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Mr. P’s Final Exam Review

***** Culture and Early Civilizations *****


trend - a general direction

Key Ideas

1. How and why did early humans migrate to North America?

- crossed the Beringia land bridge from Asia in search of food

2. Who were the Aztec, Maya, and Inca?

- advanced civilizations that existed before Columbus (1492)and other Europeans

- killed off by contact with Europeans (warfare and disease)

***** European Exploration *****

Key Ideas

1. What allowed Jamestown (first permanent English colony) to grow and prosper?

- the introduction of tobacco farming

***** 13 Colonies *****


Middle Passage - overcrowded, disease-filledslave voyage on Atlantic Ocean to Americas

mercantilism -economic theory (idea) that colonies were established to make money for the mother countries (England, France)

Triangle Trade- trade routes between 13 colonies, West Indies, Africa, and Europe

Key Ideas

1. What did the House of Burgessesand the Mayflower Compacthave in common?

- both were early forms of democratic self-government

2. What was the only group able to vote in the 13 English colonies?

- white male property owners over 21 (who usually belonged to a church)

3. Why did the colonies develop different economies (kinds of jobs)?

- differences in geography (rivers, soil, climate) and natural resources (forests)

***** Road to Revolution *****


Join or Die- Franklin’s political cartoon that urged colonists to work together to survive

boycott - economic protest in which people refuse to buy or use goods and services

Key Ideas

1. What was the “shot heard around the world” at Lexington?

- fighting that began the American Revolution

2. Why were boycotts of English goods so effective?

- English merchants suffered economic hardships (lost money)

***** American Revolution *****


patriot -person who supported independence

loyalist/tory-person against independence who wanted remain under English rule

Common Sense- Thomas Paine’s pamphlet that urged colonists to form own nation

Key Ideas

1. What were the three parts of Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence?

- Natural rights of man (including life, liberty and pursuit of happiness)

- List of British wrongs

- Announcement of independence

2. Did the colonists have many advantages in the American Revolution?

- NO...but a few important ones like a reason to fight and knowledge of the land

3. What American disadvantage was revealed by the order to “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes” at Bunker Hill?

- the Continental Army was often short of gunpowder and musket balls

4. What was the turning point of the American Revolution? Why?

- Battle of Saratoga, which led to French support (guns, money, army, navy)

**** The U.S. Constitution *****


compromise - settlement in which each side gives up some demands to reach agreement

Bill of Rights - 1st 10 amendments (changes) to U.S. Constitution

democracy -government in which the people (citizens) hold political power

separation of powers -power of national government is split into 3 different branches

checks and balances -each part of the federal government can check or limit the power and actions of the other branches

Key Ideas

1. Why was Shays’ Rebellion important?

- it showed that the Articles of Confederation were not working

2. Why was the Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention so important?

- it resolved the issue of representation in Congress based on population

- House of Representatives for large states & Senate for small states

3. What is the main responsibility of each of the following?

Legislative Branch - makes or passes the laws

Executive Branch - carries out or enforces the laws

Judicial Branch - interprets the laws

*****Civics Handbook*****


veto -president’s powerto reject a bill

override - power of Congress to overrule a veto (requires 2/3rds vote)

impeach - to charge an elected official, such as a president, with a crime

Key Ideas

1. What are the two “houses” of the United States Congress?

- House of Representatives and Senate

2. What are 3 examples of “checks and balances” in our national government?

- Presidents may veto bills passed by Congress

- The Senate must approve presidential appointments to the Supreme Court

- The Supreme Court may declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional5.

***** Washington’s Presidency *****


Whiskey Rebellion- Washington showed power of new national government to enforce federal laws by putting down farmers’ revolt over tax on whiskey

judicial review - right of the Supreme Court to decide if laws are constitutional

Key Ideas

1. Name two precedents (examples for others to follow) set by George Washington.

- establishing a Cabinet (advisors) and serving only two terms as President

2. Why was Marbury vs. Madison such an important Supreme Court case?

- established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review

***** Thomas Jefferson to War of 1812 *****

Key Ideas

1. Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important?

- doubled the size of the United States

***** Industrial Revolution *****

Key Ideas

1. Why was the Erie Canal linking Great Lakes and New York City important?

- allowed for fast/cheap transportation of people/goods and helped open the West

- made New York City the nation’s commercial center

2. What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

- to warn European nations not to seek colonies in new Latin America countries

3. What was a negative effect from the invention of the cotton gin?

- spread of slavery to western states and territories

***** Andrew Jackson *****

Key Ideas

1. Why was Andrew Jackson sometimes portrayed as a king?

- he vetoed many laws and opponents thought he was too powerful

2. What was the Trail of Tears?

-forced march of the Cherokeesto land west of the Mississippi River, during which thousands perished

- Indian removal supported by Jackson because whites wanted their land

***** Manifest Destiny *****


Manifest Destiny - the belief that Americans had the right and the duty to settle all land between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans

Key Ideas

1. What was an important reason why the United States went to war with Mexico?

- Texas was annexed (added) to the United States

***** Worlds of North and South *****


abolitionists - people who wanted to end slavery (Frederick Douglass/Wm Lloyd Garrison)

Underground Railroad - secretive route to freedom for runaway slaves

Harriet Tubman -led slaves to freedom on Underground Railroad (“Moses”)

Seneca Falls Convention (1848) - first meeting to call for equal rights for women

***** Road to the Civil War *****


sectionalism- giving loyalty to state or section instead of the whole country

Key Ideas

1. What event immediately caused the South to secede from the Union?

- Lincoln’s election as president

***** The Civil War *****


total war - strategy (used by Sherman against the South) that seeks to destroy an enemy’s will to fightby destroying everything of use

Emancipation Proclamation - Lincoln’s documentthat started process of abolishing slavery

Key Ideas

1. Namefive advantages of the North at the beginning of the Civil War.

- population, industry (factories/mfg), Lincoln’s leadership, railroads, telegraph

2. What was Lincoln’s MAIN goal at the start of the Civil War?

- restore the Union (NOT ENDING SLAVERY!)

3. Where were the first shots fired by the South to start the Civil War?

- Fort Sumter (Charleston harbor)

4. What was the turning point of the Civil War?

- Battle of Gettysburg