
Chapter 8- THE CONSTITUTION Study Guide

Your test over Chapter 8 will be Friday, January 18th. The test will have

Short answer, Extended Response, Matching and 3 Essay Questions.

Answer the following questions about Chapter 8 using your notes, worksheets and the Textbook.

  1. The Constitution is based on how many key principles? Seven
  1. What is the Fifth Amendment? Protection for people accused of crimes
  1. What does veto mean? forbid
  1. Which power does the executive branch have in legislation? Power to veto
  1. The process of changing the Constitution is started by? The Congress
  1. What are the term limits for Senators and state representatives? No term limits
  1. The Virginia Plan, which provided the basic framework and central ideas to the U.S Constitution was written by? James Madison
  2. What is checks and balances? System set up to maintain a balance of power between the three branches of government.
  1. What is the Court’s opinion? Justices listen to legal arguments about a case and then present and explain a decision.
  1. What are concurrent powers?Powers shared by the federal and state government.
  1. What are enumerated powers?Powers specifically to Congress
  1. What are implied powers?Powers claimed by Congress but not directly stated in the Constitution
  1. What are reserved powers?Powers that belong to the state alone.
  1. What is veto power?Checks the power of Congress
  1. What is popular sovereignty?Authority of the People
  1. What is Federalism?Two levels of government within the US.
  1. Before he or she becomes a U.S citizen, an immigrant must agree to?The rights and responsibilities that go with citizenship.
  1. What is the Fifth Amendment?Protection for people accused of crimes
  1. What is the elastic clause? Why is it important?
  1. Why was the Bill of Rights introduced?To protect personal liberties.
  1. Opinion-Do you believe that one branch of the government is more important than another? Why or why not?
  1. Why did the United States need and then form a government?To guarantee and protect the rights of the people. The federal government was created as a republic to allow the people to rule their own nation. The government was formed to create a democratic system where leaders are selected by voting. The US government serves the people and provides for their needs.
  1. What is the Bill of Rights? What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?The first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Limits the power government and protects the rights of individuals.
  1. What is the main job of each branch?

Executive-Execute laws. Legislative-Make laws. Judicial-interpret Laws

  1. How often does the federal government reassign each state’s share of seats in the House of Representatives? Every 10 years
  1. What is the “Preamble”?The first 35 words of the Constitution
  1. What are the first three words to the Preamble?We the People
  1. What freedoms are given in the First Amendment?Freedom of religion, free speech, freedom of the Press, Gather Peacefully,
  1. With the right to assemble, citizens must assemble peacefully. What may occur if public health or safety are at risk? Police officers may intervene.

Chapter 8 Study Guide

Test is January 18th!