1.Demographics are defined as:

a. / a market segment description.
b. / the size, structure, and distribution of a population.
c. / people with the need and ability to buy.
d. / All of the above.
e. / None of the above.


2.Demographic analysis is used:

a. / for developing descriptors of market segments.
b. / to predict changes in supply.
c. / in trend analysis.
d. / A and C
e. / A, B, and C


3.Macromarketing is:

a. / the aggregate performance of marketing in society.
b. / industrial demand ultimately derived from consumer demand.
c. / the study of people's needs, ability to buy and willingness to buy.
d. / the study of economic characteristics of a nation's population.
e. / All of the above.


4.Which of the following questions are not related to macromarketing?

a. / What policies will cause consumers to save more and spend less on current consumption?
b. / What effects will a tax cut have on consumer spending?
c. / How much food will be required to feed the population of a country in the future?
d. / Does affluence in one nation affect affluence in another nation?
e. / All of the above are related to macromarketing.


5.Economic demographics focus on:

a. / the world's economies.
b. / the economic characteristics of a nation's population.
c. / the economic characteristics of a nation's industries.
d. / All of the above.
e. / None of the above.


6.If an industrial firm wanted to understand consumer markets, they would require market information on which of the following?

a. / People with needs / d. / A and B
b. / Ability to buy / e. / A, B, and C
c. / Authority to buy


7.What determines the size of a population?

a. / Births / d. / A and B
b. / Deaths / e. / A, B, and C
c. / Net migration


8.Birthrate is:

a. / the number of live births per 1,000 women of childbearing age.
b. / the number of live births per 1,000 population in a given year.
c. / the average number of children born alive.
d. / the surplus of births over deaths in a given period.
e. / None of the above.


9.Which of the following does not influence birth rates?

a. / Age distribution of the population
b. / Family structure
c. / Social attitudes toward family and children
d. / Technology
e. / All of these influence birth rates.


10.According to Chapter 7, what percent of the annual population growth in the United States is attributable to immigration?

a. / 5 percent / d. / 50 percent
b. / 15 percent / e. / 70 percent
c. / 34 percent


11.Research indicates that what teenagers like best about shopping is:

a. / spending their parents' money.
b. / that it makes them feel like they're contributing to their family.
c. / learning about new products.
d. / being with their friends.
e. / None of the above.


12.Compared to prior generations, baby boomers:

a. / buy less and save less. / d. / buy more and save less.
b. / buy more and save more. / e. / None of the above.
c. / buy less and save more.


13.Typically, the mature market is segmented based on:

a. / age / d. / B and C
b. / work (retirement) status / e. / A, B, and C
c. / income


14.A definition of geodemography would include which of the following?

a. / How people earn their money / d. / A and C
b. / Other socioeconomic factors / e. / A, B, and C
c. / Where people live


15.Which of the following is not a primary resource that consumers spend when purchasing products?

a. / Temporal
b. / Spatial
c. / Economic
d. / Cognitive
e. / All of these are primary resources spent by consumers when purchasing products.


16.Income is defined as:

a. / money from wages and salaries / d. / A and B
b. / money from wages and interest / e. / A, B, and C
c. / money from welfare payments


17.Consumer confidence refers to:

a. / being sure that the product is of high quality.
b. / what consumers think will happen in the future.
c. / the consumer's trust in a salesperson.
d. / how much faith consumers have in advertising.
e. / All of the above.


18.During the latter 1990s, the typical American family's net worth:

a. / increased / c. / stayed about the same
b. / decreased


19.Throughout the world, the majority of consumers are:

a. / superaffluents / c. / high income
b. / middle income / d. / low income


20.Poverty exists:

a. / around the world, even in advanced countries.
b. / just in undeveloped countries.
c. / just in industrialized countries.
d. / only in the southern hemisphere.
e. / None of the above.


21.The fastest growing country in the world is:

a. / China / d. / United States
b. / Mexico / e. / Israel
c. / India


22.According to Chapter 7, which state is expected to have the greatest population gain by 2025?

a. / New York / d. / California
b. / Idaho / e. / North Dakota
c. / Nevada


23.The attractiveness of India is based on its:

a. / infrastructure / d. / A and B
b. / well-developed legal system / e. / A, B, and C
c. / geographic location


24.What nation has the largest population?

a. / India / d. / Canada
b. / United States / e. / China
c. / Australia


25.Consumer analysts recognize that low per capita income levels:

a. / often hide substantial market segments with high income levels.
b. / make a market more attractive for companies.
c. / increase the chances of success for a company.
d. / B and C
e. / A, B, and C


26.The European Union market is:

a. / smaller than the United States. / d. / the largest market in the world.
b. / larger than the United States. / e. / None of the above.
c. / the same size as the United States.


