September 1st Minutes
- Call to Order
- Order called
- Approval of July 17th Minutes
- Approved
- Member Reports
- Charles Jetty, Student Executive Committee Chair
- 22 vacancies for senator seats
- still looking for graduate music etc. seats
- will get 5 more freshman senators after elections
- want to retain freshman with freshman internship program
- Can also become an associate senator
- Will happen in the next committee cycle
- Mady Womack, Student Body President
- Looking at having a dinner at memorial stadium with coach Beatty
- Glad that the internship program went through
- Mattie Carter, Student Body Vice President
- Not present
- Rusha Bajpai, Student Senate Director of Diversity & Inclusion
- First Multi Cultural Board of Advisors meeting
- Groups don’t reach out to eachother if they have nothing in common
- Went to first MSG meeting.
- Trying to make it to every meeting
- Meet Thursdays at 6
- Chance Maginness Finance Committee Chair
- Just stepped into this role
- Did overspend a little bit this meeting
- Doesn’t want to cut services that need funds
- Some clubs have extra funds already
- Important to encourage people to amend things down in a responsible way
- If all that money goes through we will have $3k a semester
- We will have to strike people off of the agenda so people will have more time to get things in and feel more comfortable for the process
- Mady – What do you think about the travel fund?
- Chance – I don’t think we have the money to do a travel fund this year. Former people have depleted the funds too quickly
Brendan- how much did we overspend last cycle?
Chance- Double what we should have spent
Rusha- so you recommend we spend $3k a cycle?
Chance- we will have $3090 a cycle to not run out of money by the last cycle. If we want to spend more down the road we will have to change that number.
Is there a way to make the senators aware of that?
Yes we are going to be better about that
I am also going to be frank about senators being there for the whole meeting.
Charles- are you good to start striking people from the roles
Chance- if it happens twice we will start striking the role
- Zoya Khan, Multicultural Affairs Committee Chair
- First meeting had great attendance
- Need to be proactive about supporting and engaging new members
- Got everyone who was new elected to a new committee
- Last year we could barely make quorum
- Martin Doherty, Student Rights Committee Chair
- First meeting was a little shaky
- Martin struggled to get decorum
- Going to get control of that next meeting
- We had a group of people that left early from our meetings as well
- For the most part people cycled in and out of our meeting
- Adrian Janowiak, University Affairs Committee Chair
- Nothing too terribly exciting at our meeting
- People stated what University Affairs they want to have discussion on
- Sustainability and campus carry were big issues
- Got representatives for every committee except student survey
- John Foster & Jessica Guardiola,SenEx Representatives
- Talked about Jasmine’s situation and how to best handle that
- Everyone on Senex is in favor of finding funding for ADA people
- Want to address other accessibility issues on campus
- Departments shouldn’t have to pay for accessibility issues themselves
- University should be able to find funding because it leaves them open to lawsuits
- Chance- Teachers breaking policies. Has Senex heard anything about that?
- John – That has not been brought up
- Mady – Ask at the next meeting if they’ve heard about it. Have been teachers wrongly presenting information
- Chance- A professor did not attend their class and is holding it via skype. This breaks the rules and should be addressed. Doing it protest concealed carry. Curious if anyone knew about it.
- Rusha- Professor is not doing classes because of concealed carry. Another is wearing bulletproof vests.
- Mady- still have to teach your class in person
- Chance- Ron Gonzalez was doing classes over skype. I don’t know the other professor. What irritates me is this only instills more fear in the campus population.
- Mady- professors are entitled to disagree with the policy, but they still do have an obligation to their students. It’s department policy that you have to teach your class in person if it is not an online class.
- Rusha- Was talking to dean lejewuez. If you see a weapon that is not concealed you can dismiss class.
- Marsha Carrasco Cooper, SILC Director
- Not present
- Regular Agenda
- Approval of the September 6th Full Senate Agenda
- Brittany resigned from senate and Zoya resigned from University Senate
- Per the MA, we need to appoint someone to MSG
- Approved
- Adjournment
410 Kansas Union University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-3710