Chapter 7 – Intro to Alkenes
- Sigma vs. pi bonds
- Sigma bonds are stronger than pi bonds
- But remember that a double bond is the sum of the two, so it is stronger than a single bond
- Elements of unsaturation
- For every pi bond or ring you lose two hydrogens.
- These are called elements of unsaturation because now the molecule doesn’t have as many hydrogens on it as possible
- It isn’t “saturated” with hydrogen.
- When an acyclic hydrocarbon has no elements of unsaturation then its formula is CnH2n+2
- You can determine how many elements of unsaturation there are based upon the number of hydrogens in a chemical’s formula.
- For every two missing hydrogens you have one element of unsaturation.
- Remember that a triple bond has two pi bonds.
- How do different elements affect the number of hydrogens on a molecule?
- Oxygen has 0 impact!
- So you would still expect 2n+2 hydrogens if there were no elements of unsaturation
- Halogens replace hydrogens
- Thus for each halogen on the molecule you have one fewer hydrogen.
- Now you would expect 2n+2-(# of halogens) if there are no unsaturations.
- For every nitrogen you add an extra hydrogen
- Now you would expect 2n+2+(# of nitrogens) if the molecule had no unsaturations.
- Putting this all together to figure out how many elements of unsaturation a molecule has.
- Find this out by figuring out how many hydrogens are “missing”
- How to find out how many elements of unsaturation a molecule has
- 1) Calculate the “expected hydrogen”
- 2n+2+(number of N)-(number of X)
- Note: This is different than the way Mr. Baker and the book do it, so be careful not to blend the two methods.
- I just think this way is easier.
- 2) Subtract the “actual hydrogen”
- Note: If you’re using the formula in step one, you do not add the halogens to the number of actual hydrogens.
- 3) Divide by 2 to get the number of unsaturations
- What if you are given a “before and after”
- We can figure out how many pi bonds and rings by hydrogenating the molecule.
- In this reaction, hydrogen is added across all pi bonds but the rings are left alone.
- Often you will be given a before and after type problem where you need to figure out the number of pi bonds and the number of rings.
- How many pi bonds?
- (hydrogens after-hydrogens before)/2
- How many rings?
- The number of unsaturations present in the “after”
- Nomenclature
- The double bond has priority over halogens or alkyl groups, so get to it first
- So for the molecule above we will count from the right.
- Change “ane” to “ene” at the end of the name
- Instead of 10,10,10-trifluoro-3-isopropyldecane, we now have 10,10,10-trifluoro-3-isopropyldecene.
- If there are two, three, etc double bonds, use “di,” “tri,” etc
- Say where the double bond(s) is(are)
- We just say the first number of where the double bond is.
- This double bond is between carbons 2 and 3 of the molecule so we’ll say it’s a dec-2-ene or 2-decene.
- Stereochemistry (E/Z nomenclature)
- Assign priorities to the substituents on each side of the double bond just as you would with R/S
- If the high priority groups are on the “zame zide,” then it’s Z
- If the high priority groups are on the “epposite side” then it’s E
- So this molecule is (Z) 10,10,10-trifluoro-3-isopropyldec-2-ene.
- Stability of Alkenes
- Tetrasubstituted>tri>di>mono>unsubstituted
- More stable = lower heat of hydrogenation
- More stable = lower energy
- Acid-Catalyzed dehydration of alcohols
- Just an E1 where water is the leaving group
- Remember that E1’s allow rearrangement, so dehydration of alcohols does too
- Alcohol + Concentrated Acid (often H2SO4) yields alkene
- The acid needs to be concentrated to drive the reaction forward
- Review of LeChatelier’s Principle
- If you remove a product of a reaction, you drive the reaction forward
- First you protonate the oxygen, generating a better leaving group
- What makes a good leaving group? A weak base
- Hydroxide is a strong base, so poor leaving group
- Water is a weak base, so good leaving group
- Why no SN1?
- In these conditions, there is no nucleophile present to attack the carbocation.
- The water that fell off could choose to add to the carbocation, but it would just fall back off.