Chapter 19: Southwest Asian and the Indian Ocean (The Gunpowder Empires)
Reading Questions:
1)What three factors were responsible for the expansion of the Ottoman Empire beginning around 1300? Explain your answer in detail.
2)Describe how the Ottomans built and administered their territorial empire.
3)Use the story in the chapter opener as well as the rest of the chapter to describe the relationship between the Islamic empires and Europe throughout this period. How did the Ottoman Empire handle the growing European aggression? Did the Ottoman Empire resist European trade and culture?
4)Explain the economic and military crisis that led to the decline of the Ottoman Empire.
5)Explain/describe the rise of the Safavids and the role of Shi’ite Islam in the development of Iranian identity under the Safavids.
6)How did Muslim leaders deal with religious and ethnic diversity among their subject peoples? Compare Ottoman, Savavids, and Mughals.
7)Describe in detail the major similarities between the Safavid and Mughal Empires, particularly the cultural effects of Islam.
8)Compare and contrast the culture and society of the two important Muslim cities, Istanbul and Isfahan.
9)What was the primary feature that distinguished the Mughal Empire from the Ottomans and Safavids? Explain your answer in detail.
10)Why did the trade empires in the Indian Ocean region succeed while the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires declined?
11)Discuss the effects of integrating law and culture in the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires with respect the relationship between religious law and local tradition. You should refer to the Diversity and Dominance section, as well as the text itself.
12)Compare the effects of European expansion on the land-based Ottoman, safavid, and Mughal Empires and on the cities of the Swahili coast.
13)What role did women play in the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?
-Ottoman Empire
-Suleiman the Magnificent
-Tulip Period
-Safavid Empire
-Shi’ite Islam
-Shah Abbas I
-Mughal Empire
- Sikhism
-Acheh Sultanate
Map Exercises
A (532)
1. What state governed the largest; Most multicultural; Most populous?
2. Which empire is nearest to Europe?
- How would proximity to Europe affect an empire?
3. Which modern states does each empire rule?
- Ottoman
- Safavid
- Mughal
4. What state would be most dependent on sea power? Why?
5. Which state would be the easiest and most difficult to defend? Why?