Chapter 5: the Constitution

Chapter 5: the Constitution


Chapter 5: The Constitution

Study Helper (please make sure you also study your Def. Dep. and Outline)

  1. Who did delegates unanimously agree should preside over the Constitutional Convention?______
  2. Who were the Federalists? ______
  3. The powers and duties of which branch include dealing with the leaders of other countries?______
  4. Which branch is the only branch that has the power to declare war? ______
  5. Which branch interprets the laws? ______
  6. How many amendments have been made to the Constitution? ______
  7. If a state law contradicts a federal law, would the ______law prevail (win).
  8. What is the “highest law of the land” called? ______
  9. Where was the Constitutional Convention held? ______
  10. Which of the two proposed plans called for Congress to have a Senate and a House of Representatives? ______
  11. Which of the two proposed plans wanted a unicameral legislature? ______
  12. Because its leaders opposed a stronger central government, what state was not represented at the Constitutional Convention? ______
  13. Who was a famous diplomat, writer, inventor, and scientist who attended the Constitutional Convention? ______
  14. What refers to powers given to state governments but not to the national government? ______
  15. What plan proposed that every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons? ______
  16. The law that applies to everyone, even those who govern is called what? ______
  17. The form of government in which power is divided between the national government and the states is called what? ______
  18. The form of government where the power lies with the people (people choose their representatives) is called ______.
  19. What powers are held by both state and federal governments? ______
  20. What part of the Constitution deals with how the legislative branch will work? ______
  21. Which part of the Constitution deals with how the judicial branch will work? ______
  22. Which part of the Constitution discusses the executive branch? ______
  23. Which part of the Constitution explains the amending process? ______
  24. Which part of the Constitution explains ratification of the document? ______
  25. Which part of the Constitution discusses the rights of the people and relations of the states? ______
  26. Which part of the Constitution discusses the supremacy of the document? ______
  27. List the six goals (in order) of the Preamble to the Constitution:
  28. 1st: ______
  29. 2nd: ______
  30. 3rd: ______
  31. 4th: ______
  32. 5th: ______
  33. 6th: ______
  34. A committee headed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut proposed what plan? ______
  35. What keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful? ______
  36. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are known as the what? ______
  37. What is the group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president? ______
  38. The notion that governmental power lies with the people is called what? ______
  39. Who believed the Constitution should provide protection for certain basic liberties? ______
  40. The “necessary and proper clause” allows Congress to exercise what type of powers? ______
  41. What is another name for the “necessary and proper clause”? ______
  42. What was the 9th state to ratify the Constitution? ______
  43. When was the Constitution completed (birthday)? ______
  44. Who was unanimously selected to preside over the Constitutional Convention? ______
  45. What is a confederal system of government? ______
  46. After we adopted the new Constitution, what kind of government was created? ______
  47. What is a republic? ______
  48. ______, the author of the Declaration of Independence, could not be at the Constitutional Convention because he was in Europe at the time.