The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 9.17pm
Present:Councillor Burden (Mayor)
Councillor Smith (Deputy Mayor)
Councillor Knight (Sheriff)
Councillors Adams, Allen, Ms Atkinson, Belcham, Brooke, Bulteel, MrsButt, Clements, Collier, Collyer, Curtis, Mrs Deas, Mrs Dion, Eades, Gregory, Mrs Hives, Mrs James, Mrs Lavender, Leverett, Mason, Matthews, Meachin, Montrose, Newell, Parker, Pethen, Rampton, Trent, White, Miss Wilson, Wilson, Woodcock and Wretham
Members of the public present at the meeting: 6
Prayers were said.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Hillman, Gillard, Plummer, Sorton and Mrs Stribley.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the last meeting of the Council held on the 27th July 2004, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Mayor as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:
M.10 – Implementation of the Strategy for the Poole Bridge and Central Area Generation: Report of the Local Economy Portfolio Holder
Insert after the tenth paragraph on page 11 the following
Some Councillors explained that the error had only been noticed the night before and had spent most of the day of the Council meeting researching so were unable to draw it to Members’ attention before the meeting.
Councillors Clements and Wilson declared personal interests as Governors of Schools in Item 8, “Corporate Financial Monitoring (1 April 2004 – 31 July 2004) Virements: Report of the Leader of the Council”.
Councillor Matthews declared a personal interest in item 8 as his wife was an employee of the Council.
Councillor Rampton declared a personal interest in the same item as an employee of Siemens and as his wife was an employee of the Borough Council.
Councillors Allen, Bulteel and Wretham declared an interest in Item 11, “Motions: Dorset Fire Authority: Call Centres”, as Members of the Fire Authority.
The Mayor circulated a resume of the events he had attended as follows:
(a)Beslan School Siege Tragedy
The Mayor informed the Council that he had written to express the Council’s sympathy to the people of Beslan and their families who have been affected by the horrific siege at the Beslan School on 3rd September 2004.
(b)Royal Visit 28th July 2004
The Mayor and the Sheriff were honoured to receive Her Majesty, The Queen and HRH, the Duke of Edinburgh, at the Official Opening of Lighthouse, Poole’s Centre for the Arts on 28th July. The Queen was invited to witness the new Poole lifting bridge model, unveiled the Lighthouse plaque, and was presented with a Poole Pottery plate. They also visited the RNLI new College building.
(c)Citizenship Ceremony 4th August
The Mayor informed the Council that the third Citizenship Ceremony took place on 4th August, and it has anticipated that there would be at least one ceremony in the Council Chamber per month.
(d)Opening of New Garden, Alderney Hospital 5th August
The Mayor officially opened the new garden at Alderney Hospital on 5th August. This garden was created for the enjoyment of terminally ill patients.
(e)Poole Youth Forum 11th August
The Mayor informed the Council that ten Members of the Poole Youth Forum worked in partnership with the Twinning Association on a D-Day project and attended the celebrations of the liberation of Cherbourg. The Group worked with the Veterans and visited key sites, the D-Day landing beaches and cemeteries. The Mayor also met the Group for a special celebration in the Cherbourg Civic Centre where the Veterans were presented with medals. On their return, the Group presented their thoughts and feelings back to the Veterans and other adults at a special presentation evening on 11th August.
(f)VJ Remembrance Service 15th August
The Burma Star Association held a ‘Victory in Japan’ Remembrance Service at Poole Park on 15th August and the Sheriff and the Mayor represented the Borough.
(g)Broadstone Horticultural Society Summer Show 21st August
The Broadstone Horticultural Society’s Summer Show took place on 21st August in fine weather, which was perfect for showing off a festoon of wonderful flowers.
(h)Poole Park Festival 2004 29th August
The Mayor informed the Council that he spent the August Bank Holiday weekend at the Poole Park Festival 2004. This festival was organised by the Friends of Poole Park and its aim was to bring the Park back into the centre of the community for local people and visitors of Poole to use it more widely.
(i)Commendation Awards for Carter Community Sports College Pupils 31st August
The Mayor was pleased to inform the Council that three Year 8 pupils from Carter Community Sports College attended the Mayor’s Parlour on 31st August in recognition of their brave efforts to save the life of a vulnerable elderly gentleman from drowning. These courageous young men had been nominated by the Borough, in conjunction with the Police, for Poole Champion Awards.
(j)Civic Day 2nd September
The Mayor informed the Council that he held his Civic Day on 2nd September which was very well attended by the Mayoress, Sheriff and Sheriff’s Lady, Mayors and Chairmen of Dorset Councils, the Mayor’s Chaplain (Rev. Bob Mason), and his 2 Youth Escorts (Emily and Adam).
