Term Project: A Survey on Claytronics

ING 310: Course Name
Term Project: A Survey on Claytronics
Erva Taş1, Hasancan Doğan1, Selin Sezer1
1Department of XXXXXXX, Address: XXXX.
Course Instructor: Prof. John Nash; Submitted on Month Date, Year


Term Project: A Survey on Claytronics


The abstract should include the following information: The aim of the project (2-3 lines), what you have done to achieve this goal (i.e. your results & the content of the report; not too long, 3-4 lines are enough) and the major conclusion(s) that may be drawn (i.e. what you have gained as a result). Abstracts are always a single paragraph. (10 lines minimum).

1  introduction

Introduction section is a summary of the report. The ideal thing is to make this in three paragraph. Remember to give related references.

Paragraph 1 should include the following: A short definition of the selected field and its importance (3-4 lines).

Second paragraph should include the following: What have you done to achieve this project? i.e.: short info on application examples and novel daily application, How you proceeded then etc (eg. Contacting a student for an interview about XX … etc). (8-9 lines)

The last paragraph should talk about the structure of the report in 4-5 lines. Eg. The order of the sections in the report. (We first give …… . Then we …… . Afterwards …. Finally, we give our conclusions and recommendations on …..).

2  An OVERVIEW OF claytronıcS

3-5 lines of introductory sentences on the section (Here we will give the definition, history, importance and recent developments for XXX …. etc)

2.1  Definition

This section must be 7-8 lines in this format. You can use Wikipedia etc to get the definition. Remember to give proper references.

2.2  History

In this section, give an historical overview of the topic (when dit it first start? What are the milestones in the history? Etc). This section must be 12-13 lines in this format. Remember to give proper references.

2.3  Recent Developments

In this section, give the recent developments in this topic. This section must be 12-13 lines in this format. Remember to give proper references.

2.4  Importance

Write 5-6 lines on why this topic is important.

2.5  List of Words

Table 1.Title of the table (a very short summary of what is in the table). There must be 30 words here.

|English / Turkish / |English / Turkish
House / : Ev / Lazy / : Tembel
Tree / : Ağaç

3  Three applicatıon examples

3.1  Example 1: Utility Fog

Give 9-10 lines of information on the application example with proper references.

3.2  Turkish Translation of Example 1

Give the Turkish translation of the above section.

3.3  Example 2: Campus Learning

Give 9-10 lines of information on the application example with proper references.

3.4  Turkish Translation of Example 2

Give the Turkish translation of the above section.

3.5  Example 3: SmartDust

Give 9-10 lines of information on the application example with proper references.

3.6  Turkish Translation of Example 3

Give the Turkish translation of the above section.


Start with an introduction (Yaptığımız araştırmalara dayanarak şöle şöle bir daily application suggest ediyoruz). And talk about the details of your suggested application (12-13 lines).

5  Intervıewıng a senıor student on the subject

A short introduction. (eg. önerdiğimiz uygulama hakkında bilgi almak için bir 4. Sınıf öğrencisi ile görüştük). (2-3 lines).

5.1  Information on the Student

Give info about the person you contacted (5-6 lines; his/her name, his research interests etc etc).

5.2  Transcript of the Interview

Give part of the interview here. It must be 1.5 columns long. This section will be in Turkish. You can use initials as the following (let’s assume you talked to John Nash, thus the initials are JN):

DB: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

JN: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

TD: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

JN: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

5.3  Translation of the Interview

Translate a section of the interview to English so that it makes 12-13 lines here.


The section must be at least 15 lines. The following are to be discussed (not in bullets! It must be regular text):

·  What did you gain by choosing this topic?

·  What did you gain from the interviews you performed? Talk about their contributions to you in terms of a) human relations etc b) knowledge

·  What did you learn from the person you interviewed in general in terms of meeting a new person?

·  Feel free to extend your discussions to include other points you found relevant.


Recommendations should include a) What else could be included in the project format? b) Is there any part of the project which can be improved/ which can be made better?


We thank XX for their contribution to our term project. We acknowledge XX for ……


1. Center for Microbial Biotechnology, Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lynbgy, Denmark, http://www.cmb.bio.dtu.dk/English/About_CMB.aspx

2. Özgül NB, Akdoğan O, Kaba DM, “Visiting Course Instructor in His Office”, Journal of Human-Human Interactions, 6:152-155, 2010.

