1Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Present: Councillors J Sanders (Mayor), D L Bradley, T Leadley, R Gettings,

A Dalton, J Tetley, T Grayshon, J Elliott, R Finnigan, S Varley, W Whitehead,

J Beverley, G Beevers, J Jackson, H Evans (late arrival), M Hicks,

K Stephenson, P Cook, S Jones, J Dawe, S Kimberley and H P Bradley.

Apologies: Councillors R Benson and H Benson.

The Deputy Mayoress, L Drake also attended along with 6 members of the public.

2(a)Mayor’s Announcements

(i)The Mayor reported that the Civic Sunday Parade and Service would take place in Churwell on 23rd September 2007; the Service being held at All Saints Church. The parade will leave Churwell Community Centre at 1.30pm.

(ii)A coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer will be held in the Mayor’s Parlour on 28th September 2007 between 10am and 12 noon.

(iii)Morley Literature Festival will be held between 10th and 14th October.

(iv)MAOS are holding a Musical Extravaganza on Friday, 21st September 2007 in Morley Town Hall.

(v)Photographs will be taken of all Councillors for their ID badges following the meeting.

2(b)Town Clerk’s Announcements


3Public Questions

No public questions had been notified.

4Declaration of Interests

Cllr J Jackson declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 – Planning Committee minutes of 10/7/07 application 3770 Newlands Out of School Club, and in agenda item 7 – Planning Committee minutes of 21st August 2007 application 4891 Mrs Dobb.

Cllrs T Leadley, R Finnigan, R Gettings, J Elliott and T Grayshon declared a personal interest in agenda item 14 – Election Administration Charges.

Cllrs T Grayshon, R Finnigan and R Gettings declared a personal interest in agenda item 16 – Town Centre Manager invoice.

Cllr J Elliott declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 16 – Town Centre Manager invoice.

Cllr H Evans declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 – Planning Committee minutes of 24th July 2007 application 3608 Montford Homes (this interest was declared after she arrived).

Cllrs T Grayshon, J Elliott, T Leadley, R Finnigan and R Gettings declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 – Planning committee minutes of 24th July 2007 application 4357 Leeds City Council.

Cllr T Grayshon declared a personal interest in agenda item 7(iv) – Planning Committee minutes of 21st August 2007 application 4956, Mr & Mrs Carnell.

Councillor H Evans arrived at this point.

5To approveMinutes of Council Meeting held on 4th July 2007

The minutes of the Council meeting held on 4th July 2007 were approved as a true and accurate record.

6To receive Minutes of Finance and General Purposes Committee meetings held on 28th June and 19th July 2007

(i)28th June 2007

The minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 28th June 2007 were received and noted.

(ii)19th July 2007

A question was asked regarding the provision of I.D. badges for employees of the Town Council. It was agreed that this be referred back to the Finance and General Purposes Committee for clarification.

The minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 19th July 2007 were received and noted.

7To receive minutes of Planning Committee meetings held on 10th and 24th July and 7th and 21st August 2007

(i)10th July 2007

A question was asked regarding agenda item 7(d) Worrall Street Tramshed, and was answered by the Chairman.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 10th July 2007 were received and noted.

(ii)24th July 2007

It was reported that, at this meeting, prior to discussion on agenda item 6 – planning application 4128, Councillor R Finnigan left the room, and that this should have been included in these minutes.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 24th July 2007 were received and noted.

(iii)7th August 2007

Questions were asked regarding agenda item 6 - planning application 4295, Morley United Services Club, and planning application 4134 Real Housing Foundation. These questions were answered by the Chairman.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 7th August 2007 were received and noted.

(iv)21st August 2007

A question was asked regarding agenda item 6 - planning application 4956, Mr & Mrs Carnell, and was answered by the Chairman.

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 21st August 2007 were received and noted.

8To receive minutes of Civic Duties Committee meeting held on 26th June and 6th August 2007

(i)26th June 2007

The Mayor was congratulated on her idea to hold the Brass Band Competition in Morley.

The minutes of the Civic Duties Committee meeting held on 26th June 2007 were received and noted.

(ii)6th August 2007

It was pointed out that the heading of these minutes should read “Minutes of the meeting of the Civic Duties Committee” and not “Sub-Committee” as stated.

It was reported that the curtains in both the Mayor’s Parlour and the Council Chamber had been repaired, cleaned and re-hung in time for Heritage weekend.

