Chapter 7 – Comparing the Colonial Regions

Study Guide

Test Date:

To study for this test, you should:

  • Complete the study guide. Study Guide due:
  • Study your matrix . You will need to know the reasons for founding, geography, economy, and government for EACH colonial region.
  • Reread the chapter (including Reading Further)
  • Try to teach someone else about what you have read
  • Complete the Reading Challenge on the TCI website

Need to Know:

  • Names of the colonial regions
  • Names of the colonies in each region
  • The reasons for founding, geography, economy, and government for each colonial region
  • The types of people who came to the colonies for certain reasons (Puritans, Quakers, Catholics)
  • The vocabulary words in the chapter:
  • economies
  • plantations
  • indentured servants
  • industries
  • West Indies
  • granted
  • assembly



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Chapter 7: Comparing the Colonial Regions Study Guide

Read the following sentences and fill in the blank using a word from the word bank.

plantations / governor / debtors / Roger Williams / Southern
Rhode Island / slavery / westward / mosquitoes / Great Britain
Middle / indentured servant / industries / New England / Puritans
cash crops / Pennsylvania / Dutch / Catholics’ / resources
  1. England, Wales, and Scotland joined under one government. This nation was called:


  1. The three colonial regions were the colonies, the colonies, and the colonies.
  1. An economy is the way in which people use to produce, sell, or trade goods and services to meet their needs and wants.
  1. The Southern colonies’ geography was good for producing grown on .
  1. A man couldn’t afford to make the trip the colonies on his own. So, he found someone who would bring him, and in return, he would work to pay off his debt. This man is called an .
  1. ______left the Church of England and went to Massachusetts and Rhode Island for religious freedom.
  1. A group of businesses that produce certain goods or services are called _____.
  1. ______believed that government and religion should be separate and spoke out about his belief. He was forced to leave Massachusetts and went to .
  1. The British wanted New York so that settlers in New England could move ______. They took this land from the .
  1. Quakers settled in . Quakers practiced many religions and were peaceful people.
  1. In Maryland, ______spread deadly diseases among the settlers.
  1. Leonard Calvert was the in Maryland. He had the assembly pass a law to protect

right to vote and to serve in the government.

  1. One of the reasons that Georgia was established so that would have a new start, and not have to go to jail if they could not pay their bills.
  1. When King George II became ruler of Georgia, he made legal.