Chapter 34: Free to Wander

Rusty, back mid afternoon from the shopping trip, is alone with Raow in Arannita’s sitting room. Raow tells Rusty of his report to the crew and continues, “It may turn out that Arannita keeps us with her in this part of the house. I hope not, because although that would be okay, we may miss background or important chitchat among the men. It will be much better if we’re free to roam at will.What do you think?”

“I agree,” replies Rusty… “Perhaps if we do get stuck in here with Arannita, we can become active and noisy at night when she’s trying to sleep. Then we might get to stay with her through the day and be in our own room off the kitchen at night. Our plan should be to prove ourselves most affectionate with this woman, and where possible stay close to the men. We also need to work our way into their good books. Our pervasion needs to be as deep as possible. Our mission is to be everywhere: see and hear everything: because who knows what may prove useful. I guess we’ll soon see ‘how the colour shows,’ Meantime, sshhh! Someone’s coming.”

* * *

“Goodness Sharky, I see what you mean about the boat. It was just as well I had a good look at it or I wouldn’t have believed you. The rest of the gear too, it’s a mess. It’s damned expensive repairing, replacing and buying, additional equipment. This does not please me at all. Although as you know, we have a very nice margin in this job. Which is just as well under the circumstances. Do I understand these things correctly? Firstly, the men have gone to this shearing job. Secondly, the three of you will handle everything we’ve agreed to. Thirdly, by tonight there will be enough progress for me to make a meaningful time estimate for a return to the harvest. You recall I am sure, full delivery is promised on time.”

“Arannita, I’m as committed to this as you are, in fact we’re all dedicated,” says Sharky. “Progress today has been satisfactory, so let’s meet tonight and confirm what we know then.”

* * *

Around the sitting room fire that night, Sharky reports, “We’ve sourced new planking for the damaged deck, and the cabin window frames are away for re-glazing. The harpoon itself wasn’t damaged, so it’s just as well we salvaged it off the rocks. However the deck plate and stand, and the for’ard derrick were beyond repair. Replacements should be here by Friday. We agree there is no point in attempting to repair all the other hail damage, apart from railings and the cabin roof hatch. By Sunday we should be finished re-fitting, including the depth-sounding, radar and radio gear. I’ve estimated the total cost as around eight and a half thousand dollars.”

“Yep,” Mystery chips in, “Colin and I ordered the new equipment. On Friday we’ll sort and allocate the gear for each pair of men. Anything to add, Colin?”

“Nah… Except, I’m still not too happy with this thirteen new men business. I really don’t like it.”

Arannita sits quietly as the men report and comment. But Rusty watches her gently drumming fingers on the chair arm… little finger to thumb, she beats a tattoo over, over and over again, first with her left hand and then the right. He sees a frown narrow her eyes. Her lips tighten until they are firmly compressed. Rusty senses the barely restrained “tut-tut” of judgment hanging about Arannita like a heavy, drab, pewter curtain. Raow, eyes agleam, and with whiskers attuned - quivering like antennae, enjoys the tension passing unnoticed by the men. Whew! Responsibility for the Motley Crew’s safety is apparent in the lad’s wide eyes, open pupils and shallow breathing; signs unnoticed by Arannita in her atmosphere around the fireside. .

“You’ve finished then?” asks Arannita, picking up her diary. “I’ve checked the long range weather forecast, and it’s likely there will be settled weather and good sea conditions, starting late next week. If this is so, we have four days to get there and do the job, before a return to storms is forecast, with an extensive low coming in from the northwest. Based on my initial plan, you’ll use the same landing places and harvesting areas. With twice the number of men on sites two to five, they’ll work in pairs north and south of their camps. Numbers one and six will each have one pair on the job. I look upon your first fiasco as a trial run for this, the real thing. If you screw up, I’ll decorate the yard with your entrails.