27.According to Chapter 7, which of the following countries is known globally for its sophisticated markets ranging from beachfront excursions and open-heart surgery to digital reattachment and other medical breakthroughs?

a. / France / d. / South Africa
b. / India / e. / U.K.
c. / United States


28.Which of the following is not one of the major personality theories discussed in Chapter 7?

a. / Psychoanalytic theory
b. / Socio-Psychological theory
c. / Social-Cognition
d. / Trait-Factor theory
e. / All of these are personality theories discussed in Chapter 7.


29.According to psychoanalytic theory, which of the following is not part of the human personality system?

a. / Id
b. / Ego
c. / Superego
d. / Alterego
e. / All of these are parts of the human personality system according to psychoanalytic theory.


30.According to Horney's CAD theory, the three major personal orientations are:

a. / conservative, authoritarian, and democratic.
b. / courteous, angry, and deliberate.
c. / compliant, aggressive, and detached.
d. / cautious, anxious, and desperate.
e. / None of the above.


31.Social values are defined as:

a. / values of any person.
b. / normal behavior for a society or group.
c. / normal behavior for an individual.
d. / B and C
e. / A and C


32.Research has linked personal values to:

a. / brand choice / d. / A and B
b. / product usage / e. / A, B, and C
c. / price sensitivity


33.Laddering seeks to uncover the linkages between:

a. / attributes and values. / d. / manufacturers and retailers.
b. / consumers and businesses. / e. / None of the above.
c. / society and families.


34.Lifestyle is defined as:

a. / patterns by which people live and spend time and money.
b. / the income people have.
c. / the difference between what people earn and what they spend.
d. / All of the above.
e. / None of the above.


35.Analyzing consumers' psychographics means examining their:

a. / activities / d. / All of the above.
b. / interests / e. / None of the above.
c. / opinions


36.Which of the following is not one of the VALS lifestyle segments?

a. / Achievers
b. / Makers
c. / Strivers
d. / Independents
e. / All of these are VALS lifestyle segments.


37.The surplus of births over deaths in a given period is known as the ____.

a. / birthrate / d. / total fertility rate
b. / natural increase / e. / net population increase
c. / fertility rate




1.Which of the following is not a type of consumer need discussed in Chapter 8?

a. / Physiological needs
b. / Safety and health needs
c. / The need for variety
d. / The need to possess
e. / All of these are consumer needs discussed in Chapter 8.


2.What is the most fundamental type of consumer need?

a. / Safety needs / d. / Need for love
b. / Health needs / e. / Need for financial resources
c. / Physiological needs


3.Physiological needs involve:

a. / eating and drinking / d. / A and B
b. / sleeping / e. / A, B, and C
c. / having a secure job


4.The need to maintain or improve our health is the foundation underlying consumer demand for:

a. / hospitals / d. / All of the above.
b. / vitamins / e. / None of the above.
c. / exercise clubs


5.____ is the term used to represent online scams in which crooks pose as representatives of banks or companies sending e-mails soliciting credit card and other personal information from consumers.

a. / Fraud / d. / Impostor scamming
b. / Phishing / e. / None of the above.
c. / Identity theft


6.Which of these products are used as symbols of love and caring?

a. / flowers / d. / greeting cards
b. / garbage bags / e. / A and D
c. / oil


7.What is the most popular pet in America?

a. / dogs / d. / birds
b. / cats / e. / None of the above.
c. / fish


8.____ is the tool that most people use for satisfying most of their needs.

a. / Food / d. / Medicine
b. / Love / e. / Power
c. / Money


9.Which of the following is part of the “underinsurance”problem in America as described in Chapter 8?

a. / Americans put too much emphasis on health insurance at the expense of life insurance.
b. / Many Americans with a full-time job and at least one dependent do not have any life insurance.
c. / Many Americans with life insurance do not have enough coverage.
d. / B and C
e. / A, B, and C


10.A person's social image depends in part on:

a. / where the person lives. / d. / All of the above.
b. / what the person buys. / e. / None of the above.
c. / what the person consumes.


