Supplemental Materials

Characterizing Autism-Relevant Social Behavior in Poodles via Owner Report

by R. M. Zamzow et al., 2017, Journal of Comparative Psychology

Table S1
Modified Questions Fromthe Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Used Previously in Lit et al. (2010)
Q1 / Use of person’s body to communicate
0 = No use of person’s body to communicate.
1 = Takes person’s hand and leads him/her somewhere.
2 = Takes person’s hand, places it on an object.
Q2 / Physical gestures for something more than about 2 in. away: Can the dog use gestures to direct owner to observe or get an item (i.e., pawing/nose-poking)?
0 = No spontaneous use of physical gestures.
1 = Spontaneous use of single physical gesture to attempt to communicate.
2 = Spontaneous use of more than one physical gesture to attempt to communicate.
Q3 / Eye contact: Does the dog make eye contact with the owner and/or other humans?
0 = No eye contact to initiate social interaction.
1 = Dog occasionally makes eye contact spontaneously in a nonthreatening manner.
2 = Dog makes eye contact frequently and spontaneously in a nonthreatening manner.
Q4 / Eye contact combined with vocalization (i.e., barking, whining, other sounds) to communicate: Does the dog use eye contact and other behaviors for social interaction with the owner and/or other humans?
0 = No social overtures OR does not use eye contact/vocalization to communicate.
1 = Uses either eye contact or vocalization to communicate.
2 = Uses both eye contact and vocalization to communicate.
Q5 / Shared enjoyment in interaction: Does the dog show enjoyment in interactions with the owner and/or other humans?
0 = Shows little or no pleasure in interaction. May show pleasure in his/her own actions or in playing alone with toys.
1 = Shows some pleasure in interaction with you during at least one activity.
2 = Shows definite and appropriate pleasure during more than one activity.
Q6 / Response to name: Does the dog respond to his/her name?
0 = Does not look at you after any purely verbal attempt to get attention.
1 = Does not make eye contact with you after name is called, but shifts gaze briefly (no direct eye contact, but looks in your direction), OR looks at least once when an interesting or familiar vocalization or verbalization is made (e.g., “Do you want a cookie?”).
2 = Looks toward you and makes eye contact with you immediately when only name is called.
Q7 / Requesting: Does the dog ask the owner and/or other humans for anything?
0 = Never requests anything.
1 = Requests a desired object/activity using either eye contact with you OR physical contact with you OR vocalization, but does not hand/bring you a desired object.
2 = Requests a desired object/activity by handing/bringing you a desired object and making eye contact with you.
3 = Requests a desired object/activity by handing/bringing you a desired object and vocalizing.
4 = Requests a desired object/activity by handing/bringing you a desired object, vocalizing, and making eye contact with you.
Q8 / Giving: Does the dog give/bring items to the owner and/or other humans?
0 = Never gives you anything.
1 = Brings you things as part of a routine (i.e., the dog is told to bring/retrieve something).
2 = Spontaneously brings you things for the purpose of interaction.
Q9 / Showing: Does the dog show items to the owner and/or other humans?
0 = Never shows you anything.
1 = Shows you toys or other objects but does not make eye contact when doing so.
2 = Spontaneously shows you toys or objects by bringing them to you/placing them in front of you and making eye contact with or without vocalization.
Q10 / Attempts to direct attention to an object out of reach: Does the dog try to direct the attention of the owner and/or other humans to a desired object that the dog cannot obtain alone?
0 = Never tries to direct your attention to an object out of reach.
1 = May try to direct your attention to an object out of reach by looking at the object and/or vocalizing, but does not coordinate either of these with any eye contact and does not alternate gaze between you and the object.
2 = Clearly tries to direct your attention to an object out of reach by looking at the object, then looking at you, then looking back at the object. May or may not include vocalizing, but definitely includes eye contact and gaze shifts between you and the object.
Q11 / Looking where you look: Does the dog look where the owner and/or other humans look and/or point?
0 = Never looks in the direction in which you are looking.
1 = Looks at a toy or object when it is placed directly in front of him/her, but does not follow your gaze or your pointing to an object at a distance.
2 = If you point to an object, your dog will look in the direction you are pointing.
3 = Your dog will look in the direction you look, without the need for pointing.