
Chapter 6, Section 5: The Rise of Segregation

Find the Big Idea (FBI) Notes

Directions: Using the main idea of each section, write one sentence for each paragraph in the textbook that explains how the paragraph applies to or explains the main idea. After completing each section, answer the following question: What is the “big idea” for ______(insert section heading in blank)?

Resistance and Repression

Main Idea:African Americans in the South faced racism and violence after the Civil War and they responded to these things in different ways.

Exodusters Head to Kansas

Main Idea:Many African Americans in the South believed that moving out of the South was their only hope for a better life.

Forming a Separate Alliance

Main Idea:Poor African American farmers wanted to join cooperatives like the Populists’ Farmers Alliances, but faced problems.

Imposing Segregation

Main Idea:Some people in the South sought to deny African Americans the civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution

Taking Away the Vote

Main Idea:Southern government began to adopt ways to prevent African Americans from exercising their 15th Amendment right to vote.

Legalizing Segregation

Main Idea:Many Southern states adopted laws that kept European Americans and African Americans from using the same public places.

The African American Response

Main Idea:African American communities responded to the violence and discrimination of the South in several different ways.

Ida B. Wells

Main Idea:Ida Wells was a woman who worked against unlawful violence against African Americans.

Mary Church Terrell

Main Idea:Mary Terrell worked against several forms of discrimination against both African Americans and women.

Calls for Compromise

Main Idea: Booker T. Washington called for African Americans to compromise with European American Southerners on the issue of civil rights.

Du Bois Rejects Compromise

Main Idea: W.E.B. Du Bois rejected Washington’s calls for compromise with white Southerners.

Limits of Progressivism (Turn to page 313 and add this section to your notes below)

Main Idea: Progressives focused mostly on urban issues, therefore the issues of rural African Americans were not addressed by the movement. African Americans were left to fight for their own rights.