(j)Poole Audi Hex-treme Presentation Ceremony 12th September
The Mayor attended the Poole Audi Hex-treme Presentation Ceremony on 12th September which took place on Sandbanks beach. This was a six-leg sporting event where competitors gained aggregate scores across the event’s six elements, kayaking, cycling, sailing, swimming, windsurfing and running, and he presented the prizes to the winners.
(l)Open Day – Upton House 19th September
The Mayor attended on Open Day at Upton House on 19th September. This was organised by the Friends of Upton Country Park, and the aim of the day was to inform its members and visitors of the achievements of ‘The Friends’ in Upton Country Park and Upton House over the past 28 years and to encourage new members.
(m)Battle of Britain Commemoration Service 19th September
The Mayor took part in the Battle of Britain Commemoration Service at St James’ Parish Church on 19th September. In line with tradition as Mayor, he inspected the ATCs in the Churchyard prior to the Service. The Mayor’s Chaplain, Reverend Bob Mason, led this Commemorative Service.
(i) Former Councillor Mrs Edna Adams
The Mayor announced that former Councillor, Mrs Edna Adams, who had been Mayor of Poole in 1982 had died on the 23rd August 2004 aged 87. The Mayor and other Councillors had attended her Funeral on 3rd September.
(ii) Mrs Eileen Hart
The late Mrs Hart had been a former Mayoress in 1996 to 1967 and Sheriff’s Lady in 1964 to 1965. She had died in August and was the wife of the late, former Councillor Ron Hart.
(iii) Mrs Barbara Joan Purdie
Mrs Purdie had died on the 25th August, the wife of former Councillor James (Jock) Purdie.
(iv) Former Councillor and ex-Sheriff Robert Jeffery (Bob) Newton
The Mayor announced that former Councillor and ex-Sheriff Robert Jeffery Newton had died on the 3rd September following a short illness. The late Mr Newton had been a Councillor for the Bourne Valley Ward from 1949 until 1952 and Sheriff in 1950 to 1951.
(v) Mr Peter Cunningham, MBE
The Mayor announced that Mr Peter Cunningham, MBE the former Director of the Poole and Dorset Adventure Centre in Hercules Road and the Chief Director of the National Association of Boys’ Clubs in Poole had died on the 7th September 2004 aged 70. The Mayor had attended his Funeral.
All present stood in silent tribute.
(a) From Members of the public
None were received.
(b)From Members
Petition relating to Alderney West: traffic problems
Councillor Trent submitted a petition from residents of Alderney West concerned about the difficulties in exiting Belben Road and requesting the Council to resolve the traffic problem they had in Ringwood Road to the Mountbatten Arms roundabout. The residents had experienced difficulties exiting Belben Road to merge with Ringwood Road due to the traffic being gridlocked. Residents pointed out that emergency vehicles were also having difficulty in accessing/egressing the Estate.
RESOLVED that, in accordance with Standing Orders, the Petition be referred to the Transportation Advisory Group.
Petition relating to a play area in Trinidad
Councillor Wilson presented a petition on behalf of residents requesting the Council to provide a play area in Trinidad.
RESOLVED that, in accordance with Standing Orders, the Petition be referred to the next Newtown, Parkstone and Penn Hill Area Committee.
Councillor Collier, the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Areas, explained that the Licensing Act 2003 required that the Council carried out its various licensing functions under the Act which entailed the Council taking responsibility for granting Premises Licenses, Club Premises Certificates, Temporary Events Notice and Personal Licenses in respect of the sale and/or supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshments. These functions had previously been carried out by the Licensing Justices and responsibility would pass to the Council from February 2005.
Under this legislation the Council was required to publish a “Statement of Licensing Policy” detailing the policies the Council generally applied to promote the licensing objectives when making decisions on applications under the Act.
This Draft Licensing Policy Statement had been considered by the Environment Overview Group and unanimously recommended to Council for approval.
RESOLVED that, the Draft Licensing Policy Statement be approved for public consultation.
Councillor Leverett introduced this Report explaining that Cabinet at its meeting on the 7th September 2004, had recommended to Council approval of a number of virements. Council approval was required for the virements in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations as they exceeded £100,000.
In respect of a query raised by a Member concerning Standard Funds Schools Devolvement, the Leader explained that he understood that the revenue from the Standards Fund was moved across from the Capital Programme but offered a fuller written response should the Member require it.
RESOLVED that the following be approved:
Virements between statements of services
- Virement of £130,000 set aside with the Job Evaluation and Pay Award Central Contingency into individual Statements of Service to allocate out a sum set aside for the extra 0.25% pay award over the 2.5% allowed for within individual Services Unit budgets.
