Chariho Middle School
School Improvement Team (SIT)
April 2, 2014
CMS Library
The SIT met in the CMS library.. Facilitator Thad Ayazides called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.
Minutes of the March meeting were approved by consensus with one change noted for Thad to edit.
No new members so introductions were not needed
Core Values-
Presentation to the staff scheduled for April 17th staff meeting.
PARCC Field Test(pilot of test)
Steve explained how PARCC testing had gone. He explained how there were a few glitches on Pearson’s end the first day of testing but it improved over time.
The survey at the end allowed for the students to say what they thought of the test. Our students seemed to do great in being honest about what they liked and did not like with the test.
Washington D.C. Trip
Steve explained that the trip was another success and a lot of fun. He mentioned how well planned it was by Cathy Peters and John Lab, which leads to its success.
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Reviewed the changes to the plan.
Questions arose about the Common Core assessment packages. Steve explained what they are and how they are approved by a West Warwick Math Chair. Teams of teachers from various schools had made these together during professional development.
There was an agreement to delete all periods in the plan.
Committee Reports. n/a
Nominating Committee:
No new members. One student has missed three meetings. They were reminded of the by law but reminded that they are always welcome back.
By-Laws Committee:
Family Engagement Committee:
Variety Show
At least 15 people said they liked the idea
Next year in February maybe
This year in June planned by this committee.
Health/Wellness Committee said they will not be purchasing the picnic tables. They are working to get more intermural activities at the school.
Public Forum: No report
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the CMS SIT will be held Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 4:30 PM, at the Richmond Country Club. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.
Mission: CMS will teach, target and transform our school community.