Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)

Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber

1) Carbohydrate digestion begins in the

A) stomach.

B) small intestine.

C) large intestine.

D) mouth.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 104

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

2) The process of photosynthesis produces which of the following molecules?

A) glucose

B) fructose

C) glycogen

D) triglycerides

Answer: A

Page Ref: 100

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

3) The function of glycogen is to

A) store energy in plants.

B) create membrane structures in plants.

C) lower blood glucose levels when they rise after a meal.

D) store glucose in humans and animals.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 103

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

4) Which of the following substances is not a polysaccharide?

A) galactose

B) fiber

C) glycogen

D) starch

Answer: A

Page Ref: 102

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

5) Which of the following statements regarding the amount of carbohydrate you should consume daily is incorrect?

A) The minimum amount of carbohydrate needed for the brain to function efficiently is 130 grams per day.

B) The AMDR for carbohydrates is 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories.

C) Eating the recommended daily servings for each food group in MyPyramid will ensure that you meet your minimum amount of carbohydrate.

D) In the United States, adult males and females consume more than the minimum DRI for carbohydrates.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 110

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

6) Which of the following structures is the starchy part of a grain kernel?

A) germ

B) endosperm

C) bran

D) husk

Answer: B

Page Ref: 112

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

7) Which of the following statements about enriched wheat bread is false?

A) It is missing phytochemicals that are found in whole wheat bread.

B) It is missing the fiber that is found in whole wheat bread.

C) It is missing the thiamin, niacin, and folate that are found in whole wheat bread.

D) It is made from the endosperm of the wheat kernel.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 112, 113

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

8) Which part of the grain kernel contains vitamin E and heart-healthy fats?

A) germ

B) endosperm

C) bran

D) husk

Answer: A

Page Ref: 113

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

9) To which of the following organs do monosaccharides go after absorption?

A) pancreas

B) gallbladder

C) liver

D) small intestine

Answer: C

Page Ref: 104

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

10) People with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase cannot properly digest

A) starch.

B) table sugar.

C) milk sugar.

D) fiber.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 104

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

11) Which of the following statements about lactose intolerance is incorrect?

A) Clinical signs include diarrhea.

B) All dairy foods must be completely eliminated from the diet.

C) Lactase pills can help prevent symptoms.

D) Cheese is better tolerated than milk.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 106

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

12) After the release of insulin, which of the following events will not occur?

A) Excess glucose will be stored in your muscles as glycogen.

B) Excess glucose will be stored in your fat cells as fat.

C) Excess glucose will be stored in your liver as glycogen.

D) Excess glucose will be stored in your liver as starch.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 107

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

13) Which of the following statements regarding diabetes in children is true?

A) The last few decades have shown a steady decrease of diabetes among those under the age of 20.

B) Children with diabetes have fewer medical complications from the disease because they are able to adapt to the changes in glucose metabolism.

C) Type 1 is not the only type of diabetes seen in children.

D) Obesity is not a risk factor for diabetes in children.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 121, 124, 125

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.6

Section: 4.6

14) What is the source of glucose to supply the energy needs in a person who has not eaten for seven hours?

A) stored fat

B) muscle protein

C) liver glycogen

D) the brain

Answer: C

Page Ref: 107-109

Skill: Application

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

15) When does glycogenesis occur?

A) when a person's blood glucose level dips too low

B) when there is excess glucose in the blood

C) when a person is fasting and glucose is generated from noncarbohydrate sources

D) during an emergency, when glycogen is broken down to release glucose

Answer: B

Page Ref: 107

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

16) Approximately how long does it take for liver glycogen stores to be depleted?

A) 4 hours

B) 8 hours

C) 12 hours

D) 18 hours

Answer: D

Page Ref: 109

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

17) Which of the following statements about ketosis is incorrect?

A) It causes your blood to become slightly acidic.

B) Ketone bodies are the by-products of the incomplete breakdown of fat.

C) It occurs when glycogen is broken down into glucose for energy.

D) It often occurs in people who consume a low-carbohydrate diet.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 109

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

18) The reason people who follow a low-carbohydrate diet are often in ketosis is that

A) they eat too much protein.

B) they eat inadequate amounts of fat.

C) they are unable to break down fat completely.

D) their diet lacks sufficient fiber.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 109

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

19) According to the latest DRIs, what is the recommended minimum amount of carbohydrates that should be consumed daily?

A) 25 grams

B) 50 grams

C) 130 grams

D) 250 grams

Answer: C

Page Ref: 110

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

20) The current DRIs recommend that you consume ______grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat.

A) 5

B) 14

C) 28

D) 35

Answer: B

Page Ref: 111

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.4

Section: 4.4

21) Which of the following conditions in a person with diabetes does not result from nerve damage?

A) numbness in the toes, feet, legs, and hands

B) a decreased ability to feel changes in temperature or pain in the legs and feet

C) changes in sexual function

D) cloudy vision and eventual blindness

Answer: D

Page Ref: 125

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.6

Section: 4.6

22) Which of the following hormones does not increase blood glucose levels?

A) glucagon

B) epinephrine

C) adrenaline

D) insulin

Answer: D

Page Ref: 107

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

23) Which of the following statements concerning sugar is correct?

A) Eating sugar causes hyperactivity in children.

B) Eating sugar can contribute to dental caries.

C) Eating sugar is a direct cause of diabetes.

D) Eating sugar makes one gain weight.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 117

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

24) Which of the following sugar substitutes was removed by the National Toxicology Program from the list of substances that could potentially cause cancer?

