_____1.There are 150 Saguaro cactus plants per square kilometer in a certain area of Arizona
desert. To which population characteristic does this information refer?
A. growth rate C. age structure
B. geographic range D. population density
_____ 2. What does the range of a population tell you that density does not?
A. the number that live in an area C. the births per unit area
B. the areas inhabited by a population D. the deaths per unit area6
_____ 3. The movement of organisms into a range is called
A. immigration. C. population shift.
B. emigration. D. carrying capacity.
_____ 4. Which are two ways a population can decrease in size?
A. immigration and emigration
B. increased death rate and immigration
C. decreased birthrate and emigration
D. emigration and increased birthrate
_____5. The graph above shows the growth of a bacterial population. Which of the
following correctly describes the growth curve?
A. logistic B. demographic C. limiting D. exponential
_____6. During some kinds of population growth, the size of each generation of offspring is larger
than the generation before it. So, as the population gets larger, it grows more quickly.
This situation is called
A. logistic growth. C. exponential growth.
B. growth density. D. multiple growth.
_____ 7. The various growth phases through which most populations go are represented on
A. a logistic growth curve. C. a normal curve.
B. an exponential growth curve. D. a population curve.
_____ 8. For most populations that are growing, as resources start to become less available, the
A. declines rapidly. C. reaches carrying capacity.
B. increases more rapidly. D. enters a phase of exponential growth
_____9. Sea otters live in the ocean. Which of the following is NOT likely to be a limiting factor
on the sea otter population?
A. disease B. drought C. competition D. predation
____10. Which will reduce competition within a species’ population?
A. fewer individuals C. fewer resources
B. higher birthrate D. higher population density
____11. Each of the following is a density-dependent limiting factor EXCEPT
A. competition. B. crowding. C. temperature. D. disease.
____12.Which of the following is a density-independent limiting factor?
A. earthquake B. emigration C. disease D. parasitism
____13.Demography is the scientific study of
A. parasitism and disease. C. human populations.
B. modernized countries. D. none of the above
____14. Demographic transition is change from high birthrates and high death rates to
A. exponential growth. C. low birthrates and low death rates.
B. low birthrates and high death rates. D. indefinite growth.
____15. Most of the worldwide human population is growing exponentially because
A. human populations have not reached their exponential curve.
B. most countries have not yet completed the demographic transition.
C. human populations do not conform to the logistic model.
D. the food supply is limitless.
____16.Imported plants and animals in Hawaii have
A. caused native species to die out. C. increased the native bird species.
B. improved soil fertility. D. increased crop yields.
____17. An example of a renewable resource is
A. oil. B. coal. C. natural gas. D. trees.
____18. When farming, overgrazing, climate change, and/or seasonal drought change farmland
intoland that cannot support plant life, it is called
A. desertification. B. deforestation. C. depletion. D. monoculture.
____19. Farmers can reduce soil erosion by
A. increasing irrigation. C. grazing cattle on the land.
B. contour plowing. D. plowing up roots.
____20. The gray-brown haze often found over large cities is called
A. acid rain. B. particulates. C. greenhouse gases. D. smog.
____21.. Air and water pollution have been reduced by
A. using fossil fuels in factories. C. raising more cattle for food.
B. using only unleaded gasoline. D. increasing biological magnification.
____22. Which of the terms best describes the number of different species in the biosphere or in
aparticular area?
A. biodiversity B. genetic diversity C. ecosystem diversity D. species diversity
____23. Introduced species can threaten biodiversity because they can
A. cause desertification. C. crowd out native species.
B. cause biological magnification. D. reduce the amount of fertile land.
____24. All of the following are threats to biodiversity EXCEPT
A. biological magnification of toxic compounds C. habitat fragmentation.
B. desertification. D. habitat preservation.
____25.The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following EXCEPT
A. protecting individual species.
B. introducing exotic species into new environments.
C. preserving habitats and ecosystems.
D. making sure local people benefit from conservation efforts.
____26. The land and water ecosystems that provide the resources that a person uses and that
neutralize that person’s wastes is part of that person’s
A. biodiversity. C. ecological footprint.
B. habitat. D. ecological sustainability.
____27. About 70 years ago, cane toads were introduced to Australia. The toads are
toxic to some species of snakes, such as Dendrelaphispunctulatus. The longer an
individual snake is, the greater its chance of survival after eating a cane toad.
Which of the following did scientists most likely observe in the D. punctulatus
snake population as a result of the presence of the cane toads?
A. The entire population was killed by the toads.
B. The entire population became resistant to the toads.
C. The average body length in the population increased.
D. The average body length in the population decreased.
____28.The northern spotted owl is listed under the Endangered Species Act as a
threatened species in its primary range of Washington, Oregon, and California.