11.Conspicuous consumption is motivated primarily by:

a. / the need to possess. / d. / the need for information.
b. / social image needs. / e. / the need for security.
c. / the need to give.


12.According to one ad for Marlboro cigarettes, "You can tell a lot about a man by his brand." This ad is appealing to consumers':

a. / the need to possess. / d. / need for variety.
b. / social image needs. / e. / None of the above.
c. / love and companionship needs.


13.A coffee ad that shows consumers being in a good mood after product consumption is appealing to their:

a. / physiological needs. / d. / need for pleasure
b. / need for love and companionship. / e. / None of the above.
c. / need for variety.


14.The entertainment industry is built on consumers' need for:

a. / love / d. / safety
b. / pleasure / e. / social image
c. / financial resources


15.The ____ is a hallmark characteristic of our consumer society.

a. / need for pleasure / d. / need for variety
b. / need to give / e. / need to possess
c. / need for information


16.The need to possess is:

a. / not really a need.
b. / the driving force behind conspicuous consumption.
c. / a growing need.
d. / not very important.
e. / A and D


17.One reason why the US Mint’s statehood quarter series has been so successful is because of consumers’:

a. / need to possess / d. / safety needs
b. / need for financial security / e. / None of the above.
c. / need for variety


18.A consumer's self-concept:

a. / represents her or his impressions of the type of person she or he is.
b. / may depend, at least in part, on her or his possessions.
c. / does not depend on her or his possessions.
d. / A and B
e. / A and C


19.Impulse buying occurs when:

a. / consumers unexpectedly experience a sudden urge to buy something immediately.
b. / consumers carefully deliberate over the purchase decision.
c. / the consumer is not motivated by the need to possess.
d. / A and C
e. / B and C


20.Self-gifts are:

a. / things that we think someone else should give us.
b. / things we buy or do as a way of rewarding ourselves.
c. / gifts that we make and give to someone we love.
d. / always the result of impulse buying.
e. / B and D.


21.A French consumer explains that she enjoys eating at McDonald’s because, “It’s good to get something that tastes completely different.” This consumer is motivated by her:

a. / social image needs / d. / health needs
b. / need to possess / e. / None of the above.
c. / need for variety


22.Motivational conflict can take the form of:

a. / approach-approach / d. / A and B
b. / avoidance-avoidance / e. / A, B, and C
c. / approach-avoidance


23.For smokers, cigarette consumption is an example of ____ motivational conflict.

a. / approach-approach / d. / unavoidable
b. / avoidance-avoidance / e. / avoidable
c. / approach-avoidance


24.According to Maslow's need hierarchy:

a. / all needs are of equal importance.
b. / some needs take precedence over other needs.
c. / physiological needs are the most basic in the need hierarchy.
d. / B and C
e. / None of the above.


25.Maslow's need hierarchy is a useful concept because:

a. / it reminds us that people attach different priorities to their needs.
b. / it provides a definitive specification of the priorities attached by consumers to their needs.
c. / it shows how need priorities may change across different situations.
d. / A and B
e. / A, B, and C


26.____ segmentation involves dividing consumers into different market segments based on the benefits they seek (i.e., the needs they want fulfilled) from product purchase and consumption.

a. / Product / d. / Motivational
b. / Need / e. / None of the above.
c. / Benefit


27.____ is how strongly consumers are motivated to satisfy a particular need.

a. / Need arousal / d. / Motivational intensity
b. / Motivation activation / e. / None of the above.
c. / Need strength


28.Understanding consumer motivation is challenging because:

a. / people may not be willing to tell the real reasons behind their actions.
b. / people may be unaware of what really motivates their behavior.
c. / motivations can change from over time.
d. / A and C
e. / A, B, and C


29.____ is when people are unaware of what really motivates their behavior.

a. / Suppressed motivation / d. / Unconscious motivation
b. / Hidden motivation / e. / None of the above.
c. / Distortion


30.Which of the following is not discussed in Chapter 8 as a way companies can motivate consumers?

a. / Providing purchase incentives
b. / Implementing a loyalty program
c. / Enhancing the perceived risk of product purchase and consumption
d. / Arousing consumers' curiosity
e. / All of these are discussed in Chapter 8 as a way of motivating consumers.


