit points)
[Pre-requisite: LSC142 or a basic knowledge of ecological principles]
Main Content:
Conceptual overview of ecosystems and their characteristics and drivers; Overview of anthropogenic and natural impacts on ecosystem integrity; Exploration of selected marine and terrestrial ecosystems
Main Outcomes:
Students will understand the concept of ecosystems and the way they function; Students will know the characteristics of a suite of different ecosystems; Students will be able to discuss the impacts of anthropogenic change on ecosystem integrity
Lecturer: Dr G Maneveldt