UPDATE: Salute 2014

August 14-15, 2014: 400 wedding posters from SUA members and non-members alike, were on exhibit at Vermilion College in Ely, MN. Weddings dated from 1897 -2013. Amazing to know that hundreds of Minnesotan/Slovenians participated in this preservation project.

The weddings, each a visual document in Minnesota history, each life influenced directly or indirectly by Monsignor Joseph F. Buh, Patriarch of the Duluth Diocese, Vicar General. The exhibit is an amplified, outward announcement as to the influence of the Slovenian heritage in Minnesota.

It was an immense and intense project. Weddings photos continue to arrive, and so I will continue accepting wedding photographs for this preservation program. There will be no deadline.

I feel assured that spirited Minnesota SUA members and non-members alike will take it upon themselves to each submit 1-2 more wedding photos. I look forward to receiving them.

Digital copies of the wedding posters will be placed in the following repositories: Ely-Winton Historical Society, Iron Range Historical Society, St. Louis County Historical County and the National and University Library of Ljubljana (NUK) who has requested the wedding project for their archives, to be a virtual exhibit.

Included below is the initial announcement with procedures with my name and contact information. Mary Lou Deyak Voelk


Salute 2014

“It’s Who You Are" Vermilion Community College, Ely, Minnesota

August 15, 2014

Wanted: Wedding Photos!

This is an opportune time in our history to document Slovenian American influence in Minnesota. 3-4 generations have passed since the first Slovenian immigrants arrived. With the SUA 4 branches in Minnesota working on the project, it can happen.

Submit scanned family wedding photos for this historical preservation project; great grandparents, grandparents, parents, yours truly, your children, grandchildren. Each submitted photo will be exhibited in poster format at Salute 2014. Digitized copies will be deposited at the Slovenian Union of America, Ely-Winton Historical Society, Iron Range Historical Society, St. Louis County Historical Society and the National and University Library in Ljubljana.

Celebrate your heritage, it’s who you are!

Follow this procedure: (see attached wedding poster)

1.Bride and/or groom who were either born or raised, or married in Minnesota and of Slovenian ancestry

2. Scan photos; save in jpg form

3. Include as much of the following information: (see attached wedding poster)

Name of bride and groom; include bride’s surname


4. Town, church, date and officiant

EX: St. Anthony Church, Rev. Fr Joseph Buh

Ely, Minnesota

August 8, 1924

5. Name of the wittnesses , if known ( L TO R:)

6. *No deadline for submitting scanned photographs; this is a preservation project.*

7. Do you have a wedding dress for the exhibit? Contact Mary Lou


  1. Accepting wedding photo from any year, 1800’s to 2014! There is no limit to the number of wedding photos submitted.
  2. Do not have to be a member of the SUA. Everyone welcome to become part of this collection. Any other question? contact Mary Lou.

Mary Lou Deyak Voelk (251-968-4364 home)