“Assuming you are correct that the re-fit will be complete by Sunday. I want these new men here on Monday for training, and getting them thinking my way – that’s important.” Arannita continues, “These men must be prepared for what they are going to do. But you had better all understand real well; the less they know the happier I will be. A letter has come into my hands… the Conservation Department has authorized me to catch and trap large numbers of a significant range of species. It’s all for the purpose of relocation to new reserves in the interests of conservation. This is a brilliant masterstroke on my part. The minister himself has signed it. This document will convince everyone of our legitimacy, should it be needed – except the minister, of course,” says Arannita with a thin, wan smile. “Mystery, you and Colin organize things for Monday, and report to me that night how training has gone. I expect everything to be completed as you have outlined.

“Rusty and my cameo boy Cameus will stay with me through the day, and I’ll make sure we’re seen by all the idiots who come nosing down to the end of this private road, especially at weekends. Cameus and Rusty at night! Well I’m not sure yet. I don’t want my sleep disturbed, so we’ll see… One of you men, bring some more firewood to my sitting room.”

With Raow in her arms and Rusty walking at her side, Arannita exits without a backward glance.

* * *

“Goodness me! Raow,” says Rusty. “We heard their plan, complete with timing and everything. But I’m still keen to hear the background to all of this. Like alternative possibilities, and things the men are not pleased about, or are puzzled by. Tonight’s our chance to get away from Arannitta’s tender care. It’s pretty much full moon, so I could do the ‘howling at the moon’ thing. That certainly won’t endear me to her. What about you Raow? What are your idea’s to get us kicked out at night, but not outside the house please!”

“Purring, that’s the trick Rusty – loud purring. Scratching too, I could really go for it with the scratching. It jiggles the bed very well and with my juicy rumbling… on a bed at night people hate it, trust me. It’ll be easy, especially with that highly tensioned jack-spring Arannita, waiting to explode like a ‘Jack-in-a-Box.’ Tonight we’re in. Tomorrow we’re out. Between times we’ll be perfectly adorable pets, eh? How’s about that Rusty?”

Nodding, with a big wolf-like grin Rusty acknowledges his happy assent, and adds “Wouldn’t it be great fun if the boss lady leapt out singing, ‘Pop goes the Weasel’”

* * *

“Right, you two – SCRAM! Out, OUT, O - U - T… Take your blasted bed wobbling and noise. Quarter to one in the morning and I can’t get a wink of sleep… I’ve never heard the likes of it!” mutters Arannita, as, flinging the door open, she shepherds two animal companions out into the dark hallway.

“I’ll sort you two in the morning. Now go and find yourselves a place out in the storeroom off the kitchen. And, damn well be quiet. Or else…”

* * *

“Well that worked, didn’t it? I hardy dared to think we’d do it the first night, with full moon and all. What a treat! Tomorrow we’ll ingratiate ourselves back into her good books. Do you know what ingratiate means, Raow?” Rusty continues, “I thought using a word like that would help make us feel at home… remind us of the whole crew and the word games Ginger, Phantaloom and the others play, whenever they can think of a big word to throw into the conversation. What do you reckon Raow?”

“I wouldn’t have a cluesner, Rusty. You know I’m the one that looks handsome and ‘oh so pretty.’ You don’t expect me to be clever at stuff too, do you? I’m stumble–bum Raow, remember! That’s a reputation to live up to, don’t you know? So, while you’re thinking about my new word ‘cluesner’ and its meaning, tell me about ingratiate.”

“Well it’s something like being in ‘great favour,’ I heard one of the men say, “Look at those animals greasing up to Nitta – disgusting isn’t it?’ That’s pretty much the thought of it. I reckon we’ll have to watch ourselves around those three men, keeping pretty much out of their way, and being quiet.”

“Ok then, we’d better report now that no one is about to overhear. Someone will have set the receiver to record automatically, so here goes,” says Raow.

“Pip, pip, pip,” sounds in the nerve centre back home, as Rusty touches his dog tag disc…

“Rusty here, confirming Raow’s earlier report. Sharky and Colin are staying with the Sea Ace. The second boat is owned and piloted by Hank, a friend of Sharky’s. Mystery will work with Hank. That’s a total of twenty-four men. You have until the middle of next week to organize a counter measure to their landing. Subject to confirmation, Thursday is time for action, according to Arannitta’s plan, which she’s reckoned from long-range weather forecast information... Out.”