Chapter 4 – First Steps

8th Grade Social Studies

Q and A

4-1 p. 156-161

1.  Where was the nation’s capital in 1789?

2.  What is an inauguration?

3.  What was the first job of the President and Congress?

4.  What were the new executive departments established by the President?

5.  What did Washington’s new positions become known as?

6.  Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

7.  Why was the nation in debt?

8.  How did Alexander Hamilton impact the economic policy of Washington?

9.  What were two functions of the national bank?

10.  Contrast Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s interpretations of the Constitution.

11.  Why was the south against Hamilton’s plan for a high tariff?

12.  What did the tax on whiskey lead to?

13.  How did Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?

14.  What did the Whiskey Rebellion prove?

4-2 p. 164-167

1.  What is a faction?

2.  Why were so many people against the development of factions?

3.  What were the two political parties of the 1790s?

4.  Explain three differences between Federalists and Republicans.

5.  What type of people supported Thomas Jefferson and the Republican Party?

6.  What was the primary argument of the Federalist Party and Alexander Hamilton?

7.  Who supported the Federalist Party?

8.  Who won the President and Vice President Elections in 1796, and what political party did they represent?

9.  Why do you think these two people in office would cause problems?

4-3 p. 168-171

1.  What land was given to the U.S. according to the Treaty of Paris?

2.  In what way were the British in the Northwest Territory affecting the U.S.?

3.  How were Americans acquiring the lands of the Native Americans?

4.  Who won the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

5.  What resulted from the Treaty of Greenville?

6.  How was the French Revolution similar to the American Revolution?

7.  When France and Britain went to war, why did the U.S. decide to remain neutral?

8.  What is impressment?

9.  How heavily did the U.S. rely on Britain for trade?

10.  Why did the Republicans disagree with Jay’s Treaty?

11.  Why did the Federalists agree with Jay’s Treaty?

12.  What were the two main arguments that Washington made in his Farewell Address?

13.  What four main things did Washington accomplish during his presidency?

4-4 p. 172-175

1.  Why did France believe that U.S. needed to support them against Britain?

2.  What was the XYZ Affair?

3.  How did the XYZ Affair get its name?

4.  Due to war fever, what did President Adams do?

5.  Why did the Federalists not trust immigrants?

6.  What was the Alien Act?

7.  How was the Alien Act a violation of democratic principles?

8.  What was the Sedition Act?

9.  How was the Sedition Act a violation of the First Amendment?

10.  How did the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions relate to state’s rights in three different ways?