31.Motivating consumers by reducing a product’s price can be a problem because:

a. / although sales may increase, profits may not
b. / it tends to attract less loyal consumers
c. / it can enhance the price sensitivity of both loyal and nonloyal consumers
d. / A and B
e. / A, B, and C


32.McDonald’s offering a free toy in its Happy Meals for children is an example of:

a. / free samples / d. / product inducements
b. / product premiums / e. / None of the above.
c. / product specials


33.According to the value-discounting hypothesis:

a. / products offered at a price reduction will be valued less
b. / advertising that portrays the competition in a negative light will be valued less
c. / products offered as a free premium will be valued less
d. / A and C
e. / A, B, and C


34.Unlike other approaches for motivating consumers, a unique advantage of loyalty programs is that:

a. / they are less expensive
b. / they are much more effective at customer recruitment
c. / they can provide the type of data needed for estimating customers’ lifetime value (CLV)
d. / All of the above.
e. / Nine of the above.


35.A manufacturer of a medicine designed to reduce the risk of heart attack wants to motivate consumers to purchase its product by enhancing their perceived risk of suffering a heart attack. One way of doing so is to communicate to consumers how many people suffer from heart attacks. Perceived risk would be greatest if the manufacturer reported the number of people that experience a heart attack on a ____ basis.

a. / yearly
b. / monthly
c. / weekly
d. / daily
e. / None of the above. That is, each of the above would be equally effective in enhancing consumers’ perceived risk.




1.Global evaluative judgments are known as:

a. / attitudes / d. / intentions
b. / feelings / e. / None of the above.
c. / beliefs


2.Subjective judgments by people about how they will behave in the future are known as:

a. / attitudes / d. / intentions
b. / feelings / e. / None of the above.
c. / beliefs


3.Attitudes are determined by:

a. / intentions / d. / B and C
b. / feelings / e. / A, B, and C
c. / beliefs


4.Which of the following is not a type of belief discussed in Chapter 10?

a. / Expectations
b. / Beliefs about a brand’s distinctiveness
c. / Immunized beliefs
d. / Inferential beliefs
e. / All of the above are discussed in Chapter 10.


5.Which of the following statements about consumer confusion is incorrect?

a. / Confusion can arise when consumers don’t know what to believe.
b. / Confusion arises only when consumers are uncertain about what to believe, not when they believe something that’s incorrect.
c. / Confusion can arise because of conflicting information.
d. / Confusion can cause consumers to defer product purchase indefinitely.
e. / None of the above is incorrect.


6.Which of the following statements about mood states is correct?

a. / Consumers will evaluate a product more favorably when they are in a good mood.
b. / Retailers can enhance the desirability of their products by configuring their shopping environments to evoke favorable moods.
c. / Mood states are far richer in nature than simply whether they are good or bad.
d. / A and B
e. / A, B, and C


7.According to the PAD conceptualization, what are the three primary types of emotional response evoked by environments?

a. / Pleasure, arousal, and dominance
b. / Pursuit, affect, and determination
c. / Purpose, acceptance, and detachment
d. / Pleasure, affect, and desire
e. / None of the above.


8.Retailers that create environments that make shoppers feel good are rewarded by shoppers:

a. / staying longer in the store / d. / B and C
b. / buying more items / e. / A, B, and C
c. / spending more money


9.Which of the following statements about feelings during product consumption are incorrect?

a. / The feelings experienced during product consumption will influence consumers’ post-consumption evaluations.
b. / One approach for enhancing a product’s desirability is to emphasize the positive feelings consumers will experience during product consumption.
c. / Another approach for enhancing a product’s desirability is to emphasize how consumption will not lead to negative feelings.
d. / The existence of strong feelings during product consumption will accentuate the influence of consumers’ pre-consumption mood on their post-consumption evaluations.
e. / None of the above are incorrect.


10.Which of the following is not part of the Harris Interactive EquiTrend system for evaluating brand equity?

a. / Product familiarity
b. / Product preference
c. / Perceived product quality
d. / Purchase intent
e. / All of the above are part of this system.


11.Which product received the highest score in the Harris Interactive EquiTrend ratings of brand equity in 2004?

a. / Duracell batteries / d. / Keebler cookies
b. / Minute Maid orange juice / e. / None of the above.
c. / Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil