Hero Paper Rubric Name: Due Date: Friday, August 22, 2014
Superb – A / Good – B / Average – C / Needs Work - D / UnacceptableMLA Format / Spacing, margins, header, page numbers, and title are MLA specification correct. / 1 error. / 2-3 errors. / 4-5 errors. / Over 5 errors
Voice / The personality of the writer is evident in the writing. The writer’s enthusiasm and/or interest brings the hero to life. The writing is natural and gripping. The tone is appropriate and consistently controlled. The overall effect is individualistic, expressive, and engaging. / Personality, confidence and feeling are expressed throughout the writing. The writer connects to the audience and clearly indicates a purpose for the writing. The tone is sincere, pleasant and generally appropriate. / Personality, confidence and feeling weave in and out of the writing. Focus on the topic is limited. Connection to the audience and purpose for the writing may be unclear. The tone is generally appropriate. / The writing lacks focus. Connection to the audience and purpose for the writing are unclear. The tone is flat or inappropriate. / Not English 4 quality.
Development / Presents clear, central ideas about the hero. Fully develops ideas with specific and relevant examples. Sustains focus on central idea throughout the writing. It is clear that the writer has reflected on ideas. Ideas and examples are exceptionally interesting and insightful. / Presents central ideas about the hero. Develops ideas but one detail might be general or not elaborated enough. Focus may shift but is generally sustained throughout the writing. The writer has reflected on ideas. Ideas and examples are interesting and insightful. / Presents central ideas about hero. At times, central ideas may be unclear. Develops ideas but one/two details might be general or not elaborated enough. More information was needed to clarify central ideas. Focus may shift or be lost, which causes confusion for the reader. / Fails to effectively present central ideas about the hero. Details are absent or confusing. There is little to no sense of focus. Ideas and/or examples lack development and thought. / Not English 4 quality.
Organization / Has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Provides a smooth progression of ideas throughout the writing. Excellent use of transitions. / Has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Good use of transitions. / Attempts at an introduction, body, and conclusion; however, one of those components might be weak or ineffective. / Attempts at an introduction, body, and conclusion; however, two or more of those components might be absent, weak, or confusing. / Not English 4 quality.
Grammar/Mechanics / Correct. / 1-3 errors / 4-6 errors / 7-9 errors / Over 9 errors
* Paper must be typed and in MLA format. Plagiarism will result in a zero. At least a 10-point deduction if page minimum is not met or page maximum is exceeded.