
Chapter 27: The Vietnam Era, 1954-1976 Review Sheet 1

Key Idea 8.7: The period after WWII has been characterized by an ideological and political struggle, first between the US and communism during the Cold War, then between the US and forces of instability in the Middle East. Increased economic interdependence and competition, as well as environmental concerns, are challenges faced by the US.

Objective 8.7b: The US based its military and diplomatic policies from 1945-1990 on a policy of containment of communism.

Carefully read pages 906-909 and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences

1.  In 1945, the Japanese controlled Vietnam until WWII ended. The Vietnamese hoped to rule themselves, but the French took control of the land as they had before World War Two. Ho Chi Minh, the North Vietnamese leader, asked the US to help them remove the French. Why did the US refuse to help?

2.  The US eventually helped the French fight Vietnam. What was the result?

3.  What were the Geneva Accords?

4.  Why were no elections held in South Vietnam even thought they were promised?

5.  What kind of help did the US give South Vietnam from 1954-1963?

Chapter 27: The Vietnam Era, 1954-1976 Review Sheet 2

Objective 8.7b: The US based its military and diplomatic policies from 1945-1990 on a policy of containment of communism.

Carefully read pages 910-915 and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences

1.  Describe the chaos that took place in South Vietnam after Ngo Dinh Diem died.

2.  What was President Johnson’s policy toward Vietnam?

3.  Why did Lyndon Johnson begin bombing North Vietnam?

4.  How did the fighting in Vietnam differ from other wars the US fought?

5.  What is a “conscientious objector?”

6.  Why was the Tet Offensive considered a turning point in the war?


Chapter 27: The Vietnam Era, 1954-1976 Review Sheet 3

Objective 8.7c: Following the end of the Cold War, the US sought to define a new role in global affairs, but the legacies of Cold War actions continue to affect the US foreign policy today.

Carefully read pages 916-923 and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences

1.  Using the diagram on 916-17, how did the Vietcong use their physical environment to wage war?

2.  Describe Nixon’s “Vietnamization” plan. Did he stick to his plan? Explain.

3.  What was Henry Kissinger’s role in the peace process between Vietnam and America?

4.  How did the war end (once the US withdrew from Vietnam)?

5.  Look at the map on 919. From the Communists’ point of view, what were the advantages AND disadvantages of a supply line like the Ho Chi Minh Trail?

Chapter 27: The Vietnam Era, 1954-1976 Review Sheet 4

Objective 8.7c: Following the end of the Cold War, the US sought to define a new role in global affairs, but the legacies of Cold War actions continue to affect the US foreign policy today.

Carefully read pages 924-928 and answer the questions that follow in complete sentences

1.  Why was Nixon’s goal to improve relations with China surprising to Americans?

2.  What was the Watergate Scandal?

3.  Why did the Watergate affair bring Nixon down?

4.  Look at the cartoon on 926? What could have happened if Nixon did not resign?

5.  What can you conclude about the effect of the Vietnam War on US society from the evidence presented?