Chapter 4 Quizzes without answers

Quiz 1 – Important Names - Matching

___ 1. John LockeA. Declared that God was an invention, a projection of

human feelings and emotions.

____ 2. Philip JakobSpenerB. Called into question the church’s teachings on


____ 3.John Newton C. Disregarded the Republicanism of the French


____4. William Wilberforce D. Associated with Pietism, stressed the importance of a

deepening personal relationship with Jesus.


____ 5.Napoleon Bonaparte E. Sought the abolition of social conditions which he

presumed made religion appealing and even

necessary to the masses.

____ 6.Ludwig Feuerbach F. Argued for the need to tolerate some degree of

religious diversity, rather than allowing it to

lead to conflict.

____ 7. Karl Marx G. Associated with American Revivalism, made popular

the practice of “altar calls.”

____ 8.Charles Darwin H. Englishman who fought to abolish the slave trade.

____ 9. Charles Grandison Finney I. Associated with Pentecostalism, initiated a study of


____ 10. Charles ParhamJ. Former slave owner, turned abolitionist, known for his hymns, especially “Amazing Grace.”

Quiz 2 – Fill-in-the-Blank

  1. For ______, author of Letters of Toleration, religion is understood to be a private matter of public indifference.
  1. ______described the universe as a complex machine designed by an intelligent creator.
  1. ______, a famous American deist, regarded the Trinity as irrational and thus as an obstacle to devotion.
  1. ______described his conversion experience in terms of having his heart “strangely warmed.”
  1. New England in the 1730’s and 40’s experienced a surge in religious fervor known as ______.
  1. Thomas Jefferson outlined the principle of ______in an attempt to create a free market for religious practices.
  1. The defeat of Napoleon at ______led to the redrawing of national European boundaries.
  1. ______declared that religion was a dangerous projection made necessary by unjust social conditions.
  1. A movement known as ______developed within Italy advocating an increase in Papal power and authority.
  1. The so-called “wall of ______” is a result of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

Quiz 3 – Fill-in-the-Blank

  1. During the Enlightenment there is a growing faith in ______as the basis for philosophy and ethics.
  1. The Enlightenment was most significant in regions highly influenced by ______.
  1. The assumption that there is a discrepancy between the real Jesus of history and the NT interpretation of Jesus resulted in the ______.
  1. ______focuses on the importance of a deep personal relationship with God.
  1. Because they tried to intervene on behalf of the indigenous people of what is now known as Latin America, the ______were suppressed by the Vatican in response to political pressure from Spain and Portugal.
  1. Whereas the American Revolution was, to a limited extent, an attempt to secure freedom for religion, the French Revolution was, to the same extent an attempt to secure ______.
  1. ______-_ developed in response to the failures of Rationalism to maintain peace in Europe; it saw Christianity largely as a source for cultural and artistic excellence.
  1. Charles Darwin’s ______called into questions the church’s teachings on creation.
  1. ______is the term used to describe the Roman Catholic Church’s attempt to come to terms with the Enlightenment.
  1. The “Protestant Bible belt” is the result of the American ______of the early 1800’s.

Quiz 4– Short Answer

  1. What was the name of John Locke’s book in which he advocated for a degree of religious toleration?
  1. What is the image of God made possible by Newton’s notion of the universe as a complex machine designed by an intelligent creator?
  1. The “Quest for the Historical Jesus” is based on what assumption?
  1. What central figure of the first “Great Awakening” in New England focused on personal conversion narratives?
  1. Who articulated, in the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom, the principle of separation of church and state?
  1. What is significant about the year 1807 in British history?
  1. Who declared that religion was the “opium of the people”?
  1. What are the two primary claims of the papal encyclical, Pastor Aeternus?
  1. From what document does the following come?: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
  1. What is the result of the Louisiana Purchase?

Quiz 5 – Short Answer

  1. What groups were excluded by Locke’s notion of tolerance?
  1. What are the two major theological “problems” of the Enlightenment?
  1. Who described his conversion in terms of having his heart “strangely warmed” and consequently focused on the importance of experience in the life of faith?
  1. What religious group tried to prevent the enslavement of indigenous people in contemporary Latin America and were consequently disbanded by the Vatican?
  1. What was the primary trigger of the French Revolution?
  1. What is the name given for the philosophical and political movement that re-focused energy on Christianity and saw Rationalism as cause of the French Revolution?
  1. Who wrote Origin of Species, calling into question the church’s teachings on the doctrine of creation?
  1. What did Pope Pius X, in 1907, declare to be “the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church”?
  1. Who was Antoinette Brown?
  1. What is the “fulfillment hypothesis”?