Chapter 2 – The Middle Ages and Renaissance


Quiz 1 – True/False

_____1. The term “Middle Ages” was the term used by monks in the Middle Ages who believed the church of their day was the center of all human history.

_____2. In the early Middle Ages the Pope became an arbitrator in disputes that erupted between churches and bishops.

_____ 3. The Concordat of Worms, in September 1122, successfully put an end to secular influence over the appointment of bishops.

______4. Medieval religious life allowed women considerably more autonomy and authority than did secular life.

_____5. The doctrinal point at the heart of the “Great Schism” of 1054 was the filioque.

_____6. The point of conciliarism was to replace the papacy with a democratically elected form of church governance.

_____7. An indulgence was purchased for the forgiveness of sins.

_____8. Humanism was primarily concerned with the substance of ideas.

_____9. Erasmus advocated the universalization of Latin.

_____10. Erasmus’ work in providing the New Testament in Greek illustrated the supremacy of the Latin Vulgate.

Quiz 2 – Short Answer

1. Which bishop began to be perceived, by convention if not by official pronouncement, to stand above all other bishops?

2.Upon whose teachings is Islam based?

3. What was at the root of the iconoclastic controversies of the 8th Century?

4. The practice of bishops being appointed in exchange for spiritual benefits or political gain is referred to as______.

5. The debate over whether or not the Holy Spirit precedes “from the Father” or “from the Father and the Son” is know as the ______.

6. The “Investiture Controversy” referred primarily to:

7. Which university was widely regarded as the epicenter of medieval theology by Christian intellectuals of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries?

8. What is the difference between an “apologetic” work and a “theological” work?

9. What is the root claim of Aquina’s five arguments for the existence of God?

10. How many sacraments does the Medieval Church determine there to be? What are they?

Quiz 3 – Multiple Choice

1. The Celtic church is seen as a threat to the Roman church for which of the following reasons:

  1. The laity does not speak Latin.
  2. The abbot is seen as the spiritual authority.
  3. The Irish monks believe in non-Christian spirits.
  4. The Irish churches worship outdoors rather than in cathedrals.

2. “Charlemagne” means:

  1. Charles the Winemaker
  2. Charles the Man
  3. Charles the Great
  4. Charles the Hairy

3. What is one of the primary considerations in the Christianization of Russia?

  1. The debate over real presence
  2. The iconoclastic controversy
  3. The appointment of the bishop
  4. The Latin mass

4. The “Gregorian Reforms included each of the following except:

  1. Condemnation of simony
  2. Reassertion of a celibate priesthood
  3. Centralization of ecclesiastical governance
  4. Cessation of the selling of indulgences

5. Canon Law” refers to:

  1. Laws of military engagement
  2. Laws of music composition
  3. Laws of the church
  4. Laws of governance

6. The Crusades spanned the course of roughly _____ years.

  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 500
  4. 1,000

7. In order to encourage the Cardinals to choose a new Pope quickly, which of the following is strictly regulated?

  1. Their access to food
  2. Their rights to conjugal visits
  3. Their political power
  4. Their opportunities for worship

8. The most famous work of scholastic theology, the Summa Theologiae, was written by:

  1. Anselm of Laon
  2. Peter Abalard
  3. Thomas Aquinas
  4. Duns Scotus

9. “Conciliarism” refers to the movement which held that:

  1. The authority to appoint priests would reside in local congregational councils
  2. The appointment of bishops should be made by area councils of priests
  3. The appointment of all church leaders should be made with an effort towards reconciliation
  4. The authority of the church would be invested in a council rather than the Pope

10. Each of the following is characteristic of the Gothic architecture of the Renaissance except:

  1. High ceilings
  2. Stained glass windows
  3. Tall, thin, interior columns
  4. Comfortable pews

Quiz 4 – Multiple Choice

1. Which Pope first posits arguments in support of centralized papal authority?

  1. Pope Paul
  2. Pope Gregory
  3. Pope Leo
  4. Pope Benedict

Who is popularly associated with the Christianizing of Ireland?

  1. Pope Celestine I
  2. Pope Gregory
  3. MagonusSucatusPatricius
  4. Augustine of Canterbury

2. In what century did Islam begin to spread?

  1. 2nd
  2. 4th
  3. 7th
  4. 9th

3. The name “university” initially implied that universities were governed by:

  1. The bishops and priests
  2. The princes and lords
  3. The masters and scholars
  4. The goldsmiths and barbers

4. The primary reason for the crusades was:

  1. Retribution against the Eastern Church for the Great Schism
  2. Elimination of Islam
  3. Recovery of land taken by militant Muslims
  4. Unemployment

5. The name of the “Mendicant” orders is derived from the Latin word for:

  1. Male
  2. Begging
  3. Rural
  4. Obedience

6. What is the name of the fourteenth century poem which details a journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven?

  1. The Divine Comedy
  2. The Divine Tragedy
  3. Hind’s Feet in High Places
  4. Journey to the Ends of the Earth

7. When did the movement known as “conciliarism” die out?

  1. At the fall of Constantinople
  2. The death of Thomas Aquinas
  3. The ending of the western Great Schism
  4. The Council of Trent

8. The western church’s “cult of the saints” includes all of the following practices except:

  1. Commemoriation
  2. Relics
  3. Iconography
  4. Pilgrimages

9. The heart of the Renaissance was located in:

  1. Oxford
  2. Paris
  3. Constantinople
  4. Florence

10. Each of the following was one of the major states involved in global exploration, and consequently the spread of Christianity, except:

  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. France
  4. Portugal

Quiz 5 – Multiple Choice

1. In 1054 ______happened, resulting in what is now referred to as the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches.

  1. The Great Divide
  2. The Great Divorce
  3. The Great Schism
  4. The Great Escape

2. What was the primary purpose of the earliest monastic and cathedral schools?

  1. The education of the laity
  2. The protection of children, especially orphans
  3. The education of the clergy
  4. The development of universities

3. The three core disciplines that made up a university education referred to as the trivium include each of the following except:

  1. Scripture
  2. Grammar
  3. Logic
  4. Rhetoric

4. Pope Innocent III explained the subordination of the state to the church by comparing the Pope to:

  1. God
  2. The supreme king
  3. The sun
  4. The alpha male

5. Which Religious order is known as the “Order of Preachers”?

  1. Benedictines
  2. Franciscans
  3. Dominicans
  4. Jesuits

6. The western “Great Schism” of the 14th century resulted in:

  1. A split between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism
  2. A split within Orthodoxy between Constantinople and Russia
  3. A split within Catholicism resulting in two competing popes
  4. A split within the Vatican over electoral procedures

7. John Wycliffe is best known for his argument in favor of:

  1. The selling of indulgences
  2. The cult of saints
  3. The translation of the Bible into English
  4. The practice of contemporary worship

8.Patron saints are understood as heavenly intercessor on behalf of:

  1. Nations
  2. Professions
  3. A and B
  4. Neither A nor B

9. When applied to the church, to what literature does ad fontesrefer?

  1. The Old Testament
  2. The New Testament
  3. The Summa Theologica
  4. The Book of Concord

10. Humanism was primarily concerned with:

  1. Eloquence
  2. Wisdom
  3. Justice
  4. Peace