Write the most appropriate adjective that reflects a character trait related to the quote from Ch. 1-2.

A. Our protagonist—The one and only ______Age: ______

______: Often he remembers the past with a sense of nostalgia, thinking about his words and actions and identity in Ch. 1-2.

______: “Thinking still…he realized that frightened was the wrong word to describe his feelings” (15).

______: “I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid” (18).

______: “I’m feeling apprehensive” (21).

______: Father says, “I studied hard in school, as you do, Jonas” (28).

______: “Asher and I will always be friends” (31).

B. ______Works for the Department of Justice

______:“He glanced at his mother, the one responsible for adherence to the rules” (25).

______: “Lily…you know the rules” (20). She speaks of the Ceremony of 12s. “Your friends will no longer be as close” (31). “Lily…when you’re an Eight your comfort object will be taken away” (32).

______: She often smiles as she speaks. She shows concern for feelings of family members.

______: “…her work never seemed to end” (33).

C. Jonas’ sister, ______,7 years old

______: “Lily’s feelings were always straightforward, fairly simple, usually easy to resolve” (18).

______: She jumps to conclusions about the children from other communities (18).

D. Jonas’ best friend; the funny “class clown” ______

______: “Asher’s such fun but he doesn’t really have any serious interests. He makes a game out of everything” (30).

______: “…not like his friend Asher, who talked too fast and mixed things up” (14)…
He smoothed his wrinkled tunic and sat down” (14).

E. Baby ______, Newchild Number ______, cared for by ______
He is weak and struggling in the Nurturing Center (18).
______: “He’s a sweet little male with a lovely disposition” (18).

F. ______, Job: Nurturer

______: I’m going to keep trying…I think this little guy needs something extra” (19).

Committed to job; feels responsible for results
______: He learns the new child’s name in hopes he will grow stronger (25).

Quiet/shy: “…for he was a shy and quiet man” (27).

______: “Fun doesn’t end when you become a 12” (32).
He gives Lily the comfort object” (32).