Chapter 42 Questions

  1. What factors caused the American economy to slump during the 1970’s? (There are several) (p. 964-965)
  2. What became of the German and Japanese economies by the 1970’s? (p. 966)
  3. What did President Nixon mean by “Vietnamization” of the Vietnam War? (p. 966)
  4. Why were the armed forces in Vietnam compromised of the least privileged men in American society? (p. 967)
  5. What other problems were black and white soldiers fighting against besides the Vietnamese? (p. 967)
  6. Why did Pres. Nixon order attacks on Cambodia in 1970? (p. 967)
  7. How did American students respond to the Cambodia attacks? What happened at Kent State University? And at Jackson State College? (p. 967-968)
  8. What was the significance of the Top Secret Pentagon study published by the New York Times in June 1971? (p. 968)
  9. How did Nixon plan to use Soviet-Chinese tension to his advantage? (p. 968)
  10. What were the terms of the ABM and SALT treaties between the USA and Soviet Union? (p. 969)
  11. What constitutional right did the Supreme Court argue was denied by Connecticut’s law against contraceptives? (p. 970)
  12. What rights did the Supreme Court ensure to the accused with the Miranda Case (1966) (p. 970)
  13. What stance did the Supreme Court make on “Affirmative Action” in 1971? (p. 971)
  14. What were some of the environmental policy successes of the EPA and the OHSA? (p. 971)
  15. What events in 1972 escalated the Vietnam conflict further? (p. 972)
  16. Why did President Nixon order a furious two-week bombing raid of North Vietnam in late 1972? (p. 973)
  17. What were the terms of the ceasefire signed on Jan. 23, 1973? (p. 973)
  18. What were 5 men caught doing in the Watergate Complex? What did they have in their possession? Who did they work for? (p. 973)
  19. Whose office was burglarized in the Watergate incident and why? (p. 974)
  20. What bombshell discovery was made in July 1973 (regarding Pres. Nixon)? (p. 974-975)
  21. Why did Vice-President Agnew resign from office in Oct. 1973? (p. 975)
  22. What actions did Egypt and Syria take against Israel in October 1973 and why? (p. 976) what did the U.S. do to assist Israel?
  23. How did Arab nations in the Middle East respond to America’s assistance of Israel in October 1973? (p. 976)
  24. What did OPEC do to oil prices after lifting the oil embargo in 1974? (p. 977)
  25. What was missing from the Watergate tapes that Pres. Nixon reluctantly turned over in 1974? (p. 977-978)
  26. What steps did congress take against Nixon in late July 1974? (p. 978)
  27. What was the subject of the three subpoenaed tapes of Pres. Nixon and his Chief Aide, recorded on June 23, 1972? (p. 978)
  28. What conclusions did Republican leaders come to after the public backlash and what advice did the give to Pres. Nixon? (p. 978)
  29. What did Pres. Nixon announce to the Nation on August 8, 1974? (p. 978)
  30. What reasons did Pres. Ford give for granting Richard Nixon a full pardon in 1974? (p. 979)
  31. What was the fate of South Vietnam in April 1975? (p. 979)
  32. What was the total cost of the Vietnam War to America? (Lives, casualties, dollars) (p. 980)
  33. Why were many voters attracted to Jimmy Carter in the Presidential Election of 1976? (p. 980)
  34. What were the terms of the Camp David Accord between Israel and Egypt, reached in September 1978? (p. 981; 984)
  35. What problems with the economy existed during Pres. Carter’s administration? (p. 984)
  36. Why did Muslim fundamentalists depose the Shah (Mohammed Reza Pahlevi) in January 1979? (p. 985)
  37. Why was there another oil shortage after Iran’s Shah was removed? (p. 985-986)
  38. Why did the attempted rescue mission of American hostages in Iran fail? (p. 988)