Which of the following most likely contributed to the northern spotted owl’s
population decline?
A. increases in rodent populations
B. loss of trees from forest habitat
C. prevention of wildfires in forests
D. decreases in mountain lion population
____29. A rodent population leaves an ecosystem due to decreased temperatures and increased
rain. Which best explains why the rodents left?
A. increase in predation C. decrease in parasitism
B. change in biotic factors D. change in abiotic factors
____30. Which is the greatest threat to biodiversity?
A. hunting and fishing without a license
B. introducing non-native species into a habitat
C. growing flowers and vegetables in a home garden
D. increasing the amount of land set aside for conservation
____31. The construction of a new coal-burning power plant would have the greatest impact on
which environmental issue?
A. depletion of the ozone C. production of acid rain
B. release of radiation D. increase in deforestation
____32. Which environmental factor would cause the greatest decrease in the number of
species of plants and animals living in some of the lakes in the United States?
A. increase in dissolved oxygen levels C. global warming
B. ozone destruction D. acid rain
____33. If worldwide deforestation is not regulated, what could most likely result?
- Acid rain could lower the pH of rivers and lakes to dangerous levels for
aquatic life.
- CO2 levels in the atmosphere could increase and contribute to global warming problems.
- C Plants and animals could become better adapted to living in desertconditions.
- Future generations of humans could have an excess of wood and paperproducts
____34. Population density is found by dividing the number of organisms in an ecosystem by the
total area of the ecosystem. If 50 square meters of an ecosystem are surveyed and 5
rabbits are sighted, what is the estimated population density of the rabbits?
A 1 rabbit per 5 square meters C. 1 rabbit per 10 square meters
B. 0.5 rabbit per square meter D. 0.1 rabbit per 5 square meters
____35. Which statement represents a characteristic of an ecosystem that is not likely to sustain
A. The Sun provides the needed energy.
B. Energy is transferred from plants to animals.
C. There are more consumers than producers.
D. There are interactions between biotic and abiotic factors.
____36. When an environment has reached its carrying capacity for a certain population, which of
The following is true?
A. Growth and immigration rate is equal to death and emigration rate.
B. Growth and immigration rate is greater than death and emigration rate.
C. Growth and immigration rate is less than death and emigration rate.
D. Growth rate is exponential.
____37. The common brushtail possum is a marsupial native to Australia. This possum was
introduced to New Zealand where it had no natural predators and had an abundant food
supply. Which of these likely occurred a few years after the introduction of this possum
to New Zealand?
A. The possums became extinct.
B. The possums developed shorter life spans.
C. The possum population grew to a larger size.
D. The possum population evolved into a different species.
____38.An animal population decreases from 800 individuals to 600 individuals. Which of the
Followingcould explain this change in population size?
A. The population size of the animal’s predator increased.
B. The emigration rate of the animals from the population decreased.
C. The number of breeding pairs in the animal’s population increased.
D. The number of species competing with the animal for food decreased.
____39.On remote islands, immigration and emigration usually do not have a large effect on
Population sizes. A bird population on a remote island remains at a relatively constant size
year after year. Which of the following most likely describes the birthrate and the death
rate for this population?
A. Birthrate and death rate are both zero
B. Birthrate and death rate are close to equal.
C. Birthrate is significantly less than death rate.
D. Birthrate is significantly greater than death rate.
____40. A builder is proposing a new housing development in an area of western Massachusetts.
Construction of the housing development will destroy the wetland habitat in the area.
Which of the following would be the most likely consequence of the wetland’s destruction?
A. The wetland plant species would disperse to adjacent meadow habitats.
B. The populations of wetland animals would be unable to survive in that area.
C. The wetland animal species would survive by interbreeding with non-wetland species.
D. The populations of wetland plants would evolve to disperse seeds by wind rather than water.
____41. Some people see the benefit of wind energy as a clean alternative to fossil fuels for
energyproduction. Others believe it is dangerous for migratory birds. These opinions best
illustrate that decisions about alternate energy sources:
A. will usually favor older methods of energy production over newer methods
B. must be made by weighing the risks and costs against the benefits
C. must be made by taking into account the present needs of the citizens without looking toward
the future
D.should be the responsibility of each individual
____42. When fertilizers run off farmland into streams and ponds, the nitrogen content of the
waterincreases. This can lead to rapid growth of algae in a process called eutrophication.
How can this process affect other organisms in the water?
A. Oxygen is used up as algae is decomposed, reducing the amount available to other organisms.
B. The water becomes better able to support aerobic organisms.
C. The algae provide food for fishes and other organisms, leading to decreased algae populations.
D. The extra nitrogen provides additional food for the other organisms, increasing their