Note: I expect all essays in this class to be at LEAST 1 page long typed, double spaced (12 pt TNR font) or equivalent. For some questions you may need significantly more space.

Question 1

  1. Given what you know about the development of the body (ht., wt. sleep), the 5 senses (hearing, vision, taste, smell & touch), gross motor skills, fine motor skills, health (immunization, safety) and early nutrition, discuss how you would design a daycare for infants (aged 1 month to 2 years) to promote healthy development in all those areas. Please be specific about what aspects of your daycare promote which types of development.

Question 2

A. For the following scenarios please analyze what effects both Freud and Erikson would claim the parent’s behavior may have on the emotional and personality development of the child. Take into consideration the age of the child and make sure to mention what stage the child would be in according to each researcher.

B. Describe what effects you think this type of parenting will have on the child’s attachment style and why (make sure to mention which of the four styles you think this child is likely to adopt towards their parent) AND what you believe the long term consequences of this attachment style will be for the child. Make sure to mention the frequency of the attachment style that you select.

Note: there is not one right answer, make sure you explain WHY you think this attachment style is the most likely.

Scenario: Mikey is 6 months old. Her mother Sara is suffering from bipolar disorder. Although she tries, Sara is currently in a depressed state, and is spending so much time sleeping and crying that Mikey is not getting very much attention from her. Often Mikey is hungry, and cries and cries, but no one comes to feed, change or check on her. Because Sara is taking Lithium to control her disorder, she is unable to breastfeed. When Sara does interact with the child, she is frightened of dropping or hurting her, and she is easily overwhelmed if Mikey starts to fuss.

Scenario: William is 2 years old. His father Brent has been working on toilet training him. Brent is anxious to be able to quit changing diapers so he is pushing William to acquire this skill as quickly as possible. Brent’s basic training method is to punish William every time he makes in his diaper by spanking him as well as to reward him when he makes in the kid potty. Additionally, Brent is appalled at what William wants to do for himself already at this age. He makes sure to keep William away from new things because they might be dangerous. He is impatient with William’s desires to do things on his own, and usually just tells William to stop and does the task himself (for example, getting dressed or making food) Although William is desperate to try to please his father, Brent only gives him positive feedback when William succeeds at something fully and makes fun of his son when he makes errors.