


Chapter I waves and particals . introduction to the fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics

Electromagnetic waves and photons

Material particles and matter waves

Quantum description of a particle wave packets

Particle in a time-independent scalar potential


One-partical wave function space

State space Dirac notation

Representations in the state space

Eigenvalue equations observables

Two important examples of representations and observables

Tensor product of state spaces

Chapter III the postulates of quantum mechanics


Statement of the postulates

The physical interpretation of the postulates concerning observables and their measurement

The physical implications of the schrodinger equation

The superposition principle and physical predictions

Chapter IV application of postulates to simple cases: spin 1/2 and two-level systems

Spin 1/2 partical: quantization of the angular momentum

Illustration of the postulates in the case of a sin 1/2

General study of two-level systems

Chapter V the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator


Eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian

Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian


Chapter VI general properties of angular momentum id=n quantum mechanics

Introduction: the importance of angular momentum

Commutation relations characteristics of angular momentum

General theory of angular momentum

Application to orbital angular momentum

Chapter VII partical in a central potential the hydrogen atom

Stationary states of a particle in a central potential

Motion of the center of mass and relative motion for a system of two interacting particles

The hydrogen atom

Chapter VIII an elementary approach to the quantum theory of scattering by a potential


Stationary scattering states calculation of the cross section

Scattering by a central potential method of partial waves

Chapter IX electron spin

Introduction of electron spin

Special properties of angular momentum 1/2

Non-relativistic description of a spin 1/2 partical

Chapter X addition of angular momenta


Addition of two spin 1/2 elementary method

Addition of two arbitrary angular momenta general method

Chapter XI stationary perturbation theory

Description of the method

Perturbation of a non-degenerate level

Perturbation of a degenerate level

Chapter XII an application of perturbation theory: the fine and hyperfine structure of the hydrogen atom


Additional terms in the Hamiltonian

The fine structure of the n=2 level

The hyperfine structure of the n=1 level

The zeeman effect of the hyperfine structure of the 1s ground state

Chapter XIII approximation methods for time-dependent problems

Statement of the problem

Approximate solution of the schrodinger equation

An important special case; sinusoidal constant perturbation

Chapter XIV systems of identical particals

Statement of the problem

Permutation operators

The symmetrizationab postulate



This book is especially designed to eliminate the difficulty which the students have while separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have historically been applied. 14chapters, augmented by 14 “complementary sections,” provideclarity of organization, careful attention to pedagogical details, and a wealth of topics and examples that allow physics professors to tailor courses to meet students’ specific needs.