A) saccharin

B) mannitol

C) aspartame

D) sucralose

Answer: A

Page Ref: 132

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.7

Section: 4.7

25) Which of the following statements about aspartame is incorrect?

A) It is composed of two amino acids.

B) Its trade name is Sweet 'N Low.

C) People with PKU should monitor its intake.

D) The FDA has concluded that it is safe to consume it.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 131-132

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.7

Section: 4.7

26) Which of the following statements does not present a health benefit attributed to eating insoluble fiber?

A) It lowers the risk of developing diverticulosis.

B) It lowers the risk of developing constipation.

C) It lowers the risk of developing obesity.

D) It lowers the risk of developing kidney disease.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 135

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.8

Section: 4.8

27) Which of the following statements about type 1 diabetes is incorrect?

A) It usually begins in childhood.

B) The immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

C) Insulin is produced, but cells are not using it properly.

D) Daily insulin injections are required.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 118

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.6

Section: 4.6

28) If poorly managed, diabetes can increase the likelihood of all of the following outcomes except

A) eye diseases.

B) kidney disease.

C) breast cancer.

D) amputations of limbs.

Answer: C

Page Ref: 125, 127

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.6

Section: 4.6

29) Which of the following is not the name of a sugar?

A) dextrose

B) lignin

C) malt syrup

D) high-fructose corn syrup

Answer: B

Page Ref: 119

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

30) Which of the following foods is most likely to promote dental caries?

A) raisins

B) cheese

C) chewing gum with xylitol

D) carrots

Answer: A

Page Ref: 118

Skill: Comprehension

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

31) Which of the following carbohydrates is also known as table sugar?

A) sucrose

B) maltose

C) fructose

D) lactose

Answer: A

Page Ref: 101

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

32) Which of the following carbohydrates is made from two glucose units joined together?

A) lactose

B) galactose

C) sucrose

D) maltose

Answer: D

Page Ref: 101

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

33) Which of the following carbohydrates is the storage form of glucose in animals?

A) starch

B) glycogen

C) fiber

D) glucose

Answer: B

Page Ref: 103

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

34) Which of the following carbohydrates is a chain of glucose units found in plants only?

A) starch

B) glycogen

C) maltose

D) fiber

Answer: A

Page Ref: 102

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

35) Which of the following carbohydrates is also known as milk sugar?

A) glucose

B) maltose

C) lactose

D) sucrose

Answer: C

Page Ref: 101

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

36) ______should not be given to infants younger than one year of age because of the risk of botulism.

A) High-fructose corn syrup

B) Brown sugar

C) Honey

D) Molasses

Answer: C

Page Ref: 119

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

37) The disaccharide lactose is composed of glucose and

A) fructose.

B) sucrose.

C) maltose.

D) galactose.

Answer: D

Page Ref: 101

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

38) The enzyme ______begins the digestion of starch in the mouth.

A) lactase

B) amylase

C) maltase

D) sucrase

Answer: B

Page Ref: 104

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

39) The ______converts galactose and fructose to glucose.

A) stomach

B) pancreas

C) liver

D) gall bladder

Answer: C

Page Ref: 104

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.2

Section: 4.2

40) The ______refers to the measured upward rise, peak, and eventual fall of blood glucose following the consumption of a carbohydrate-intense food.

A) glycemic index

B) glucose capacity

C) diabetic index

D) anemia-prevention index

Answer: A

Page Ref: 129

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.6

Section: 4.6

41) Both fat and ______are important sources of stored energy.

A) glucagon

B) glycogen

C) hydrogen

D) fiber

Answer: B

Page Ref: 107

Skill: Comprehension

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

42) Epinephrine can stimulate ______to quickly flood the blood with glucose.

A) gluconeogenesis

B) ketoacidosis

C) ketosis

D) glycogenolysis

Answer: D

Page Ref: 109

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

43) When too much sugar is consumed in the diet, glucose in the blood exceeds the body's need for energy, and glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, and as ______in fat tissue.

A) ketone bodies

B) glycerol

C) triglycerides

D) glucagon

Answer: C

Page Ref: 117

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

44) All sugar substitutes must be approved by the ______before they are allowed in food products sold in the United States.





Answer: B

Page Ref: 130

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.7

Section: 4.7

45) The artificial sweetener Splenda contains ______, which is a modified sucrose molecule.

A) sucralose

B) saccharin

C) sorbitol

D) aspartame

Answer: A

Page Ref: 131

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.7

Section: 4.7

46) ______cells and red blood cells rely on glucose for energy.

A) Basal

B) Skin

C) Cone

D) Brain

Answer: D

Page Ref: 100

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

47) Plants make glucose through a process called

A) respiration.

B) photosynthesis.

C) mitosis.

D) acceleration.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 100

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.1

Section: 4.1

48) Which of the following items is not a number-one source of added sugars in the American diet?

A) sports drinks

B) energy drinks

C) breakfast cereals

D) sodas

Answer: C

Page Ref: 120-121

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.5

Section: 4.5

49) The sugar substitute aspartame is composed of two ______acids.

A) amino

B) lactic

C) deoxyribonucleic

D) fatty

Answer: A

Page Ref: 132

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.7

Section: 4.7

50) Insulin and glucagon are hormones released by the

A) liver.

B) pancreas.

C) stomach.

D) brain.

Answer: B

Page Ref: 107-109

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.3

Section: 4.3

51) Viscous soluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol levels by interfering with the reabsorption of ______in the intestines.

A) sugar

B) protein

C) uric acid

D) bile acids

Answer: D

Page Ref: 136

Skill: Knowledge

Learning Outcome: 4.8

Section: 4.8

52) The creation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources (primarily proteins) is called