- In future years of the Medium Term Financial Plan a virement of up to £310,000 from the resources set aside for the revenue implications of new ICT and e-government projects to provide for the extra resources required to fund the implementation of the new switchboard and telephone contract. This equates to approximately £31,000 per annum, over the course of the ten-year contract period.
Virements within a Statement of Service
- Standard Funds Schools devolved - £488,000 net reduction in both revenue Income and expenditure to reflect a £678,000 virement of resources to Capital Schemes and a £190,000 increase in respect of balances brought forward from 2003/04.
- Standard Funds Non Devolved - £189,000 increases in both expenditure and income to reflect grants brought forward from 2003/04.
Before the Portfolio Holder introduced his Report the Chief Executive advised the Council that following consideration of this matter by Cabinet on the 7th September, the requisite number of Members had “called-in” the decision to Service Provision Scrutiny Committee. He advised that the Cabinet minute was incorrect and that the first line of the second paragraph should be amended to read “that Council be requested to note the process …..”
As this was an executive decision, the final decision rested with Cabinet and not Council. He also drew attention to the same item contained in the Report of the Chairman of the Standing Orders Working Party and it was agreed that if the Council debated the issue these items should be taken together.
The Mayor asked the Council if it wished to debate the matter this evening and pass its views to Cabinet.
RESOLVED that the matter be debated this evening and the views of Council passed to Cabinet for consideration.
Councillor Collier, the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Areas, explained that Cabinet, at its meeting on the 7th September 2004, had considered the recommendations of the Environment Overview Group to establish a sub-group to oversee the administration of strategic allocation of recreational contributions from Planning Obligations Fund/monies. The Environment Overview Group had establish a Working Party to consider how the allocation and spending of Planning Obligations Funds for recreational purposes could be improved. This Group reported back to the Environment Overview Group with recommendations on a way forward for allocating these monies.
It was acknowledged that the subject of Planning Obligations was a complex one and the Working Group had considered that the identification of a clear and transparent system based on strategy was paramount and that in achieving this, reference must be made to existing Strategies and Policies and any necessary changes to Supplementary Planning Guidance made.
The development of an Open Spaces Strategy highlighting both strategic and local priorities meant that a change in the formal decision-making process for Planning Obligations was advisable. The current system involved Area Committees making formal decisions regarding allocations to project which, whilst creating valuable input at a local level did not always ensure that the Council’s overall Strategy was delivered. Some open space catchment areas did not also reflect Area Committee boundaries.
Councillor Collier explained that both the Environment Overview Group and Cabinet felt that the establishment of a sub-group of the Environment Overview Group comprising 5 Members (3 Conservatives, 2 Liberal Democrats) to deal with all recommendations concerning the use of Planning Obligations Funds for recreational open space purposes, with this Group making recommendations to the Environment Overview Group and Cabinet, taking account of priorities proposed by Area Committees would ensure a clear and transparent allocation of Planning Obligations monies.
He explained that currently there was over £3M collected in Planning Obligations monies and only £500,000 of these monies spent.
A Member commented that he felt that decision-making on Planning Obligations money should remain with Area Committees.
A number of Members were concerned that the proposals would result in a centralisation of funds and decision-making. A Member also suggested that the establishment of such a Group was premature as a Working Party had just been established to look at how Area Committees worked. A Member drew the Council’s attention to how Area Committees worked in other authorities citing Eastleigh and the London Borough of Sutton as two good examples.
(i)Cabinet be advised that Council supports the process agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on the 7th September 2004 of establishing a sub-group of the Environment Overview Group comprising 5 Members, 3 Conservatives, 2 Liberal Democrats, to deal with all recommendations concerning the use of monies/funds for recreational open space purposes arising from Planning Obligations money; and
(ii)this Group make recommendations to the Environment Overview Group and then Cabinet taking account of priorities proposed by Area Committees. The authority of Area Committees to make final decisions regarding allocation of Planning Obligations Funds for recreational open space purposes be removed and Council support this change to the Constitution which would ensure a clear, transparent system of allocation of Planning Obligations monies reflecting a Borough-wide Strategy to open spaces and other recreational projects.
In the absence of the Chairman of the Review of Standing Orders Working Party, Councillor Leverett, Leader of the Council introduced this Report.
The Standing Orders Working Party had met on a number of occasions and recommended a number of matters to Council for determination in particular relating to Key Decision revisions, audit matters to be considered by the Service Provision Scrutiny, Revisions to the Budget and Policy Framework Procedural Rules, Revisions to Petty Cash Limits, Planning Obligations Funds monies.