Name: ______

Chapter 4A – “Cuando Yo Era Niño / Niña” - Presentation Rubric

1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / TOTAL
Verb Conjugation/ Spelling / 5+ errors / 3-4 errors / 1-2 errors / No errors
Graphics / Visuals / You have no graphics to support your presentation. / You have less than ten visuals to support your narration. / You used the bare minimum of visuals (only one per sentence.) to support your narration. / Your visuals enhance your narration because of the creativity and time you spent on it. You used more images than required, and it made your presentation engaging and interesting, including pictures of yourself as a child.
Use of Vocab / 5+ errors / very confusing / 3-4 errors / fairly confusing / 1-2 errors / some confusion / No errors
Eye Contact / You read all of your narration off your notes or slides, with no eye contact. / You occasionally made eye contact with audience, but still read most of your notes or slides as you spoke. / You maintain eye contact most of the time with the audience, but frequently return to your notes or slides. / You seldom looked at your notes or slides as you spoke, and made eye contact with audience almost the entire time of your presentation.
Elocution /
Pronunciation / You mumbled or spoke too quietly for students in back to hear and understand you. / Your voice is low and audience had difficulty hearing you speak. You often halted and/or mispronounced words. / Your voice is clear and you pronounced most words correctly. You still halted, but it did not take away from understanding your presentation. / You have a clear voice, pronounce all words correctly, are enthusiastic, and do not halt when you speak.

TOTAL X 5 = ______

Nombre: ______

Cuando Yo Era Niño / Niña - This Project is your test grade for Ch. 4A


¿Cómo eras tú cuando eras pequeño/a? ¡Todos en la clase queremos saber! Descríbete.

You are going to give a presentation to the class about what you were like as a child.

  • You have a choice of making a PowerPoint or Prezi.
  • You may write your sentences on notecards which may be used during your presentation.
  • Make sure you practice and you are not completely reading from your cards.
  • AT LEASTTEN visual representations that represent your childhood.
  • ONE of the pictures MUST be a picture of you as a child.
  • The other pictures can be photos, clip art, or drawings of things that represent your narration. (For example: when stating that you rode a tricycle, you can have a picture of an actual tricycle).
  • Be creative and make it colorful and engaging!
  • SEE RUBRIC ON THE BACK of this sheet for how you will be graded on your presentation.

4A Proyecto Español II Borrador (Rough Draft) – Cuando yo era un niño/ una niña

Slide 1. Introduce yourself / Slide 2. Describe yourself, both physically and personality using SER. (At least 4 adjectives)
Slide 3. An activity you used to do Where? With whom? How often? (DO NOT USE GUSTAR) / Slide 4. An activity you used to do Where? With whom? How often? (DO NOT USE GUSTAR)
Slide 5. Something you used to eat (favorite food and how often you ate it) - COMER / Slide 6. How you used to behave. What you parents did NOT allow you to do.
Slide 7. TV shows, cartoons or movies you used to watch – (VER) – / Slide 8. Where you used to go, with whom, and how often – (IR)