Chapter 8 Lesson 4- Stars and the Universe


1.  Star

2.  Nebula

3.  White dwarf

4.  Supernova

5.  Black hole

6.  Constellation

7.  Light-year

8.  Galaxy


How do stars form?

·  Stars form when matter comes together and starts to give off energy.

·  Stars go through stages and different stars go through different stages.

·  The cycle of a star depends on how much hydrogen the star contains.

·  A stars cycle ends when it stops giving off energy.

·  All stars form from a nebula.

·  Gravity pulls the mass off the nebula together.

·  As they get closer together they collide with each other.

·  Collisions produce heat and the temperature to rise.

·  Protostar – beginning star.

·  Hydrogen is the fuel that produces energy in the sun.

·  Red giant many times larger than a normal star.

·  Helium atoms started forming carbon.

·  Eventually the helium begins to cool down and can’t make carbon.

·  The star shrinks and becomes a white dwarf.

·  This is the end of the medium sized star cycle.

What happens to larger stars?

·  Supernovas shine brightly for days or weeks and then fade away.

·  A supernova will form a new nebula.

·  Stars are characterized by their color and temperature.

·  Red and Orange= cooler Yellow=Middle White and Blue=Hotter

·  Giant stars have diameters that are 10 to 100 times of the sun.

·  Giant Stars-10-100

·  Super Giants-1000

·  Neutron stars- smallest

·  Gravitational Microlensing- analyzing data of the stars brightness for changes that show that a planet passed in front of a star.

What are constellations?

·  Constellations are named after animals, characters in stories, and familiar objects.

·  Constellations help us with directions.

·  Polaris-north star

·  If you are lost in the woods, look for Polaris it will guide you to safety.

·  Next closest star to earth is Proxima Centauri, 40 trillion, 4.2 light years, away.

What are star systems?

·  Each galaxy holds millions of stars.

·  The basic shapes are spiral, elliptical, and irregular.

·  Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy.

·  The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.

·  Bared spirals galaxies have 2 arms that spread across.

·  Elliptical galaxies are round and look like a think pancake.

·  Irregular galaxies have no definite shape.

·  Clusters are shaped like a sphere and hold a 100,000 or more stars.

·  Binary stars- when 2 stars form near each other and around each other.

How did the universe form?

·  The Big Bang Theory- the universe started out as a big bang and has been expanding ever since.