Chapter - 9 Heredity and Evolution
1 mark questions :-
1. Which of the two exhibit greater variation : asexual or sexual reproduction?
2. Why all the variants don't have equal chances of surviving?
3. What is heredity?
4. At which place on earth did humans appeared first?
5. Give the name of plant studied by Mendel?
6. Name the acid which is information source for making proteins in cells.
7. What is the chemical nature of enzymes?
8. Define gene.
9. Which one of the two is shorter in length 'X' or 'Y'?10. Determine the sex of progeny inheriting X chromosome from its father.
11. Name any one place in India where Dinosaur's skull fossil was found.
12. Name any one invertebrate fossil.
13. Species A share ten characteristics with B, species C share fifteen characteristics with
D which of the two pairs share closer relation?
14. Give an example of artificial selection from plants.
15. Dead remains of two organisms A and B were buried. Later, only B's fossils were found,
but not A's. Give reasons.
16. Write the possible range of pH of DNA.
17. Green and red coloured seeds are recessive and dominant trait respectively. Out of F1
and F2 in which generation will the green seed appear.
18. Give the term of the following : It is simply generation of diversity and shaping of
diversity by environmental selection.
19. Identify the group of organism that can be found in places like hot springs, deep sea,
thermal vents and ice in Antarctica.
20. Name any one fish fossil.
21. Write the location of genes.
22. With whcih branch of Biology would you associate John Mendal with?
23. What is natural selection?
24. Name the two factors which leads to the rise of a new species.
25. Are human beings the pinnacle of evolution?
26. Is evolution still occuring process?27. Write the basic characterstic of cell design in which cells differ from each other.29. Which method is extensively used to define evolutionary relationship?
2 mark questions :-
30. Name any four methods used for studying human evolution.31. Distinguish between dominant and recessive traits.
32. Define a chromosome. What are the total number of chromosomes in sperm cells ofhuman males?
33. Define acquired traits. Give examples.34. Describe the two ways of determining the age of fossils.
35. XY and XX are sex chromosomes. Write the contribution of father and mother in eachof these sets.
36. Define half way character. Give examples.
37. Under what molecular conditions any trait is considered as recessive?
38. Evolution should not be equated with progress. Give reasons.
39. How can we say that bacteria has superior body design then a fish?2 mark questions :-
40. The reproductive cell undergo reductional division. Write the number of different typesof gametes produced from one XX and one XY. Also find the ratio of X to Y?
41. Describe how the number of chromosomes is conserved in progenies?
42. Explain how genes control traits?
43. Enlist any three contrasting visible characteristices studied by Mendel in pea plant.
44. In Mendel's experiment, F1 progeny had no halfway of intermediate features. Explainthis statement by giving suitable example.45. Explain possible way of evolution of eye.
46. Give one example each of genetic drift and gene flow.47. Rahul and Parul were having a discussion on the superiority of complex over simplebody designs. You are asked to participate in the discussion and present your views.48. Prachi and Sumit were studying the homologous and analogous organs with the help ofwing of a butterfly, wings of a bat, forelimbs of horse and humans. You are asked to helpthem providing reasons for your response.
49. What is the evolutionary relationship between human beings and chimpanzee?50. Explain speciation.
51. Trace the path of Y chromosomes received by a progeny since gamete formation in theparent.
52. Tallness and wrinkled seeds are dominant traits against shortness and round seed.Which feature (s) will be expressed in F1 and F2 respectively? Also write the differentpairs of the traits possible in this case in F
53. After their death, one of the insect was burried in hot mud and other is usually foundmud. Which of the two is more likely to be preserved better and why?
54. "A trail might be inherited but not expressed." Elaborate citing an example from endel's experiments?
5 mark questions :-
55. Design an experiment to show that traits are independently inherited?
56. Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs. Give examples. Briefly describepossible evolution of feathers.
57. Write short notes on the following : evolution and fossils.
58. Define the following terms : gene flow, hierarchy, characteristic, recessive traits andgenetic drift.
59. With the help of a diagram explain the mode of sex determination in human beings.Write any two inherited traits in human beings.
60. Elobrate with an example how heirarchy of classification is related to characterstics.
61. Two tall plants are crossed by a gardner. Tallness and dwarfness are dominent andrecessive traits respectively. It is possible for him to obtain both tall as well as dwarfplant in F1 and F2 generation. Show with the help of the diagram of the cross(es).