Chapter 48 - Human Impacts on the Biosphere

Multiple Choice
1.​A U.S. submarine surfaced ____ miles from the nearest land in the Arctic and found polar bears hunting on the frozen sea.
a. / ​10
b. / ​100
c. / ​200
d. / ​500
e. / ​1,000
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: / 48.1 A Long Reach
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.1 - Examine the role of humans in species extinction.
2.​Polar bears are top predators, and tests on their tissues have shown a surprising ____.
a. / ​resistance to warming
b. / ​amount of protein
c. / ​resistance to disease
d. / ​amount of mercury and organic pesticides
e. / ​amount of nutrients
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.1 A Long Reach
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.1 - Examine the role of humans in species extinction.
3.​How many mass extinctions have occurred over all of geologic history?
a. / ​one
b. / ​two
c. / ​three
d. / ​four
e. / ​five
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
4.​Of all the species that have ever lived on Earth, how many have gone extinct?
a. / ​less than 1%
b. / ​about 10%
c. / ​about 25%
d. / ​about 75%
e. / ​about 99%
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
5.​Which of the following is least likely to be a cause of extinction?
a. / ​asteroid impact
b. / ​human activity
c. / ​adaptive radiation
d. / ​continental drift
e. / ​climate change
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
6.​The current extinction rate is estimated to be at least how much greater than the background extinction rate?
a. / ​2
b. / ​5
c. / ​10
d. / 50​
e. / ​100
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
7.​Which of the following is most likely the cause of the current extinction crisis?
a. / ​asteroid impact
b. / ​human activity
c. / ​adaptive radiation
d. / ​tectonic activity
e. / ​rising sea levels
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
8.​What caused the greatest mass extinction, in terms of species lost, at the end of the Permian?
a. / ​global cooling
b. / ​sea level decline
c. / ​asteroid impact
d. / ​overhunting by humans
e. / ​increased volcanic activity
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
9.​What was the greatest contributing factor to the dodo bird extinction on the island of Mauritius?
a. / ​sailors overharvested them for food
b. / ​rats, cats, and pigs introduced by sailors
c. / ​climate change caused by humans
d. / ​their predators went extinct
e. / ​rising sea levels made the island smaller
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.2 The Extinction Crisis
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.2 - Discuss the current mass extinction crisis and the human role in it.
10.​A species that has population levels so low it faces extinction in all or part of its range is designated as ____.
a. / ​riparian
b. / ​endemic
c. / ​endangered
d. / ​threatened
e. / ​an indicator
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
11.​One of the major causes of the endangerment of giant pandas is ____.
a. / ​habitat loss and fragmentation
b. / increasing the effects of chemical pollution​
c. / ​a sexually transmitted disease that plagues the giant pandas
d. / ​introduced exotic species into giant panda habitat
e. / ​the excess withdrawal of water from their habitat
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
12.​Which type of species is most likely to go extinct?
a. / ​underharvested
b. / ​endemic
c. / ​widely distributed
d. / ​generalist
e. / ​introduced
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
13.​Endemic means a species ____.
a. / ​evolved in one geographic region and lives nowhere else
b. / ​is on its way to extinction
c. / ​can live in only one habitat
d. / ​is extinct in the wild
e. / ​is completely extinct
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
14.​The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) reports that of the 48,677 species they have assessed, ____ percent were threatened or endangered.
a. / ​8
b. / ​18
c. / ​27
d. / ​36
e. / ​65
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
15.​Habitat fragmentation can reduce biodiversity by ____.
a. / ​withdrawing an essential resource from native species
b. / ​sterilizing for pollution control
c. / ​eliminating vast tracts of forests
d. / ​introducing more native species into a habitat
e. / ​decreasing human use of natural resources
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
16.​Exotic species that are introduced into a non-native habitat can ____.
a. / ​interbreed with native species
b. / ​drive endemic species to extinction
c. / ​die out due to competition from native species
d. / ​blend in with endemic species
e. / ​create habitat islands for themselves
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
17.Sometimes, the decline of one species threatens the survival of another species. Which scenario is an example of this?
a. / ​declines in polar bears result in diminished prey populations
b. / the arrival of sailors on Mauritius island led to the extinction ofdodo birds
c. / ​declines in eagle populations due to the accumulation of pollutants in their eggs
d. / ​decline in buffalo caused a drop in native buffalo clover
e. / pollution led to declines in the Texas blink salamander population
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
18.​Tom Curtis wrote a letter in 2006 to try and encourage research into ____.
a. / ​rare plants
b. / ​microorganisms
c. / ​agricultural crops
d. / ​prairie grasses
e. / ​invasive species
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
19.​Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria play an essential role in the nitrogen cycle by ____.
a. / ​converting ammonia into nitrogen oxides
b. / ​converting ammonia into nitrites
c. / ​converting ammonia into ammonium
d. / ​converting nitrites into ammonia
e. / ​converting nitrites into nitrogen oxides
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.3 Current Diversity and Threats
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.3 - Examine the human role in endangering existing species.
20.​In a positive feedback cycle, drought encourages ____, which results in more drought.
a. / ​overgrazing
b. / ​biological magnification
c. / ​bioaccumulation
d. / ​desertification
e. / ​deforestation
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.4 Harmful Land Use Practices
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.4 - Determine how human activities could potentially transform entire biomes.
