Chapter Formation Process
Step 1: General information
For details about theGeographic Organizational Units, please find theMGA Operations Manual, paragraph 9.0 (pp. 72-119), especially following paragraphs.
9.6.A. Chapters, Definition (p. 99)
9.6.B. Chapter Formation (p. 100)
9.7.A. Student Branches, Definition, Formation (p. 107)
9.7.F/G. Joint and Section Student Branch (p.108)
9.8.A. Student Branch Chapters, Definition (p.110)
Main conditions:
- Chapter:at least twelve (12) members (9.6.B.d, p. 100)
- Joint Society/Section Chapter: each Society or Section involved shall be represented by at least three (3) members (9.6.H., p. 105)
- Student Branch: at least twelve (12) members (9.6.B.1, p. 107)
- Joint Student Branch: at last twenty (20) members (9.6.F.1, p. 108)
- Section Student Branch: at least twelve (12) members (9.6.G.1, p. 108)
- Student Branch Chapter: at least six (6) members of a Student Branch (9.8.A, p. 110).If a Student Branch doesn´t exist at the University either a Student Branch of the University or a Section Student Branch should be formed first.Check "Missing information....." first, see below.
- Joint Student Branch Chapter: each Society or Student Branch involved shall be represented by at least three (3) members (9.8.G, p. 112)
Missing information for completing the petition:
If you need information about membership lists, parent organization units and their contact persons, please visitIEEE SAMIEE, orIEEE Student Branches by Region,orIEEE Organization Roster.
Step 2: Petition submission
Effectively 1st January 2017, the newonline petition formshall be used to form geographic units.
IEEE MGA Geographic Petition has released a new online petition form. This new formwill allow you to submit petitions for forming Student Branches, Student Branch Chapters, Student Affinity Groups, Technical Chapters, Joint Chapters and Affinity Groups. Below you will find the URL where you can access the online petition form. The individual submitting the petition will need to use their IEEE WEB Account to sign on.
Online Petition Form
Please feel free to ith questions regarding the online petition form.
Nicole Brown, Supervisor, Geographic Petition and Senior Members Process, IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Department, v: +1 732 562 5548
If you need new members get ones:
How to apply for IAS membership?byMs. Megha Ben, Editor-in-Chief IEEE CS Compute, Regional Student Ambassador IEEE CS, Secretary Student Activities Committee of IEEE SS India Council
Step 3: Petition approval
Having submitted the petition, an approval process will be started by IEEE MGA. IEEE MGA is communicating with the submitter of the petition.If the petition prepared correctly, this process takes only some days.
Having the approval process finished a congratulatory letter will be sent by MGA to the submitter and IAS. This letter contains the chapter code / geo code. This codeis the "ID number" of the chapter and should be used at IEEE communication.
Step 4: Roster and starting subsidy
Having the congratulatory letter received, CMD updates the chapter roster and informs the responsible CMD officers and chapter area chairs about the new chapter.
The chapter chair´s duty is to inform MGA about the chapter officers via vTools and CMD about changes in the chapter chair position by email.
IAS provides $500 starting subsidy for both technical/society and student branch new chapters. The chapter subsidy payment should be started by the chapter chair according to Programs >US$500 Starting Subsidyfor New Chapters.
Step 5: Chapter organizers´ / chairs´ tools
-Are You a Smart Chapter Organizer?, bySrikanth Vasudevan P., IAS CMD Chapter Development Chair. Prepared for the 2017 CMD and Chapters Annual Meeting, Sunday Workshop presentation
-IEEE SB Officer Training - Operation Manual, byMr. Pasan Pethiyagode,IEEE R10 Regional Student Representative 2017-18.Prepared for: Student Activities Committee, IEEE Sri Lanka Section
-E-notice / SAMIEE Overview, byMs. Fanny Su, CEO, IEEE Asia Pacific Operations Center. Prepared for IAS R10 Chapters Leadership Workshop 2010
-IEEE SAMIEE- to find member lists and contact addresses
-IEEE Student Branches by Region- to find student branches
-IEEE Organization Roster- to find contact persons / to check existence of organization units
Prepared by Peter Magyar, CMD Chair, mailto:
Oct 13, 2017