Unit 1 Enrichment Projects

These enrichment options start 1/4/11, and should be turned in by Chapter 3 Test.

You may complete as many of the enrichments as you wish, however it would be far more practical to focus on one or two.

  • Write a 1-page Compare-and-Contrast essay. Subject topics include prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes or plant cells vs. animal cells. If you have another topic you wish to explore, you may propose it to me before writing.– 20 pts
  • Create a Sketchbook of microscope slide drawings. Must contain sketches from at least 10 different specimens. Each specimen must have Scanning, Low, and High power sketches, and must be appropriately labeled. If the specimen has identifiable parts, those should also be labeled. You may bring in your own specimens or use ones available in the classroom.– 40 pts
  • Create a 3-D model of a eukaryotic cell, complete with labels and appropriate organelles. Be creative! – 40 pts
  • Create a Protein Synthesis and Packaging Flowchart. You can be creative! Make it a poster or display that could be put up in the classroom. – 30 pts
  • Write a 2-3 pageResearch Paper about a cellular scientist and the importance of his or her contributions. Paper should include biographical information, their major contributions to science, and the importance of their contributions to cellular science.– 30pts
  • Complete the Cell Organelle Dysfunction Web Quest located at Print off your answers from the Web Quest and turn them in. If you have any questions about how to complete a Web Quest, feel free to ask. – 20 pts.

Requirements for all assignments: These activities are your chance to enrich your knowledge, and to enrich your grade. Always make sure the information is accurate and complete. Work to the best of your abilities or beyond! Sloppy or half-completed activities will not be accepted. My normal late work policy does not apply; late work is not accepted.

Paper/essay requirements:Typed, double spaced, font size no larger than 12pt, margin size no larger than 1” on the sides. Font should be standard and easy to read. Grammar and spelling should be as close to perfect as possible. (Don’t forget to proofread!) Plagiarism is absolutely not tolerated, and will result in a negative (less than zero) grade. All sources should be cited. Wikipedia is fine, but must be bolstered by at least two other sources.

Poster/Display/Model requirements: Be creative! You may use whatever materials you wish and whatever techniques. Posters and displays should be visible enough to be posted in the classroom. Models should be durable enough to survive a few weeks in class. Of course, you may take them home if you wish.

If you have any questions about materials, equipment, time, information, proofreading, or anything else relating to these projects, just ask or email me!