Item 4 – Partnership Events in Morley

It was also reported that the ‘Festival of Remembrance’ will be held in Morley Town Hall on Friday, 9th November 2007 at 7.30pm, preceded by an ‘invitation only’ reception. This is a Leeds City Council event. It was confirmed that all Town Councillors are welcome to attend.

The minutes of the Civic Duties Committee meeting held on 26th June 2007 were received and noted.

Subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the Civic Duties Committee meeting held on 6th August 2007 were received and noted.

9To receive Minutes of Strategic, Policy and Constitutional Committee meeting held on 28th July 2007

The minutes of the Strategic, Policy and Constitutional Committee meeting held on 28th July 2007 were received and noted.

10Proposal to make Morley Entertainments Committee a Sub-Committee of Morley Town Council’s Community Development Committee

A proposal had been received to give consideration to making Morley Entertainments Committee a sub-committee of Morley Town Council’s Community Development Committee; this proposal was agreed by the Morley Entertainments Committee at their meeting held on 5th July 2007.

It was therefore agreed that the Morley Entertainments Committee becomes a sub-committee of the Community Development Committee and that the terms of reference be determined by that Committee.

11Proposal to Bring Forward Council Meeting from 2nd January 2008 to

19th December 2007

This proposal was put forward by Councillor T Leadley. Following a vote, the proposal was not supported.

12Proposal to Amend Standing Orders Regarding Specific Items of Budgeted Expenditure in excess of £1,000

This item was proposed and seconded and, in accordance with Standing Orders, will stand adjourned without discussion until the next Town Council meeting to be held on 7th November 2007.

13Motion Proposed by Councillor T Leadley:-

“This Council resolves to correct the wording of its Standing Orders to remove the longstanding confusion over their use of the words “motion” and “resolution”, which have quite different meanings and are not interchangeable.

Council accepts that a “motion” is a formal proposition put to a meeting of Council or one of its Committees, which would not become a “resolution” unless supported by a majority of those voting at the meeting. The Acting Town Clerk is instructed to amend Standing Orders accordingly.”

This motion was proposed and seconded, and, in accordance with Standing Orders, the item will stand adjourned without discussion until the next Town Council meeting to be held on 7th November 2007.

14Proposal to Pay Outstanding Election Administration Charges to Leeds City Council

It was reported that previous attempts to fight the payment of these charges had failed and that, as the Town Council has funds in reserve, it was proposed and agreed that the outstanding Election Administration Charges amounting to £14,692.48 (note: this amount does not include the charges for the April 2007 elections), be paid to Leeds City Council immediately. An amount of £2,000 was paid to Leeds City Council as part-payment of these charges on 23rd July 2007.

15Proposal to Revert to Monthly Committee Meetings

Members had been provided with a proposed schedule of meetings, including monthly meetings for Community Development, Finance and General Purposes and Highways and Transportation Committees.

Following a unanimous vote, it was agreed that the Town Council revert to monthly meetings for the above Committees, and that the proposed schedule of meetings be accepted.

16To Authorise Payment of Invoice for £10,000 in respect of Town Centre Manager

Councillor J Elliott had declared a prejudicial interest in this item and left the room for this item. It was proposed and agreed that the invoice for £10,000 received from Leeds City Council in respect of Morley Town Council’s contribution towards the Town Centre Manager post, be paid.

17To Authorise Payment of Invoice for £12,150 to West Yorkshire Police Authority in respect of PCSO’s

A recorded vote was requested and taken as follows:-

For: Cllrs J Sanders D L Bradley, T Leadley, R Gettings,

A Dalton, J Tetley, T Grayshon, J Elliott, R Finnigan,

S Varley, W Whitehead, J Beverley, G Beevers,

J Jackson, H Evans, M Hicks, K Stephenson, P Cook,

S Jones, J Dawe, S Kimberley and H P Bradley22

Against: None

Abstentions: None

It was proposed and agreed that the invoice for £12,150 received from West Yorkshire Police Authority, in respect of funding for 6 PCSO’s, be paid.

18To Receive Minutes of Highways and Transportation Committee meetings held on 11th July and 8th August 2007

(i)11th July 2007

Item 6 - It was reported that there were still ongoing problems with Arriva Bus Services.

Cllr T Leadley responded and will take up any issues.

The minutes of the Highways and Transportation Committee meeting held on 11th July 2007 were received and noted.

(ii)8th August 2007

The minutes of the Highways and Transportation Committee meeting held on 8th August 2007 were received and noted.