21.​Which of the following areas is still seeing an increase in deforestation?
a. / ​United States
b. / ​Europe
c. / ​China
d. / ​Brazil
e. / ​Canada
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.4 Harmful Land Use Practices
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.4 - Determine how human activities could potentially transform entire biomes.
22.​One way in which deforestation contributes to global climate change is that the conversion of forest to cropland or pasture ____.
a. / ​decreases the amount of methane released by microbes
b. / ​increases the amount of nitrogen oxides in the air
c. / ​decreases the amount of sulfur dioxides in the air
d. / ​increases the rate at which carbon is taken up by plants
e. / ​decreases the rate at which carbon is taken up by plants
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.4 Harmful Land Use Practices
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.4 - Determine how human activities could potentially transform entire biomes.
23.​The release of most nitrogen oxides comes from ____.
a. / ​ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
b. / ​the use of DDT
c. / ​coal-burning power plants
d. / ​drilling for gasoline and oil
e. / ​combustion of gasoline and oil
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: / 48.5 Pollutants
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.5 - Describe how pollutants are directly endangering living organisms using examples.
24.​Due to ____, trophic level affects the pollutant concentration in an organism’s tissues.
a. / ​bioaccumulation
b. / ​biological magnification
c. / ​ecosystem degradation
d. / ​the ozone layer
e. / ​ground-level ozone
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.5 Pollutants
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.5 - Describe how pollutants are directly endangering living organisms using examples.
25.​In the United States, solid municipal waste can no longer be dumped ____.
a. / ​in garbage dumps
b. / ​in biodegradable bags
c. / ​in garbage bags
d. / ​in landfills
e. / ​in the sea
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: / 48.5 Pollutants
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.5 - Describe how pollutants are directly endangering living organisms using examples.
26.​Which of the following is least likely an impact of acid rain?
a. / ​It stops fish egg development.
b. / ​It can burn foliage.
c. / ​It releases toxins in the soil.
d. / ​It causes eutrophication.
e. / ​It can kill adult aquatic organisms.
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: / 48.5 Pollutants
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.5 - Describe how pollutants are directly endangering living organisms using examples.
27.​Which statement about chlorofluorocarbons is FALSE?
a. / ​They can destroy ozone.
b. / ​They are odorless.
c. / ​They are a greenhouse gas.
d. / ​They break down very slowly.
e. / ​Their action is allowing more UV radiation through the atmosphere.
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: / 48.6 Ozone Depletion and Pollution
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.6 - Determine some of the major contributors to ozone layer depletion.
28.​The hole in the ozone layer is most dramatic over ____.
a. / ​Antarctica
b. / ​North America
c. / ​Asia
d. / ​Europe
e. / ​Africa
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Remember
REFERENCES: / 48.6 Ozone Depletion and Pollution
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.6 - Determine some of the major contributors to ozone layer depletion.
29.​The increased acidity of seawater can harm marine life by making ____ available to organisms that require it.
a. / ​less nitrogen
b. / ​more sulfur dioxide
c. / ​less carbon dioxide
d. / ​more methane
e. / ​less calcium carbonate
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.7 Effects of Global Climate Change
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.7 - Examine how climate change is threatening life on Earth.
30.​The level of the oceans is rising due to ____.
a. / ​ozone depletion
b. / ​global warming
c. / ​lost species biodiversity
d. / ​increased precipitation
e. / ​acid rain
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.7 Effects of Global Climate Change
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.7 - Examine how climate change is threatening life on Earth.
31.​The term for describing a region’s biological wealth is called ____.
a. / ​endemic species
b. / ​hot spots
c. / ​biodiversity
d. / ​endangered species
e. / ​threatened species
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.8 Conservation Biology
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.8 - Discuss the significance of conservation biology and ecological restoration.
32.​Habitats with the most species in greatest danger of extinction are called ____.
a. / ​ecoregions
b. / ​island habitats
c. / ​riparian zones
d. / ​hot spots
e. / ​conservation islands
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.8 Conservation Biology
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.8 - Discuss the significance of conservation biology and ecological restoration.
33.​Once they are identified, ____ take priority in worldwide conservation efforts.
a. / ​healthy ecosystems
b. / ​riparian zones
c. / ​hot spots
d. / ​grasslands
e. / ​forests
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Apply
REFERENCES: / 48.8 Conservation Biology
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.8 - Discuss the significance of conservation biology and ecological restoration.
34.​A broad land or aquatic region characterized by climate, geography, and the species found within them is called ____.
a. / ​an ecoregion
b. / ​a hot spot
c. / ​a realm
d. / ​a habitat island
e. / ​the biosphere
DIFFICULTY: / Bloom’s: Understand
REFERENCES: / 48.8 Conservation Biology
LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: / UDOL.STES.16.48.8 - Discuss the significance of conservation biology and ecological restoration.
35.​Currently, what is the biggest threat to the Klamath-Siskiyou forest, which is an endangered ecoregion in North America?
a. / ​nesting birds
b. / ​greenhouse gases
c. / ​rising sea levels