Chapter 3 The English Establish 13 Colonies Unit Test Study Guide

What did I Learn?

1.  What is the name of England’s first American colony?

2.  What is another name for the Roanoke colony?
The Lost Colony

3.  Who brought the first tobacco crop to Jamestown?
John Rolfe

4.  Why did Raleigh name the colony Virginia?
After the unmarried or virgin queen (Elizabeth I)

5.  Explain the reasons why Jamestown survived.
John Rolfe marries Pocahontas brings temporary peace, lord De La Warr brings relief ships and imposes discipline, Tobacco transforms the colony

6.  Explain the “Starving Time” in Jamestown?
settlers ate rodents, snakes, boot leather and other humans to survive the winter

7.  What 2 documents helped establish self-rule and a foundation for democracy?
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower Compact

8.  What country did the separatists flee to before coming to America?

9.  What religious issue was important to the early colonies of New England?
Religious tolerance

10.  Members of the Church of England are called what?

11.  What was the only colony in New England to tolerate all Christian religions and Judaism?
Rhode Island

12.  What colony was founded by a banished Roger Williams?
Rhode Island

13.  What 4 ways did Puritans persecute Quakers?
Banished, whipped, jailed and hanged

14.  What are the Puritan values?
Hard work, education, representative government

15.  Dominant religious group in Massachusetts who were known to persecute the Quakers?

16.  Explain how Massachusetts “seeded” New England.
Because Puritans were intolerant of other religious groups because they did not share the same beliefs; many were banished and some left on their own. Those that left started other colonies to include Rhode Island (Roger Williams) Connecticut (Thomas Hooker) New Hampshire (John Wheelwright)

17.  What role did the monarch play in the founding of Maryland?
King Charles I was a Catholic sympathizer and awarded his friend Lord Baltimore with land in America to establish a safe Haven for Catholics

18.  What nation owned the territory south of the Georgia Colony?
Spain owned the area known as Florida

19.  What was the significance of Charles Town (Charleston)?
It created tremendous wealth for the Carolina colony because of its access to the Atlantic Ocean and its close proximity to the West Indies, The town also became a refuge for Huguenots

20.  Which colony was to be a haven for Catholics?

21.  What 3 features attracted settlers to the Carolinas?
Large land grants, Religious tolerance, Representative government

22.  What eventually happened to the Georgia colony?
Slavery was legalized, it became a plantation economy, it became a royal colony

23.  What was the primary use for indigo?
It created a blue dye

24.  What did the Act of Toleration forbid?
Religious Persecution in Maryland (specifically to protect Catholics)

25.  What kinds of people did James Oglethorpe want to help?
Poor, debtors, criminals to help establish small farms

26.  According to Oglethorpe’s plan what 2 groups should be excluded from the Georgia colony and why?
Catholics because of the Spanish Catholics in Florida (he did not want them to collude and take over Georgia) and Slaves (he did not want Georgia to turn into a plantation economy like Carolina)

27.  New Netherland and Pennsylvania were known for their tolerance and what else?
Great diversity

28.  What are the Quaker values?
Hard work and thrift (the careful management of money)

29.  Why did the English view New Netherland as a threat? What events eventually transpired?
It was viewed as a threat like a wedge that separated New England form the rest of the colonies in the south

30.  What did William Penn want to do in Pennsylvania?
Show Quaker ideals at work as “An holy experiment” in Quaker religious tolerance

31.  What colony was formed from 3 counties that were granted their own assembly by William Penn?

32.  What was the significance of the Hudson and Delaware rivers?
They encouraged shipping and commerce

33.  What similarities are there between New Jersey and the Carolinas?
They both offered land grants, religious tolerance and representative government as ways to attract settlers to their colonies

34.  Explain how the English took New Netherland.
King Charles II had his brother the Duke of York take ships to drive out the Dutch, but once the ships arrived they surrendered without a fight. The colony was renamed New York

35.  What 2 main crops were exported to England from the Southern colonies?
Tobacco and Rice

36.  What physical feature provided a natural barrier to western expansion?
Appalachian Mountains

37.  Explain the two (2) ways voting rights were expanded.
John Winthrop changed the definition of freeman from Investor to Church member and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut got rid the requirement to be a church member all together

First settlements: Roanoke (Lost Colony), Jamestown (first permanent settlement), Plymouth (Separatists/Mayflower)

New England Colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

Middle Colonies: New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey

Southern Colonies: Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

Native American Groups: Wampanoag (Plymouth), Powhattan (Jamestown), Croatoan (Roanoke)